Meng Xiaoxiao stared round in surprise, raised his hand and stroked his pinched cheek, looking at the strange and familiar man in front of him.

What is this? Blame her? Obviously not.

Gardenia smiled happily and withdrew quietly.

"Lord, you don't look well..." finally, Meng Xiaoxiao's thinking returned to the original position and spewed out a sentence.

"Of course not, it's not because of you." Xiao Moxuan said, grabbed her little hand and stuck it tightly to his face. The corners of his lips raised a charming smile: "you touch my face, are you thin?"

"Thin..." Meng Xiaoxiao said honestly, subconsciously trying to retract his hand, but he was brought into his arms.

"It's all your fault, stubborn girl. How can you be so bad? Leave me and run away? Hmm? Is there such a cruel woman like you?" Xiao Moxuan said gnashing his teeth. His arms held her so tightly, as if he was afraid that she would disappear in an instant if he let go. He hugged her so hard that she couldn't breathe.

"Lord, I know I'm wrong, so I'm back." Meng Xiaoxiao knowingly admitted his mistake. He wanted to struggle but knew it would be invalid, so he simply stood still.

"Know you're wrong?" Xiao Moxuan picked a pair of dark and beautiful eyebrows and looked at her quite funny: "eh? Xiaoxiao, you've gone out and made a lot of progress. You'll know to admit your mistake as soon as you come back."

"Ha ha..." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled and blushed slightly, speechless.

"Xiaoxiao." Xiao Moxuan suddenly stopped the casual smile and called her low. His slender fingers touched her blushing cheek inch by inch: "do you know how much I miss you?"

"Lord, I'm not far from the capital these days..." Meng Xiaoxiao nervously organized his vocabulary and was ready to confess his fabricated lies to him first. Anyway, sooner or later, he couldn't escape his questioning.

"Don't say, needless to say, it's not important." Xiao Moxuan raised his hand and gently pressed her lips, almost sighing and whispering: "the important thing is that you're back."

"I have to explain to you..." Meng Xiaoxiao whispered, feeling more and more confused and a little uneasy. Why does this man feel so strange to her now?

"Don't explain, I said it's not important." Xiao Moxuan interrupted her again, with a smile on his lips: "now, I have something more important to find you."

"What?" Meng Xiaoxiao looked at him puzzled.

"Kiss you." Xiao Moxuan hugged her fiercely, his voice was dark and hoarse: "kiss you well."

Meng Xiaoxiao had no time to speak. He had bent his face and covered her soft red lips accurately.

He gently held her body and kissed her tenderly, lingering and carefully.

Just as Meng Xiaoxiao is now a fragile porcelain, he dare not be too fierce. He can only slowly feel her existence and kiss her with all kinds of love and cherish.

"Lord..." Meng Xiaoxiao gasped uncontrollably, his mind in chaos.

"Xiaoxiao, my Xiaoxiao..." he kissed her and repeatedly whispered her name.

The warm palm unconsciously inserted the girl's black silk hair and tightly held the back of her head, so that he could better absorb the sweetness between her lips.

"Lord, shall we talk?" Meng Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help but struggle to push him away.

"Don't move, Xiaoxiao. We'll talk about something later." Xiao Moxuan hugged her more tightly, and his tone returned to his previous deception: "now let me kiss you well, and you can talk when I finish kissing."

What can Meng Xiaoxiao do when he meets such a boring and rogue man? In terms of strength, she can't compare with him. Besides, she still wants to come back undercover and can't make things too bad.

Therefore, she could only lament in her heart and accept the fact that she was kissed by him at will

Until the man finally let go of her pink, tender and fragrant red lips with satisfaction, the girl's heartbeat did not have a normal frequency.

"Stubborn girl, what did you just say you wanted to talk to me about?" Xiao Moxuan pinched her red cheek again, feeling the happiness he had never had in his heart.

Yes, she's back. It's better than anything.

Although she walked away heartlessly for several months, she almost drove herself crazy.

Although, I don't know where she has been these months? With whom? How did you live?

But now she is really back to her side. It's enough to see and touch her.

"Lord, how are you going to punish me?" Meng Xiaoxiao didn't know what she wanted to talk to him. At that time, she just wanted to avoid his hot kiss. She said so in a hurry. At the moment, she blurted out such a sentence without a head.

Xiao Moxuan was a little stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Meng Xiaoxiao to talk about this.

Immediately, the corners of his lips aroused the radian of swinging people's hearts and souls, leaned down to her and asked in a low voice, "are you afraid of my punishment?"

Meng Xiaoxiao's body suddenly lightened before she could answer. Her whole body was hugged by Xiao Moxuan and lifted up in the air. She couldn't help shouting: "what are you doing?"

"Punish you!" Xiao Moxuan roared and took her outside.

"Where are you going? You put me down." Meng Xiaoxiao panicked and struggled to jump off him: "Lord, I can work more. Don't let me go to jail."

"Don't let go!" Xiao Moxuan hugged her tighter, his tone was overbearing and gentle: "I won't let you go again. In the future, I will punish you to eat, work and rest with me every day!"

"That's it?" Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned.

The devil Lord, the punishment given to her this time is nothing. She thought he would be furious and really tied her up for at least a year and a half.

But now, what he said is that he punished her for eating, working and resting with him every day

having dinner? indifferent.

Work? It doesn't matter how close she is to him to complete the task.

Rest? Er... It doesn't matter as long as we don't sleep together.

"What else do you want?" Xiao Moxuan lowered his eyes and stared at her deeply. He smiled with evil charm and charm: "do you understand? I want you to accompany me in whatever you do in the future."

"That's easy, no problem." Meng Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and a light smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Is that how she passed the level she was most worried about and afraid of? What a surprise.

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