If Xueer hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have wiped her dry. This charming little girl must really belong to him from body to heart.

But now, what happened to her?

Just overnight, the little girl seemed to have changed into a person, cold and unpredictable.

Xiao Moxuan wouldn't be so shocked if she changed back to the old little hedgehog. Anyway, what he likes, that is, her ferocious, stabbing, little pepper character who often quarrels with him for fun.

But now, obviously not. She did become very fierce, but it was quite different from before.

In the past, she scolded him, quarreled with him and quarreled with him. Even if it was serious, he could deeply realize that she still regarded herself as a very close person. It is because of her closeness that she will be so wanton, publicized, arbitrary and say whatever she wants in front of him.

Now her appearance made him seem to have an obvious feeling. She's real. She doesn't want to be close to him anymore. Not angry, not awkward, but really rejected him thousands of miles away

Despite all the doubts in his heart, Xiao Moxuan walked over to her and asked calmly, "what's the matter? Who provoked you? Lose such a temper?"

"Would you please go out? Mr. Xiao, I'm working now. I don't like people standing next to me." Meng Xiaoxiao said coldly. He didn't lift his eyelids and didn't want to look at him.

Xiao Moxuan was in a good mood. Last night, the little girl finally showed her tenderness of attachment and care for him in front of him. The two of them were also affectionately close for so long. At that moment, he really felt that he and Meng Xiaoxiao were interlinked, and both spirit and flesh were unified.

Not only infatuated with her body, not just want to get her, but really treat her as their closest lover, willing to pet her and love her. As long as he can make her happy, he would rather lower his figure, even if he is angry.

This feeling was something he had never experienced in any woman before.

Is this what people call love? Well, that's weird. How could he fall in love with such a stubborn, careless and ordinary little girl in all aspects? It's totally incredible.

Xiao Moxuan is not quite sure what kind of feelings he has for Meng Xiaoxiao now? Anyway, it seems that I often think of her.

Inadvertently, her figure will appear in his mind and eyes; I often want to see her. I want to take advantage of her and eat some sweet tofu. Seeing her happy, he is happier than anything. Seeing her angry or sad, his heart will be heavy with her, as if he didn't like everything

And today, he will be away soon. He will go for half a month for dozens of days. When he woke up in the morning, the first thing he thought of was Meng Xiaoxiao.

Although their passion was abruptly interrupted by Xueer's sudden appearance last night, they did not reach the final step. But in his heart, after the scene last night, he had already regarded the little girl as his own woman, and he was the most beloved woman.

After getting up and washing, Xiao Moxuan went to find Meng Xiaoxiao first. Thinking that if the little girl hasn't got up yet, he can hold her and lie down for a while before he leaves

When he arrived at Meng Xiaoxiao's room, he saw that her door and window were open and her bed was neatly packed, but he didn't see her figure. Then I knew that the little girl had got up early.

He thought in his heart that the little girl was really diligent. He slept so late yesterday and hurt his hand again. He didn't want to rest for a while, and walked to the kitchen.

Sure enough, Meng Xiaoxiao was busy in the kitchen.

Seeing her light and flexible figure, Xiao Moxuan's chest suddenly surged with deep tenderness and honey. He walked over and hugged her in his arms.

However, I never thought that yesterday's gentle and shy little girl seemed to become the spicy queen of the volcanic eruption, giving him a surprise.

Xiao Moxuan's heart is also angry. He has always been the focus of people's attention and the idol of idols. How many women dream of getting his favor once, and he doesn't even want to look more.

Early this morning, he didn't care about anything, so he hurried to please the little girl. But for no reason, she dumped an iceberg with a cold face. Who can think about it? What's more, he is the arrogant president with stars and the moon?

Although Xiao Moxuan was also very depressed, and there was something inexplicable, he didn't want to be angry with her today. He still said patiently, "girl, I'm leaving soon. Is that what you do to me?"

"If you want to go, go! What's none of my business? Don't talk to me here!" Meng Xiaoxiao spit out a sentence with disgust.

Her attitude was as if he were a beggar who came to beg and please her, but she didn't care.

The anger of injustice in Xiao Moxuan's heart rushed straight to his head. His face changed several times. Finally, he held back and said calmly and naturally, "OK, I'm not wordy. You cook, and I'll look at you here."

"Who let you see?!" Meng Xiaoxiao got angry and turned to him angrily. "Do you understand what I said? I said I don't like people nearby when I work. What should you do? Don't hinder me from doing things!"

"What about Gu Beiye? How can he watch you cook?" Xiao Moxuan raised his voice, exposed his green veins on his forehead, and showed his handsome and peerless face: "I remember the first day you came here and went to the kitchen, didn't he always accompany you? Why didn't you say he interfered with your work at that time? He was happier than anything with him talking and laughing! That's it for me now? Where did I annoy you? You looked at me like you ate gunpowder early in the morning?"

Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned. Unexpectedly, he remembered Gu Beiye's cooking with her at this time. He immediately said mercilessly, "this is my own business. It's not your turn to ask! I like him to accompany me rather than let you see, okay?"

"Are you a reasonable woman? What exactly is your heart made of? If you could sleep with me yesterday, you could become such a mother yecha today?" Xiao Moxuan could no longer bear it. He stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, took her into his arms, gnashing his teeth and yelling: "Girl, have I offended you? I offended you. You can say clearly, don't be as angry as a three-year-old!"

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