"Then... Don't you want to see me?" Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but stare at him with big black and white eyes.

The girl's clear eyes made Xiao Motian a little distracted. She couldn't help sighing and said in a low voice: "of course I want to see you. I want to see you every day. However, Xiaoxiao, I thought you could understand. Now is not the time for children and women."

The affectionate and helpless eyes from his dark eyes suddenly moved Meng Xiaoxiao's heart and made her grievances and depression disappear without a trace.

Yes, he is both a man and a prince. He has his lofty pursuit and ambition. How can I ask him to hang himself in his diary like a sticky little woman?

Meng Xiaoxiao quickly figured it out in his heart, and immediately understood him, so he asked softly, "who is that little snow girl?"

"Just a maid in waiting." Xiao Mo said quietly.

"Is it Feng Shuang?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

Her leg was hurt before. When Xiao Motian asked Feng Shuang to take care of her, she always felt that the palace maid was a little different. She was silent, but she was quick in mind and could do things in an orderly manner. An ordinary maid in waiting gives her the feeling of being a strong woman.

"It doesn't matter who she is, it's just a show. Xiaoxiao, you don't have to pay too much attention to this." Xiao Motian didn't answer her positively and took it lightly.

"But I think you treat her as well as you used to treat me." Meng Xiaoxiao gently bit her lower lip and said in a low voice.

Remembering the scene of meeting Xiao Motian in Xiangyun palace that day, especially the gentle and focused eyes he looked at the Xiaoxiao girl, her heart always felt uncomfortable and a little sour.

"Hehe, it's all fake. I just said it was a show, mainly to show King Jing. Xiaoxiao, you're the only one in my heart and will only be good to you. Don't you believe me?" Xiao Motian gently shook her hand and said gently.

"Well, I believe you." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded. He felt the thin dark cloud lingering in his heart these two days and floated away easily.

But then she remembered that she kissed Xiao Moxuan in Xiangyun palace that day. When Xiao Motian saw it, she was a little uneasy and couldn't help muttering: "big prince, in fact, I and the prince... You want me to come back, so... Sometimes... I can't do it..."

This may be the most difficult and unsmooth sentence Meng Xiaoxiao said, stuttering and disorganized.

She didn't know whether Xiao Motian understood, but she really didn't know how to speak more clearly.

Xiao Motian's face instantly changed several colors, and his dark eyes became deeper and deeper. He couldn't see what he was thinking.

After a long time, he slowly spit out a sentence: "you are husband and wife. You don't have to tell me these."

"Oh..." Meng Xiaoxiao issued a single syllable dully, lowered his head gently, and didn't know what to say anymore.

Is Xiao Motian's attitude magnanimous? But why do you always feel strange, as if there is something wrong.

If a man loves a woman and that woman loves him, will he watch her close and indifferent to another man?

Normally speaking, it shouldn't be so. Even a playful man like Xiao Moxuan knows that he is jealous. Xiao Lan and Ning Feng used to be like this. They don't like to see themselves too close to other men.

Why is Xiao Motian different? He said he loved himself, but he insisted on returning to Xiao Moxuan.

Alas, are people who want to do great things so careless about their feelings? Even if you let the person you love stay with others all day, are you indifferent?

"Xiaoxiao." seeing Meng Xiaoxiao not talking for a long time, Xiao Motian shouted to her.

"Hmm?" Meng Xiaoxiao recovered from his chaotic thoughts and looked up at Xiao Motian.

"Actually, I happen to have something to tell you today," Xiao Motian said solemnly.

"What's up?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked.

"This year, there was a rare drought in the north of Yu country. The land was dry, the crops were not long, and the drinking water of people and livestock became a problem. My father asked me and King Jing to come up with a plan to deal with the drought in the north as soon as possible to see who was more reasonable and effective." Xiao Motian said in a deep voice.

"Do you want me to explore Xiao Mo Xuan's mind? See what he's going to do?" Meng Xiaoxiao immediately understood Xiao Mo Tian's meaning.

"Yes, Xiaoxiao, you can roughly figure out the content of his plan. First tell me that if I win him this time, I'll be sure to win." Xiao Motian stared at Meng Xiaoxiao and gave clear instructions.

"Oh, do you have to? Maybe your original plan is better than his." Meng Xiaoxiao sighed slightly, uneasy in his heart, and always felt that it was a very disgraceful thing to steal information in this way.

"Xiaoxiao, I must have full confidence. You know I can't lose. So you have to help me." Xiao Motian looked at her more attentively, with deep and bright eyes.

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help biting his lips again. After a while, he nodded gently: "OK, I'll help you, but I don't know if he will say this to me?"

"Don't ask him this directly. Pay more attention when you talk to him on weekdays, or go to his study to see if you can find something useful? Just be smart about what to do." Xiao Motian asked.

"I'll try my best to find a way." Meng Xiaoxiao whispered, feeling heavy in his heart.

"Sorry, Xiaoxiao, I don't want you to take risks, but now it's the only way." after a slight pause, Xiao Motian said, "moreover, Xiao Motian... He won't hurt you."

Meng Xiaoxiao lowered his eyes and didn't speak for a moment.

Xiao Motian could not help holding her hand: "Xiaoxiao, I will always remember your kindness to me."

"Am I still looking for you in Tianshui pavilion?" Meng Xiaoxiao took out his hand and asked.

Do not know why? Now she let him hold his hand, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, I'll wait for you there." seeing Meng Xiaoxiao's depressed appearance, Xiao Mo was also a little lost, but he couldn't say more words to comfort her.

The two fell into silence. After a while, Meng Xiaoxiao whispered, "I live in my mother's house these days. Go back and ask for information for you."

"OK..." Xiao Motian slowly spit out a word.

There was another strange silence. Meng Xiaoxiao felt that this dull and embarrassing atmosphere made her unable to adapt anymore, so she stood up and said, "I'll go back first."

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