When she was not careful, the sharp edge of the knife cut into her own hand. Suddenly, blood flowed down her left index finger.

God! It's really evil! Meng Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, quickly put down the kitchen knife and covered his bleeding wound with his hand.

This is not as simple as being caught by a crab or scalded by hot oil when cooking. There is a deep and long cut in her left index finger, constantly emitting blood, which seems to be unstoppable.

If she chopped the chicken with a little more strength just now, the meat on her hand might be cut off by her. It's really breathtaking. She must deal with it immediately.

Meng Xiaoxiao wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows in pain into a knot and walked out of the kitchen in frustration

Uncle Cheng saw Meng Xiaoxiao come out with his left hand in pain and asked with concern, "Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?"

"I've cut the vegetables," Meng Xiaoxiao said with a bitter face. "Uncle Cheng, where are the potions and band aids? Can you bring them for me? I have to wrap my fingers."

"Oh, OK, I'll get it now." Uncle Cheng immediately stood up and looked for medicine.

Gao Yue was playing mobile games at this time. When he heard her say these, he just raised his eyes, glanced at her lightly and indifferently, and bowed his head to continue playing the game. There was no superfluous reaction.

Meng Xiaoxiao sat down on the sofa and couldn't help muttering to herself: this man is really cold-blooded, like a cold-blooded animal who doesn't pay attention to anything. But he seems to care about Li Jiaxue

After a while, uncle Cheng brought the liquid medicine cotton swab, band aid and anti-inflammatory ointment to Meng Xiaoxiao and asked, "Xiaoxiao, do you want to help?"

"Oh, no, I'll do it myself." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled, picked up a cotton swab and dipped it in some iodine volts to disinfect his wound first.

"Alas, you child, you're too careless." Cheng Shuchen said angrily and said, "I'll cook and you'll have a rest."

"No, I'll be ready right away. I'd better do it if it doesn't affect the cooking." Meng Xiaoxiao stopped and said.

"Your hands are like this. What are you trying to be strong? I'll do the same." Uncle Cheng sighed and shook his head. This little girl is really kind and stubborn. It hurts.

"Uncle Cheng, don't go. You still have to help me." Meng Xiaoxiao found that she couldn't stick a band aid. The wound was too deep and exaggerated, so she had to wrap it with gauze.

Uncle Cheng, who was walking to the kitchen, heard her cry and turned back: "do you want to wrap your hands?"

"HMM." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "do you have gauze? I've wrapped it. Please tie it with a rope for me."

Uncle Cheng went to find medical gauze and rope. They worked together to wrap Meng Xiaoxiao's injured finger in several layers. It looked like a strange little white zongzi.

Meng Xiaoxiao tried to move his extremely inflexible index finger and said with a naughty smile, "fortunately, it's not my right hand. It doesn't affect my work."

She still insisted on cooking in the kitchen. Uncle Cheng couldn't resist her, so he had to let her go.

It is rare that only the three of them eat at home like today. Meng Xiaoxiao has his own thoughts, and Gao Yue is so indifferent to everything. So there was hardly anyone talking at the table, and a meal was soon finished

Uncle Cheng certainly wouldn't let Meng Xiaoxiao do the dishes and wipe the floor. With a straight face, he drove Meng Xiaoxiao out of the kitchen and contracted it by himself.

Meng Xiaoxiao returned to his room and stayed idle for a while. Subconsciously, he came to the sightseeing balcony.

At this time, the sky was not completely dark, and the afterglow of the sunset slanted against the horizon, plating a layer of good-looking red light between the sky and the earth.

Looking around, there are lush trees and colorful flowers, sparkling blue lake water and scattered rockery lawn. Everything is so beautiful and quiet, just like being in a pleasant landscape painting.

Meng Xiaoxiao quietly enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the garden under the sunset, but he always glanced at the Boulevard from the community gate to the villa unconsciously. He was vaguely looking forward to seeing the familiar car back as soon as possible.

However, Xiao Moxuan's car never appeared

In this way, she stood on the balcony for a long time until the sun set, the moon rose, street lamps began to shine, night fell completely, and the bright and clear scenery just now became hazy.

Meng Xiaoxiao woke up and couldn't help laughing at himself: Oh, you're so stupid. He was reluctant to say goodbye to Li Jiaxue. Gao Yue said that they had rich and colorful program arrangements all night. How could they hurry back?

She sighed unhappily. She no longer waited so aimlessly and fruitlessly. She silently returned to the room, found out her clothes, took a hot bath and went to bed early.

At this time, Xiao Moxuan and Li Jiaxue were indeed sitting in the elegant and romantic western restaurant, tasting the mellow and intoxicating red wine and eating exquisite and delicious meals.

What they want is the most expensive private room, luxurious and comfortable, with all kinds of entertainment facilities. Accompanied by blurred flickering candlelight and beautiful lyrical piano music.

After work, Li Jiaxue said that when she went out to eat with him to practice for him, Xiao Moxuan was not very interested at first.

In his heart, he still remembered the little girl who made him painful and helpless.

However, he felt an unspeakable annoyance at the thought of her cold refusal to him in the morning and that she took the card from him without hesitation. Suddenly, I didn't want to go back to see her so early.

Anyway, he has promised Gu Beiye to let her go; Anyway, it can be said that he went to Europe this time to avoid the deeper and deeper ties to her from the bottom of his heart. So at this time, why go back too early and have more involvement with her?

After a little thought, Xiao Moxuan agreed to Li Jiaxue's proposal and said she would go with her whatever she wanted.

Of course, Li Jiaxue is in full bloom. Since Meng Xiaoxiao appeared, brother Xuan, who is busy and arrogant, rarely took her out to eat or play alone. It seems that there is a powerful magnet in Yindu garden. He is anxious to go home after work every day.

Today, he said that everything depended on her. It was a rare opportunity.

She thought that she must grasp it well and strive to break through the hazy relationship with brother Xuan tonight, so that he can become her real boyfriend

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