"Wow, brother, you are so kind to sister Su Ying. You are really a model husband." Meng Xiaoxiao said with emotion.

Mrs. Meng's eyebrows could not help but frown. She wanted to know what would happen between her son and daughter-in-law last night.

It's not wrong that his son loves his daughter-in-law, but it's too much for him to spoil her like this. Just because I loved men at night, I couldn't even get up in bed in the morning, and I ignored the courtesy of greeting my elders. And looking at his son like this, it seems that he is ready to stew eggs and bring them to the bed to feed her. What's this called? Into what system?

"Ziluo, Su Ying is weak, but she wouldn't let you wait on her like this. If she's not ill, which daughter-in-law can't afford to sleep until this time? She doesn't remember to greet her elders?" Mrs. Meng said unhappily.

"Mom, Su Ying must be in poor health. I'm willing to serve her. Why do you care so much?" Mencius Luo was a little unhappy and said he could, but he didn't like others to say Su Ying, even his close parents.

At the same time, he also wondered why his mother seemed dissatisfied with Su Ying now?

There were times when Su Ying got up late or didn't greet them, but his mother didn't care much at that time. Why can't you get used to it today?

Of course, Meng ziluo couldn't understand Mrs. Meng's mood at this time. Since she felt that her daughter-in-law had done something wrong to her son outside, Mrs. Meng's heart was like a huge thorn stuck in her heart. She was uncomfortable whatever she thought. Looking at Su Ying again is always not as pleasing to the eye as before. Moreover, the daughter-in-law has not given birth, and now there is a clever and capable Hongxiang.

When the two women are compared, Hongxiang is really better than Su Ying in everything except appearance. The more Mrs. Meng thought about it, the more she felt that Su Ying didn't deserve such close love from her son. She just wanted to set up Hongxiang and her son.

At the moment, seeing her son talking back to herself for Su Ying, Mrs. Meng doesn't care how angry she is. It's important to push Hongxiang out first to make her son like it. As long as there is a new woman, are you afraid that the dead son will not slowly become more lively?

"Zi Luo, come and meet me first. This is Hong Xiang. My mother recognized her daughter in her hometown. Hong Xiang has also helped my mother a lot in the house these days." Mrs. Meng didn't continue to argue about the topic just now, but pulled Hong Xiang over, smiled and said, "Hong Xiang, you can also meet me. This is Zi Luo. Just call brother."

"Brother ziluo..." Hong Xiang shouted in shame and lowered her head gently. A shy face is like a half open pink lotus.

"Oh, hello." Mencius Luo was stunned and nodded politely to her, but his eyes didn't stay on her for another second.

"Zi Luo, Hong Xiang hasn't been in the capital for a long time. She helps the housekeeper every day. She hasn't been anywhere. Take Hong Xiang out more when you have time." Mrs. Meng said enthusiastically.

"Wait until you're free." Mencius Luo glanced at his mother in surprise. He wondered why she had to make such an arrangement? She knew that she never liked to go out. Of course, accompanying Su Ying is an exception.

"It's nothing today. You just came back from the border. The emperor should let you rest for two days. It's better for you to go out with Hongxiang today." Mrs. Meng said again. Her tone was full of eagerness and eagerness, which made Meng Xiaoxiao sweat when she listened.

Meng Xiaoxiao watched the scene coldly. She just felt that her loving mother was now very much like the eager matchmaker in some TV dramas. She wanted to tie her brother and Hong Xiang together with a rope.

General Meng didn't interrupt. He ate breakfast himself. He probably thought it was only women's involvement.

After Mrs. Meng said that, Hong Xiang looked at Meng ziluo with expectation, with gentle and affectionate eyes.

Mencius Luo felt that his mother had nothing to do to make trouble for him. He didn't say much, but said faintly: "I have to go to the palace to report some information about the war with the Emperor today."

Mrs. Meng hit her son with a soft nail, but she still didn't give up. She said to Hong Xiang, "Hong Xiang, didn't you embroider a few pairs of insoles for Zi Luo? The stitching skills are really better than those who have been embroidering for decades. My mother likes it when she looks at it. Later, I'll show it to brother Zi Luo and let Xiao Xiao learn from him."

"Niang, I'll get it now." Hongxiang obediently promised, stood up and went out.

"Niang, what are you doing?" Mencius Luo frowned slightly and couldn't bear it.

"Mom, I don't want to learn to embroider insoles." Meng Xiaoxiao said with her mouth cocked.

"You don't have to learn. If only you were half as sensible and obedient as Hongxiang." Mrs. Meng glared at Meng Xiaoxiao angrily, turned to Meng ziluo and said, "Hongxiang is a good girl in a hundred. Ziluo, you should be nice to others."

"Mom, it's her business. Why do you tell me this? I have a lot of things. How can I have time to hang out with her?" Mencius Luo said slightly impatiently.

"Then you will have time with Su Ying?" Mrs. Meng asked reluctantly.

"How can it be the same? Su Ying is my wife, and it's natural for me to accompany Su Ying. It's not necessary to accompany her." Meng ziluo looked at Mrs. Meng incomprehensibly again and felt that he had gone out to fight a war and came back. Why did his reasonable mother become a little confused now?

"Why is it unnecessary? Hongxiang is a daughter recognized by her mother. In our family, it's just like relatives. Why do you take her out to play? She's no worse than Su Ying. Don't think Su Ying is a fairy alone." Mrs. Meng said without concession.

She wanted to say that Hongxiang was the concubine she had found for Mencius Luo. Looking at her son now, she was afraid that he would be more alienated from Hongxiang when he knew the truth, so she had to hold back and didn't say it first. Now I just want my son to have more contact with Hong Xiang, and I can always get in love with him over time. When he has a preliminary favor for Hong Xiang, I'll slowly find out about it to him.

But Mrs. Meng's words completely annoyed Meng ziluo. He put down the dishes and chopsticks heavily, twisted his eyebrows and said, "Mom, you'd better not say such words. I don't like who compares Su Ying with others. No matter whether Su Ying is good or not, I just think she is good!"

"Hey, you child, just came back and talked back to your mother like this?" Mrs. Meng said angrily.

"Well, what were you two arguing about early in the morning?" at this time, general Meng, who had not spoken, stopped them and said to Mrs. Meng, "I said you like to worry about it. You know ziluo has just come back. What can you say later?"

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