Meng Xiaoxiao was not used to letting others serve him, but if he was his husband, of course it would be different. Every girl is happy when she is spoiled by the man she likes.

Yes, since she knows she loves Xiao Moxuan and Xiao Moxuan deeply loves her, why bother about his past with Su Ying, which makes both of them miserable?

The past is a floating cloud, cherish the present, grasp the present, is a smart girl.

When lying in bed at midnight, Meng Xiaoxiao was still thinking about all kinds of life principles with emotion.

"Still think I can't satisfy you now?" asked Xiao Moxuan, biting her lips gently.

"I don't think so. I can be satisfied. The Lord is so satisfied with me." Meng Xiaoxiao answered honestly.

"Bad girl, forgive you this time and be good in the future. Otherwise, there are more powerful than this." Xiao Moxuan gently threatened her, took her into his arms, frowned and said, "why do you still call me that?"

"You are the prince, and I'm not wrong." Meng Xiaoxiao whispered.

"I want to hear you call me like before." Xiao Moxuan said bluntly.

"I used to call you Lord." Meng Xiaoxiao said with a naughty smile. He knew what he was thinking, but he deliberately pretended not to understand.

"No, call me Xuan. I want to hear you call me like that." Xiao Moxuan was too lazy to circle with the strange little girl. He fastened her waist with his arms and issued his own orders.

Meng Xiaoxiao blinked his big black and white eyes and suddenly asked, "how did sister Su Ying call you before?"

Er... Xiao Moxuan choked slightly. This ghost girl, her head melon seeds turned faster than anyone. Why did she suddenly think of asking this? Well, what should he say?

"She... She called me..." Xiao Moxuan sighed angrily and couldn't go on.

Because in the past, Su Ying also called him Xuan. If Xiaoxiao knew, she would be unhappy. However, he definitely doesn't want to cheat Xiaoxiao.

"Is that what I call you?" Meng Xiaoxiao guessed nine times out of ten, raised Xiumei and asked coldly.

"Yes, Xiaoxiao. However, only you can call me Xuan in the future." Xiao Moxuan hugged her and said in a low voice.

"I don't want to call you like others! So I won't call you again." Meng Xiaoxiao said with a mouth.

"Xiaoxiao... Didn't you agree not to be angry about the past?" Xiao Moxuan kissed her lips and said carefully, "good boy, now I only belong to you."

Just made up with his beloved girl, he was really afraid to make them unhappy again because of such things. If Meng Xiaoxiao ignored him for another ten days and a half months, he would be really crazy.

"Xuanxuan!" Meng Xiaoxiao smiled suddenly, hooked his arms around his neck and kissed him warmly: "I'll call you Xuanxuan later. There's one more word Xuanxuan than sister Su Ying, which proves that I love you more than she did at that time and that you love me more than before!"

"Xiaoxiao, you little monster, my good wife." Xiao Moxuan was moved and delighted, excited beyond measure: "I'm so happy with you."

"By the way, to ask you a question, you have to tell the truth." Meng Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled and suddenly said, looking very solemn.

"What's the problem?" Xiao Moxuan was a little strange. What did the little girl think of when she turned her head like a windmill?

"You said, if one day sister Su Ying and I fell into the water at the same time, who would you save first?" Meng Xiaoxiao looked at him without blinking and asked positively.

"Cough... How could you and Su Ying fall into the water at the same time? It's impossible." Xiao Moxuan was stunned, unable to laugh or cry.

"I mean, if, if one day, who will you save first?" Meng Xiaoxiao raised his voice and asked.

She had heard of this similar question in modern times. Some girls like to ask their boyfriends or husbands. If your mother and I fell into the river, who would you save first?

At that time, she laughed at such a silly girl in her heart. How could she ask such a retarded question?

Now, however, she even began to ask her husband like this, and was eager to hear his answer. Alas, girls who fall in love are probably so stupid.

"Do you want to listen to the truth?" Xiao Moxuan thought and looked at her and asked.

"Of course, I must listen to your truth." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded without thinking.

Nodded, but my heart was a little uneasy.

What if he said he would save Su Ying first? Your heart will be broken. Although this assumption is impossible, I still hope he will save himself first

"If one day, I'm sure I'll save both. If anyone is close to me, I'll catch who and throw him ashore first, and then save the other." Xiao Moxuan said frankly.

He really thinks so. In that case, he will save one nearby first.

Meng Xiaoxiao sighed silently at the bottom of her heart, lowered her slender eyelashes and didn't speak.

Although he didn't say that saving Su Ying first broke her heart, such an answer still disappointed her. Why is this always cunning man so rigid at this time?

Although he emphasized that he should tell the truth, although he made some sense, he should also know that the probability of her and Su Ying falling into the water at the same time is only one in ten thousand. Why can't he satisfy her? Even if you lie a little and say you'll save her first.

Looking at the suddenly silent girl and her dejected expression, Xiao Moxuan realized that it was wrong. Carefully recalled Meng Xiaoxiao's question again. It was no longer funny, but clearly felt a burst of sadness.

This silly girl, she asked such a silly question, in fact, it was just because, in her heart, she was always entangled with that thing between him and Su Ying. I hope this question can prove that he cares more about Su Ying than Su Ying.

However, he failed to understand her mind and hurt her heart

Thinking like this, Xiao Moxuan felt particularly guilty. He couldn't help holding Meng Xiaoxiao in his arms and gently said, "Xiaoxiao, in fact, if you and Su Ying really fell into the water, I will save you first."

"Liar, you just said that whoever is close to you will save him first." Meng Xiaoxiao pouted, but he didn't break free from his arms.

"Really, I promise I will save you first, because Su Ying has your brother to save her." Xiao Moxuan said solemnly.

"Ha ha, I don't need your help. You'd better save sister Su Ying first." Meng Xiaoxiao blinked mischievously and gave a clear and hearty laugh like a silver bell: "because I can swim and can't drown myself."

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