At this time, MI Xiaoqiao also came out of the villa. He saw two baby daughters holding Meng Xiaoxiao's hands. His small face was red. The neat little sheep horn braid had become messy, the bow tied on the braid had also scattered half, and sweat droplets were on his forehead and face.

She was so distressed at the moment that she quickly greeted and said, "Lei Lei, are you tired? Come here and have a rest."

As soon as Duo Duo and Lei Lei saw their mother coming, they loosened Meng Xiaoxiao's hand and ran over. Excited, they scrambled and said, "Mom, we're not tired at all. Aunt Meng took us there to play hide and seek. It's fun."

"Hehe, Xiaoxiao, thank you for having such a good time with the children." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled at Meng Xiaoxiao who came along, picked up the red bean shaving ice just brought out and handed her a bowl: "sit down and eat quickly. These two children are naughty. Sometimes I can't take them to play."

"Ha, little sister Qiao, it's all right. I think they are very good. Playing with them makes me feel like a child." Meng Xiaoxiao didn't say any superfluous polite words. He took the red bean shaved ice, sat down, picked up a small spoon and ate.

Water ice with red bean as like as two peas sitting beside Meng Yuxi, she saw the eye of the two and the Lei Lei, and quarreled.

Mi Xiaoqiao coaxed his two daughters with a wet paper towel while wiping their sweaty little faces and dirty little hands, saying, "good boy, you drink rock sugar tremella soup. The shaved ice is too cold, and your stomach will hurt."

"How can my brother and aunt eat?" bud after bud asked unconvinced.

"Because they are older, you are too young." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled, hooked his head and kissed his two daughters on the cheek: "baby, you should behave better today, and sing birthday songs to your brother later."

The two nannies have brought two bowls of rock sugar tremella soup and are ready to feed them.

Although Duoduo and Leilei are unwilling to eat this, they can only sit on a small chair and let the nanny feed them tremella soup..

While Mi Xiaoqiao didn't pay attention, flowers slipped to Meng Xiaoxiao like a greedy cat and said quietly, "aunt, give me some of yours."

Meng Xiaoxiao was secretly funny. He glanced at Mi Xiaoqiao and saw that she was explaining things to a nanny. Instead of looking at them, he quickly scooped a spoonful of shaved ice and put it in each flower's small mouth. He whispered, "grow up quickly and you can eat when you grow up."

Sitting next to Meng Xiaoxiao, Meng Yuxi only pretended not to see it, but his beautiful and stylish mouth bent a hint of tacit smile.

Alas, girls like to be so smart and self righteous. So is aunt Meng. Although she seems to be an adult, sometimes she seems to be about the same age as my two sisters

After eating the long-time favorite red bean shaved ice, Duo Duo walked back to her own small table and sat down, not to mention how excited she was.

Lei Lei on one side was unhappy. She also wanted to eat. She wanted to do everything the same as her sister.

But now, my sister ate the beautiful and attractive red bean shaved ice in her aunt's hand, but she didn't eat it. Mother has been talking to the grandmother who feeds her, and she has no chance to sneak to her aunt for a bite like her sister.

For a time, Lei Lei's heart was really wronged. Even her bright big eyes began to turn red, as if she was about to cry.

Meng Xiaoxiao knew the psychology of children and what Lei Lei was wronged, so she deliberately shouted, "Lei Lei, come here and tie the bow on your pigtail again."

Leilei immediately ran over happily. Meng Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to feed her a spoonful of red bean shaved ice, and then pretended to rearrange the bow on her pigtail. Leilei was also satisfied and happily returned to her seat.

In fact, MI Xiaoqiao looked at these sneaky little moves between them, but he pretended not to know anything on the surface. In my heart, I thought funny that this girl named Xiaoxiao was really interesting, like a pistachio loved by everyone.

Last time the baby son saw her, he regarded her as a close friend. Today, the two baby daughters saw her and liked her so much. It seems that I really want to take a new look at her

Several people rested under the cool sunshade for a while. Mi Xiaoqiao and Meng Xiaoxiao casually chatted some homely words. Blossoms and Lei Lei pestered Meng Xiaoxiao to take them to jump the house.

Meng Xiaoxiao took them with great interest, took out chalk, painted the house on the cement ground outside the lawn, and carefully told them the rules of the game.

Duo Duo and Lei Lei have now completely regarded Meng Xiaoxiao as their leader. A big two small three girls, playing both lively and happy, happy laughter one after another, continuous connection

It was not until lunch time that they stopped playing. Urged by Mi Xiaoqiao and Meng Yuxi, they walked into the Meng family's villa with a smile.

The spacious and gorgeous interior of Mengjia villa is needless to say. The decoration and layout are designed according to MI Xiaoqiao's preferences, which has a very artistic taste. The combination of fashion and classics makes people feel luxurious and elegant, warm and unconventional.

Meng Feifan is sitting in the living room at the moment, and Ding Qi, MI Xiaoqiao's mother, is also there. For the baby's grandson's birthday, she came from her home early in the morning with a gift.

Meng Xiaoxiao greeted them politely and everyone came to the dining room.

First, colorful birthday candles were inserted into the birthday cake of the little birthday star. Mi Xiaoqiao and Meng Xiaoxiao sang a birthday song for him with two little beauties. Everyone wished him a happy birthday. Meng Yuxi solemnly closed his eyes, made a wish, blew out the candles, and then began to cut the cake.

At this time, Meng Feifan's father Meng Wei came down from upstairs.

When Meng Yuxi saw him, he quickly took a large piece of cake just cut and handed it to Grandpa: "Grandpa, eat the cake."

"Yuxi is really good, and grandpa wishes you a happy birthday!" Meng Wei lovingly touched the lovely face of his baby grandson and took the cake with a smile. Suddenly I saw Meng Xiaoxiao standing among everyone. A trace of surprise and doubt passed on his face.

"Grandpa, this is my good friend aunt Meng Xiaoxiao. I specially invited her to come and celebrate my birthday with me today." Meng Yuxi took grandpa to the table and stressed: "aunt is surnamed Meng like us. We were a family five hundred years ago."

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