Hongxiang's words sounded in her ears again. Su Ying suddenly felt that Hongxiang was right at all. A weak and useless person like her who has lost her virtue should have died long ago. Living is just a burden, meaningless.

If she was still attached to Meng ziluo's deep love for her before, she was not willing to leave. And now, even such a sole dependence, she also lost.

Meng ziluo has been with Hong Xiang. Maybe in the near future, they will have their own children and become a close family. Treat her completely as an outsider.

She has nothing. Family affection and love are so far away from her. What else can she miss about the world?

Staring at the beautiful lake with a mirror like light, Su Ying held her hands tightly, and her nails sank deeply into the meat. She gradually made up her mind.

Yes, jump. Jump and you'll be free of everything. All the troubles, pain, sadness, helplessness... All will be far away from themselves, and it's all over.

In this way, leave quietly, in this way, die quietly, maybe it is your best destination.

Anyway, if it weren't for Xiao Moxuan, she might have drowned here a few years ago. So today, I'd better choose to end my worthless life here.

Think about everything. Su Ying's heart suddenly settled down and became strangely clean. It seems that I have never been so calm and calm, nor so firm and brave.

Zi Luo, Mo Xuan, goodbye. I hope I don't meet either of you in the next life. Su Ying's mouth floated a dreamy smile, beautiful and sad

At the same time, Meng ziluo, who had just walked into a restaurant he used to go to, suddenly felt a fierce pain in his heart.

The supernatural telepathy suddenly gave him the most ominous premonition. His intuition told him that something must have happened to Su Ying!

"Su Ying!" Mencius Luo jumped up, pushed open his chair and rushed out of the door.

At this time, Xiao Moxuan was on his way back to the palace. Sitting in a spacious and comfortable carriage, thinking of his naughty and charming little wife, his heart is full of happiness and joy.

Such days are so sweet that even the surrounding breeze and air seem to be tinged with a trace of sweetness. It was so sweet that people would wake up with laughter in their dreams. It was so sweet that he couldn't help being gentle when he saw people he didn't want to see before.

I just don't know. When can that ghost girl give him a ghost baby? Let him also experience the happiness and sense of achievement of being a father.

Think of Ning Feng and Cai Wei. They have married later than them. Every time he looked at Ning Feng's face and the satisfaction of his prospective father, Xiao Moxuan couldn't help feeling a little jealous. Why did he have it? I haven't?

It seems that he has to hurry up and take more exercise in bed with the little girl. Let her conceive their baby early and tie the little girl with constant patterns more firmly

Xiao Moxuan thought, and the corners of his mouth raised a warm smile.

At this time, it seemed that someone said to him softly in his ear, Mo Xuan, goodbye, I hope we won't meet again in the next life.

Su Ying's voice? Xiao Moxuan was slightly surprised. Like Meng ziluo, a very bad premonition also rose in his heart.

Xiao Moxuan frowned, subconsciously lifted the driving curtain and looked around.

At this moment, the carriage happened to pass through Languang lake.

Xiao Moxuan also has a deep memory of this place. It was here that he met Su Ying for the first time.

It was getting late, and there was no one by the lake.

However, he really saw a thin and weak figure standing alone by the Languang lake, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

It's really Su Ying! She's really here! She really said that just now! He heard it through the call of his heart.

Xiao Moxuan's heart jumped heavily, and a cold sweat broke out on her head. No, what is she going to do?

Then he saw Su Ying walking slowly towards the water along the lake. She turned a blind eye to everything around her, as if she were too numb to feel it.

"Stop!" Xiao Moxuan shouted.

"Lord, what's the matter?" Xiao Fei quickly reined in the reins and stopped the car.

Xiao Moxuan didn't care to talk to him. He jumped off the carriage and flew to the Languang lake.

"Su Ying, what are you doing?" he flew to Languang lake like lightning. Xiao Moxuan grabbed Su Ying, whose water had not reached his waist, and even dragged her to the shore.

Su Ying's whole body trembled violently. Looking back, she couldn't help laughing bitterly. It was him again.

Did the scene a few years ago reappear again?

Two times here, the last time I accidentally fell into the water, this time I tried to die, but I met him and was saved by him. Is this a coincidence? Or providence? Why can't I die quietly?

"Why save me? I want to die. It has nothing to do with anyone." she said numbly. In her big and godless black eyes, like a dry spring, there was no brilliance.

"What's the matter? Tell me! Don't you do anything stupid!" Xiao Moxuan roared, with a faint pain in his heart.

This woman, the woman he once loved, has become a bone, her body is so light that she has no weight, and her face is as pale as a ghost.

Although he was asking her what had happened? But I can also guess that she must have something to do with the exposure of their last incident.

Meng ziluo's relationship with her must be bad. That's why she's so haggard, so sad, so desperate, and so eager to die

Well, it's about him. It was him and Su Ying that caused such consequences. If anything happened to Su Ying, he absolutely has unshirkable responsibility.

"Nothing! I just don't want to live! I just want to die! It has nothing to do with you! Don't care about me!" Su Ying suddenly broke out and shouted hysterically, with tears flying and splashing, struggling to jump into the water.

Half of her clothes were still wet, and she was shaking all over, but she was very excited.

Xiao Fei also rushed over at this time. He looked at the scene in front of him with surprise and shock. He didn't know what to say.

"I'll take you back. I'll talk to him about anything!" Xiao Moxuan grabbed Su Ying and left.

"I'm not going back! That's not my home! I'm not going back! Mind your own business! I'm still going to die if you send me back!" Su Ying cried sharply, and even began to kick Xiao Moxuan, desperately unwilling to go with him.

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