The two men went to the restaurant of the palace together. Looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's face as if it were autumn frost, Xiao Moxuan hesitated. Finally, he didn't dare to hold her hand as close to nature as before.

The same simple flower path, a pair of handsome men and women walking side by side. This warm and harmonious picture looks like every beautiful morning before. However, it is clear that there is something different from the past.

Meng Xiaoxiao walked beside Xiao Moxuan and could clearly feel that now there seemed to be a thick barrier between them. They could not see or touch, but they were deep into the bone.

They walked together, so close, but it seemed so far, and they were no longer close in the past.

After walking silently for a while, Xiao Moxuan asked softly, "Xiaoxiao, do you see the letter?"

"Yes," Meng Xiaoxiao replied simply.

"Xiaoxiao, that's what I really want to say to you." Xiao Moxuan sighed slightly.

"I've torn it off," Meng Xiaoxiao said indifferently, without any color in his eyes.

Xiao Moxuan's chest was suddenly heavily blocked, as if someone had ruthlessly pressed a heavy thing. He looked at Meng Xiaoxiao with deep eyes and wanted to speak, but he finally held back and didn't make any sound.

The two men continued to walk forward, and no one spoke again.

The atmosphere suddenly seemed so silent. It used to be a short road, but today, it seems to have become extraordinarily long. Every step is so painful

At breakfast, it was still so quiet.

Both of them rarely spoke. Occasionally, Xiao Moxuan said a word to Meng Xiaoxiao. Meng Xiaoxiao only answered one or two words blandly, and then there was a dull and frightening silence. Xiao Moxuan couldn't say anything more.

Meng Xiaoxiao ate a few mouthfuls without knowing the taste. Soon he felt he couldn't eat any more. He put down his dishes and chopsticks and said, "I'll go back first."

"Don't you eat more? I don't think you have anything to eat at all. Eat more and I'll take you back later." Xiao Moxuan looked at her sadly, with a hint of supplication in his tone.

"No. I'm full, Lord. Please eat slowly." Meng Xiaoxiao was very dry and crisp, dropped a word, stood up and hurried out of the dining room.

Looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's slim figure, she disappeared outside the door of the dining room in an instant. Xiao Moxuan had a helpless bitter smile on her mouth. Oh, she called him the Lord again now. She really became more distant from him than before.

But who is to blame? The bitter fruit you planted, only you can honestly swallow it.

From this day on, Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Moxuan became such a polite and indifferent situation.

When Xiao Moxuan talked to her, she would never ignore him, but she would never chatter with him like before.

Although Xiao Moxuan was still so considerate and considerate to her, they could no longer return to the sweet and happy state they used to be.

Not to mention living together now, even the basic physical contact of holding hands and kissing has been cancelled. Meng Xiaoxiao never let Xiao Moxuan stay in ziyuyuan again. The two have been living separately and completely separated.

Although Xiao Moxuan was very sad about the indifference between him and Meng Xiaoxiao, he had nothing to do with the stubborn Meng Xiaoxiao and had to suffer by himself.

What he was most worried about was that Meng Xiaoxiao suddenly told him the word divorce one day.

Fortunately, although Meng Xiaoxiao was as cold as ice to him, he had not said such a thing. Let his restless and unbearable heart be more or less comforted than anxiety and pain.

Meng Xiaoxiao has never thought of leaving the palace and returning to his mother's house. On second thought, however, she knew that the situation at home would not be any better.

I think of my brother's last big scene in the palace. I'm afraid he wanted to kill people at that time.

Yes, which man can stand his wife's red apricot coming out of the wall and spending so long with her old lover outside? There must be a fierce storm between brother and Su Ying, and my parents must be worried. If I run back to live with a disheartened face at this time, wouldn't it make my parents more worried?

Forget it, if you don't go back, the family is chaotic enough. Why should you go back and give them more trouble?

Besides, how should I face Su Ying now? I'm so uncomfortable. It's impossible to be so intimate as before. In addition to embarrassment, it's still embarrassment

Meng Xiaoxiao is a very sensible girl. She knows that if she goes back to her mother's house now, she will make her family more worried and restless. Therefore, she gave up the idea of leaving the palace and returning to her mother's house for a period of time.

She is like this. She would rather be painful and uncomfortable than let her relatives worry about her own affairs.

The only thing she can do now is to think less of these messy things. Chat and stroll with gardenia at will every day, and muddle through the day unhappily.

Gardenia also saw that there seemed to be a problem between the young lady and the Lord. They were not as good as before. The Lord is still so caring and considerate to the young lady, but the young lady is indifferent to the Lord.

Asked the young lady, but the young lady didn't say anything. She just asked her not to worry about it. Gardenia didn't dare to ask more.

Although Meng Xiaoxiao was so indifferent to Xiao Moxuan, he hardly looked at him with his eyes.

Xiao Moxuan is still the same as before. He goes back to the palace early after finishing his work every day. He never eats out or plays outside. If he can spend more time with Meng Xiaoxiao, he will spend more time with Meng Xiaoxiao.

Yes, the mistake he made hurt the heart of his beloved girl. He must make up for it with practical actions and exchange the most sincere pay for her understanding.

Over time, Meng Xiaoxiao got used to it. He sat with Xiao Moxuan for dinner every day, but basically didn't say anything to him.

After eating, she went back to her room alone. Anyway, she didn't accept him to send her or him to pick her up. Xiao Moxuan will accommodate her to everything. No matter how much suffering he has in his heart, he won't make her angry or embarrassed.

After a period of time, Meng Xiaoxiao's anger gradually disappeared.

After all, Xiao Moxuan is really good to her now. Like Su Ying, it was before they fell in love. He also sincerely explained it to her in the letter.

Meng Xiaoxiao said to Xiao Moxuan that he had torn off the long letter, but sometimes he couldn't help but take it out and have a look.

Every time she saw it, she would cry.

She knew that she still loved Xiao Moxuan in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't be so sad or so angry about him and Su Ying.

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