How can Xiao Moxuan, who is as smart as him and always has a keen mind, not see it? Although the girl has come back now, her heart has been lost far away, not on herself at all.

Alas, when will she be able to bring her back completely?

Now it seems that the road ahead is still very difficult. But no matter how hard it is, he won't let her go

After staying in the palace all night, Meng Xiaoxiao thought of going back to her mother's house to see her parents and Su Ying. She was so excited that she didn't sleep well all night. The next day she got out of bed early, took gardenia and urged Xiao Moxuan to send her back.

Xiao Moxuan accompanied Meng Xiaoxiao back to the general's house. Naturally, the scene was lively again.

When general Meng and Mrs. Meng met Meng Xiaoxiao, they were filled with mixed feelings. They were not only happy, but also inevitably angry.

General Meng wanted to teach a lesson to his daughter who didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth and repeatedly made him angry and worried. But Xiao Moxuan stopped them all. He said that he didn't do well at first and didn't think about things well enough, so Xiaoxiao wanted to go. He can only blame him for this. Don't blame Xiaoxiao any more.

Seeing that Xiao Moxuan was so magnanimous, the two old men felt that their daughter was too ignorant and lawless. However, due to Xiao Moxuan's presence, it's not easy to scold Meng Xiaoxiao.

Finally, general Meng asked Meng Xiaoxiao to reflect on himself and go to court first.

When they were in the hall, they didn't see Su Ying, but the girl named Hongxiang had been obediently accompanying Mrs. Meng.

Meng Xiaoxiao guessed that Su Ying might still be resting in the room, so he didn't ask much. He happily said to Mrs. Meng, "Mom, I can stay at home for five days this time. The emperor chartered it."

"The emperor also authorized you to go home?" Mrs. Meng was a little surprised and couldn't help but say angrily: "you child, it's self willed for you to disturb the emperor."

"No, the emperor owed me a reward before. I'll let the emperor reward me to stay at home for a few more days this time. How can I be willful?" Meng Xiaoxiao said unconvinced.

"Can the emperor still owe you a reward? It's not because of the prince's face that he is so kind to you." Mrs. Meng glared at her impolitely.

"Mom, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe it, forget it." Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but toot his mouth.

Xiao Moxuan fondly rubbed her hair and smiled at Mrs. Meng, "it's not my face, but Xiaoxiao's ability. Her program shocked the audience. Uncle Huang really likes Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao is homesick, so let her come back and stay for a few more days. I'll pick her up then."

After that, he looked down at Meng Xiaoxiao with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, do you want me to come and see you every day?"

"No, don't you want to work at ease? It's only five days? It's not three years and five years." Meng Xiaoxiao said hurriedly. This man is very bad when he gets bad and very good when he gets better. It's really confusing.

"However, one day's absence is like three autumn days. How many autumn days will there be in five days?" Xiao Moxuan gently held her hand and smiled lightly on her lips. It's a little bad.

"You will have a poor mouth!" Meng Xiaoxiao shook off his hand and gave him a hard white look, and his cheeks became crimson.

Mrs. Meng was very pleased to see their young couple's loving and sweet appearance.

It turned out that he was worried that his daughter had run away from home for so long. When he came back, the LORD would lose his temper and even quit her in a rage.

Now it seems that the prince is still very kind to his daughter, even more doting than before. He is blessed to have such a stubborn daughter who loves her husband.

The hidden worries and anxieties that had been tightly repressed in Mrs. Meng's heart for several months suddenly disappeared, and a comfortable smile could not help but appear on her face: "Xiaoxiao, your room mother has been cleaned up every day, and the bedding has just been washed and dried. As before, nothing has changed. Go and have a look, and tell her what you need."

"Hee hee, I knew my mother would miss me. Mother, I'll go back to my room first." Meng Xiaoxiao happily agreed, turned and wanted to go back to the yard.

"I'll go with you." Xiao Moxuan held her again.

"Don't you go to court today?" Meng Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked at him with some surprise and embarrassment.

"It's still early. I'll go with you later." Xiao Moxuan's mouth rippled a gentle and beautiful radian. His perfect face like a knife, axe and chisel was more charming.

"Xiaoxiao, it's rare for you to come back once. Leave the Lord to play more for a while." Mrs. Meng said enthusiastically.

Meng Xiaoxiao breathed out helplessly, so he had to take Xiao Moxuan back to the yard.

On the way, Meng Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of Su Ying and the girl named Hongxiang who had been with her mother just now. Her mind began to wander around, and she was very worried.

After thinking for a while, she whispered, "the girl next to my mother just now is the new woman my mother found for my brother. Her name is Hongxiang."

"Oh..." Xiao Moxuan was slightly stunned and suddenly remembered that Meng Xiaoxiao had said that Mrs. Meng had found a concubine for Meng ziluo.

He just thought that the girl was a close servant girl around Mrs. Meng, and didn't pay too much attention. Now when Meng Xiaoxiao said this, he couldn't help thinking of Su Ying and felt depressed for no reason.

"What do you think of Hongxiang?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked.

"How about what?" asked Xiao Moxuan.

"From your man's point of view, is she beautiful? Does she attract you? Or do you think she can fall in love with my brother?" Meng Xiaoxiao said bluntly.

"I didn't notice what she looked like." Xiao Moxuan's tone was indifferent and paused a little. He said, "it shouldn't be bad."

"Alas..." Meng Xiaoxiao sighed without concealment and didn't speak again.

"In terms of looks, she can't compare with Su Ying." Xiao Moxuan suddenly said again. At the same time, he clenched Meng Xiaoxiao's hand and looked at her deeply: "moreover, your brother won't ignore his feelings with Su Ying for so long because of one more her. So, Xiaoxiao, you don't have to worry about them..."

"Really? Lord, I'm just worried that my brother will be embarrassed and sister Su Ying will be sad..." Meng Xiaoxiao said anxiously.

"Of course it's true. Silly girl, I'm a man. I know that if a man loves a woman, he won't make her sad. Your brother, of course, won't make su Ying sad." Xiao Moxuan lovingly hugged her in his arms and said softly, "Xiaoxiao, don't worry so much. If you have time to think about your own affairs, will you?"

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