Speaking of this, Xiao Motian paused a little and still didn't look at her: "Sure enough, when I was 18 years old, I went back to the capital. One day, my father called me and King Jing together and solemnly told us that Mo Lan was too small and too pure and good-natured to be a monarch. These years, I have been abroad, and King Jing has worked hard for him. He thinks we both have the ability and ability to unify the country. Therefore, he will not be like before The emperors of the past dynasties simply passed the throne to one of their princes. Instead, they will test us in all aspects to see who is more competent and choose one of us as his successor. "

"But what does this have to do with me?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked confusedly, feeling an unprecedented emptiness.

"Xiaoxiao, listen to me." Xiao Motian finally looked down at her and continued to say in a deep voice: "The last time I went back, my father asked both of us and said that King Jing and I had reached 20, and his test for both of us would officially begin for one year. In this year, he would gradually fade out of state affairs and hand over the government affairs to King Jing and me, so that we could put forward our own views and opinions on each matter and come up with a set of innovative plans for governing and rejuvenating the country. Who is strong and who is weak can be seen in a year. "

"At that time, King Jing told his father that he would find you first because he was looking for you. At that time, I also wanted to bring you here to heal, so I found some reasons to go back to Kong Lingshan first. My father was very unhappy to see that neither of us was in the mood to be a director, but he postponed the time for a few months and decided to let us go back to North Korea to manage politics together until the beginning of spring this year. Now, it's the last The deadline...... "Xiao Motian stopped, sighed in silence, and looked at Meng Xiaoxiao with deep eyes:" Xiaoxiao, do you understand? I must go back, or I will give him the throne. "

"Is the throne so important to you?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked after a long silence.

"Xiaoxiao, why can't you understand me?" Xiao Motian excitedly raised his tone, lost his usual calm and calm face, and became a little gloomy and stubborn: "I'm the eldest son of the royal family. The world should be mine. It's only natural for me to inherit the throne. Why should I give it to him?"

"In a country with a good mechanism, people should be appointed only by virtue, and those who are capable should go up and those who are mediocre. I think the emperor is very open-minded and wise to do so," Meng Xiaoxiao said softly.

"Xiaoxiao, don't you want to help me?" Xiao Motian held her hand, his black eyes were dark and flickering.

"How can I help you? What can I help you?" Meng Xiaoxiao involuntarily lowered his eyes, his chest was stuffy, as if he had blocked a heavy stone.

"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles." Xiao Motian still held her hand tightly and looked solemn and serious: "listen to me, Xiaoxiao, even if you do me a favor. First go back to him and disclose to me what he is doing and how to do these intelligence in time. I can know everything about him like the back of my hand. In this way, it's easy for me to win him and knock him down."

"You want me to be a spy?" Meng Xiaoxiao fiercely pushed away his hand, looked fierce and shook his head: "no! No! You two compete fairly, how can I do this? Besides, he doesn't trust me. When I go back, he won't give me access to his important things except punishing me!"

"No, he loves you!" Xiao Motian grabbed her hand again and said clearly and decisively, "I haven't interrupted my contact with the palace. He hasn't given up looking for you. In order to find you, he even did a lot of incredible things. I'm sure he really loves you. As long as you go back, he will be ecstatic."

"What are you talking about?" Meng Xiaoxiao stared at Xiao Motian, as if he had heard the myth in the Arabian Nights.

He said Xiao Moxuan loved her? Is that possible?

"I said he really loves you! When you go back, he won't care about you or prevent you as long as Microsoft and a little. It's a matter of day and night for you to win his trust." Xiao Motian said more specifically.

"Then, what about you?" Meng Xiaoxiao continued to look at him without blinking, his heart sinking a little, as if he had fallen into an abyss where he could not see the light: "do you really love me? Do you want me to come back to him for this? What will he do to me? Have you thought about me?"

"Xiaoxiao..." Xiao Motian looked at her quietly, and there was a deep pain in his eyes: "I don't want you to go to him, but I have no way. I have to get back what I deserve. You know, if I fight him like this, I can't win him."

"Then you would rather sacrifice me?" Meng Xiaoxiao's lips floated a bleak smile, which looked particularly desolate in the moonlight.

Although it's spring, how does she feel so cold? It's colder than when it snows.

"Forgive me, Xiaoxiao." Xiao Motian hugged her with both arms and said low, "it's not a sacrifice. I said it's only temporary. When I beat him, I'll marry you back. You're still my favorite Xiaoxiao."

"Hehe, my favorite Xiaoxiao?" Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help sneering and tears flashed in his eyes. "But at that time, can I go back to you? Have you ever thought that after I go back, he will never let me escape again. What should I do then? Accept all his punishment obediently?"

"He won't punish you, I'm sure of that." Xiao Motian said in a low voice, with a trace of weakness and weakness that he could feel himself: "also, Xiaoxiao, I really love you, and you don't need to question it."

"Then don't let me go back, Prince. I don't want to go back." Meng Xiaoxiao tightly grasped Xiao Motian's hand, and tears finally poured out: "now that I have you in my heart, you let me face him... I can't do it!"

"Xiaoxiao, do you know how I spend these years?" Xiao Motian said sadly as he gently wiped the tears on Meng Xiaoxiao's cheeks with his fingers: "I was sent here when I was three years old. I can't go back for the Spring Festival. My father and Emperor never came to see me. I can't do anything except Practice and study every day. Other children have played and enjoyed. I once sneaked out of the temple to play with cattle herding children, but master found me and beat me. He told me that I'm different from other children. I only Can stay here in good order to learn skills and recuperate. "

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