I'm afraid if she gets close to her a little, she will put forward the topic that bothers him seriously. A few more times, he doubted that he had no problem, and she would make a problem.

isn't it? There are already a little strange signs. With that gorgeous and enchanting female star in the hotel last night, he had no impulse and no desire. He became the kind of gentleman he despised most in the past. He really saw a ghost.

From another point of view, if something happened with this dead girl and she didn't want to marry her, would she be desperate to find him?

And Gu Beiye will never let him go. He may force him to be responsible for her.

So why bother so much for a little yellow haired girl? Why don't you just stay away. Go to Europe for a while and stay there. Maybe when you come back, you can put her down completely

In the end, Xiao Moxuan refrained from going to the kitchen.

Soon after everyone had finished their breakfast, Meng Xiaoxiao came out when she heard the news. Together with Uncle Cheng, they put the tableware into the kitchen, cleaned the table, and then began to wash the dishes.

At the moment she came out, Xiao Moxuan pretended to glance at her inadvertently. He saw that her face was calm, not sad and angry, and he was a little relieved.

"Brother Xuan, let's go and go to work." Li Jiaxue went upstairs to mend her makeup, came down with a delicate small leather bag, smiled and opened her mouth.

"I have something else to do today. Let Gao Yue send you there first." Xiao Moxuan refused her without thinking about it.

"What's the matter?" Li Jiaxue opened her charming eyes and asked strangely, "the negotiation with Shengkang electronics is scheduled for 9 o'clock and will arrive soon. What else do you want to do?"

"I know I'll be there at nine, but now I'm going to get something elsewhere." Xiao Moxuan said frankly, but he laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart.

In fact, where does he have anything else? But seeing that Meng Xiaoxiao hasn't come out yet, I'm worried that she'll be late again, and I'm reluctant to pay for a taxi. I just want to find an excuse to send her.

"Oh, well, Gao Yue and I will go first." although Li Jiaxue was disappointed, she also knew that Xiao Moxuan would not go with her today, so she waved wisely: "brother Xuan, bye, see you later."

"Bye bye." Xiao Moxuan nodded.

He sat in the living room for a while. Meng Xiaoxiao came out of the kitchen. His hands were still wet and smelled of hand sanitizer.

Xiao Moxuan always felt that her body had a very good smell, which made him indulge and love. At this time, she wandered around and thought, is it because she often does housework and has to deal with detergent, detergent and detergent every day, so she is so naturally sweet? It looks as if it is more charming than the high-end perfume that Cher has wiped.

Meng Xiaoxiao was surprised to see Xiao Moxuan still sitting at home.

During this time, although Xiao Moxuan occasionally sent her, most of the time, she rode to work alone. She thought they all left long ago.

But at this moment, she didn't want to say anything more to him. As if he hadn't seen it, he went upstairs, took his backpack down, looked straight at the door and walked outside.

Xiao Moxuan coughed and stood up, pretending to be casual and said, "I'm just going to do something at the municipal company today. I can take you."

The municipal company is near Meng Xiaoxiao's magazine. He just came up with this lame reason.

In fact, what business does their company need to deal with municipal companies? Even if dealing with him, he doesn't need to go out in person. However, in order to make himself look just by the way, not specifically to send her, he can only say so.

Then he despised himself in his heart. Xiao Moxuan, when did you fall to this point? If you want to send someone, you have to do everything possible to think of an excuse?

Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned and smiled politely: "no, it's good for me to go by bike."

Xiao Moxuan stared at the figure of the girl who walked out of the door without hesitation. He tightened his eyebrows in chagrin. His handsome face slowly condensed a layer of silence.

What's the matter? I racked my brains to think of a reason to send her, but others didn't appreciate it at all. It was really going to make people laugh.

Meng Xiaoxiao went to the garage to get his electric car and found it in front of the door. Uncle Cheng is away, Xiao Moxuan doesn't come, and she can't open the garage door.

The villa has two garages, one for Xiao Moxuan's car and the other for Gao Yue, who is specially responsible for picking up and seeing off Li Jiaxue.

Meng Xiaoxiao's electric car usually stops in Xiao Moxuan's garage. Only Cheng Shuhe and Xiao Moxuan have the keys. At this time, she can't get in without them.

Meng Xiaoxiao stood in front of the door and kneaded his hair at a loss. He heard a "tick". It seemed that someone pressed the remote control switch, and the garage door slowly rose.

Knowing that Xiao Moxuan was coming, she deliberately didn't look back and walked in quickly to push her electric car.

Xiao Moxuan came in after him and opened his door. His voice was still clear and faint, calm: "you really don't take my car?"

Meng Xiaoxiao turned his face to him and raised his mouth lightly, revealing a faint mockery: "President Xiao, did you forget? I said I wouldn't take your car yesterday."

Xiao Moxuan was speechless for a moment. His dark eyes were suddenly bright and dark. It seemed that countless small silver needles were hidden, glittering with changeable light.

After a while, he began to speak dully, with a dry voice: "come up, I won't treat you like yesterday..."

"Still don't sit." Meng Xiaoxiao said decisively.

"It's such a hot day and the road is so far. Cycling will be very tired." Xiao Moxuan sipped his lips and pretended to be careless. "Besides, it's getting late."

"Hehe, I took your car at this time. When I came back, I didn't want to come back by myself? I took your car today, and I still have to go by myself tomorrow. It's not the same hot and tired." Meng Xiaoxiao lifted her broken hair in front of her forehead with her hand and smiled, just like the hibiscus flowers blooming in the morning, beautiful and colorful: "Since the road always needs to be taken by yourself, why do you want to enjoy this little meeting? Anyway, you can't enjoy it forever. It's better to go on naturally and freely, and be more comfortable."

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