I didn't expect that the man who had always been elegant and calm in her eyes would suddenly become so brave and wild.

Hongxiang's heart jumped violently, some nervous and some happy. She had no time to take into account more and responded to his hot kiss

"You're not su Ying! Who are you?" suddenly, Mencius Luo roared and pushed her away.

After living with Su Ying for several years, everything about Su Ying has been deeply engraved in Meng ziluo's brain and even soul. He is familiar with Su Ying's body and breath. Even if he closes his eyes, he won't make a mistake.

Yes, Su Ying's lips don't taste like this, and Su Ying won't respond to him so boldly and enthusiastically. She's not su Ying!

Hong Xiang was startled. Her palm flustered her fluctuating chest and didn't dare to say a word.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Meng ziluo asked again, rubbed his dizzy and painful forehead, and got up to light the candle.

His mind was still dim, but he could already conclude that the woman sleeping next to him was not his wife Su Ying.

"Brother ziluo, it's me... Don't light the light..." seeing that Mencius Luo was going to get out of bed and light the light, Hong Xiang shouted quickly.

"Hong Xiang?" Mencius Luo frowned. He suddenly woke up and asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

"My mother asked me to come here..." Hong Xiang pursed her lips with some fear and explained in a low voice.

"Don't listen to my mother's blind command!" Mencius Luo suddenly got angry and said, "go back, I'm going to rest."

"Brother ziluo, I don't just like you because of my mother's words. I... I would like to do it myself." Hongxiang hurriedly whitened her face, with an audible cry in her voice.

"But I don't like you, you go out." Mencius Luo said impolitely for a while.

"Brother ziluo, I really like you. Let me stay. I know you like sister Su Ying. I don't argue with her. I just want to have a baby for you." Hong Xiang said sadly, tears falling down.

At this point, she has summoned up the greatest courage to come here. She really doesn't want to give up. Even if it was a little humble and wronged for the time being, she also wanted to stay with him.

"How many times do you want me to say? Get out!" Mencius rose was unmoved and her tone became colder.

"I won't go! I like you! I want to be with you!" Hong Xiang bravely told her mind and hugged him recklessly.

"Get out! I don't want to see you!" Mencius Luo shouted unbearably and pushed her under the bed.

Hongxiang finally cried out with a "wow", put on her coat in the dark, opened the door and rushed out.

Hearing the footsteps of Hong Xiang quickly disappeared outside the gate, Mencius Luo sighed distraught and lay heavily back in bed.

He is really angry with his mother. In order to let him accept Hongxiang, can he come up with such an idea? Does she still think her heart is not chaotic and bitter enough? And make such absurd arrangements?

Does she still not know that his son doesn't want anyone except Su Ying?

Su Ying almost shed tears all night. She didn't sleep until it was nearly white.

The next day, she felt a splitting headache and her limbs were too weak to have any strength. The deep and difficult pain at the bottom of her heart made her unbearable.

So she didn't get up until noon and didn't go out to eat. A servant girl came to ask her. She only said she wanted to sleep a little longer and wasn't hungry.

Now, Su Ying is often like this. She doesn't go out to eat or meet people. People in the general's house are getting used to it.

Anyway, Meng ziluo almost never eats at home. Mrs. Meng was very unhappy when she looked at Su Ying. She won't come out until she comes out to eat. Mrs. Meng won't ask more.

Therefore, Su Ying didn't eat. Except for one or two little servant girls who came to ask symbolically, no one cared about her at all.

She lay in bed drowsily until the afternoon, barely supporting her weak body, sat up, dressed and got out of bed.

After washing casually, I still have no appetite. Although I feel a little hungry, I don't seem to want to eat anything.

When she walked, her whole body was soft and light. She seemed to float in the air and couldn't find any support.

Alas, this sick body is probably really not going to work.

Su Ying sighed gently, went to the dressing table, sat down and looked at herself carefully.

What appeared in the mirror was a pale and haggard face. The eyes are still big, but empty and confused, without the look of the past. The lips are dry and white, and there is no trace of ruddy in the past.

God, is this me? Have I become so ugly?

Su Ying raised her palm and stroked her thin, bloodless cheek. She was very sad in her heart, and her tears fell down again

"Young lady, Miss Hongxiang is coming." a servant girl came in and said.

Hong Xiang? What is she doing here now? She was already with ziluo... Su Ying felt a pain in her heart, wiped her tears, got up and walked out of the bedroom.

"Sister, you can really enjoy yourself. You can sleep until this time." Hong Xiang stood in the middle of the front hall and didn't even sit down. When she saw Su Ying coming out, she opened her mouth lukewarm.

Although she was still a shouting sister, her voice and expression clearly showed a cold irony.

"I'm a little uncomfortable." Su Ying replied faintly. She didn't understand why Hong Xiang came to her? Just to satirize that she didn't get up until this time?

"Uncomfortable?" Hong Xiang raised the curved willow eyebrow, looked at Su Ying's red and swollen eyes like two peaches, and smiled coldly: "well, how can I be uncomfortable again? Isn't it because she thought I was at brother ziluo last night?"

"Hong Xiang, what do you want to say?" Su Ying's face was more pale and asked with strong spirit.

At this time, she noticed that Hongxiang's face was also very bad, and her eyes were red and swollen. They looked haggard, no better than her.

However, Su Ying is not in the mood to think about what happened? Because of herself, she can't support it.

"What do I want to say? Hehe, I just want to tell my sister that last night, brother ziluo and I were very good and had a good time together. My sister's health is weak, and I will help my sister take good care of brother ziluo." Hong Xiang pulled her lips and smiled, with unclear eyes.

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