"Alas, you girl, how can I say hello? It's not trouble. I'm willing to do it." Gu Beiye looked down at her with a deep, powerful and sincere voice: "you won't let me take care of you again. This is the only thing I can do for you now."

Under the care of Gu Beiye, Meng Xiaoxiao's grandmother changed from the crowded and noisy multi room ward to a separate small room with an independent balcony and bathroom, which improved the overall condition to a higher level.

Because it was a single room ward, there was no noise around. Meng Xiaoxiao and Bai Jie, who were taking care of grandma, were much more comfortable.

The hospital also specially added a small folding bed to them in the ward, so that when grandma is free, they can also lie down and sleep, and have a much better rest at night.

Moreover, because the hospital leaders said hello, the medical staff were also attentive and meticulous to grandma's care.

The attending doctor came to see and greet Meng Xiaoxiao several times a day and patiently explained the precautions after they went home. They also gave them a business card, saying that if there was anything unclear in the future, they could call him at any time.

In this way, grandma's body recovers quickly, and she can be discharged from the hospital in half a month.

After completing the discharge procedures and paying all the expenses, Meng Xiaoxiao took his grandmother home with his sister-in-law.

At this time, Meng Donghua also came back from other places. Bai Jie can't help complaining that you can really choose the day. You don't come back early or late. Just after we've suffered and been busy, you'll come back.

Meng Donghua was terrified when he heard that his grandmother had such a big operation during his absence. However, seeing that grandma's physical and mental state is still good, she also put snacks slightly.

When asked about the operation fee, Bai Jie said lightly that it was Xiaoxiao's money. Now the girl seems to have handed it over to some rich man. She said it was her burden and we don't have to take care of it.

Although Meng Donghua had some doubts in his heart, he didn't ask Meng Xiaoxiao more questions. Just when I saw her, I said plainly, grandma's disease, you bother, thank you.

It seems that this matter has passed. It seems that he doesn't think it's wrong to let Meng Xiaoxiao, a young girl who just went to work, bear such a large amount of high surgical expenses.

Although Meng Xiaoxiao didn't expect her brother to return more than 100000 yuan to her or even half of it after he came back, she was willing to pay the operation fee for her grandmother. But her brother's indifferent attitude still made her a little cold.

She felt that at present, her connection with the family seemed to be only concerned about grandma.

In the future, if grandma is really gone one day, maybe she won't come back.

Probably, no one cares about her brother and sister-in-law. Will she go home? No one really regarded her as a member of this family

Grandma was discharged from the hospital and recovered well. Her brother also came back. Meng Xiaoxiao completely put down her heart and went back to Yindu garden villa to continue her second career. Her life is back on track from nine to five.

Because she could see that although her brother was indifferent to her, he was still genuinely filial and distressed to his grandmother. With her brother, grandma should be well taken care of. Bai Jie doesn't dare to neglect it

At this time, the hot summer has passed and entered the cool and comfortable early autumn season.

The students of Lingcheng, large and small, ended a long summer vacation and walked back into the campus with schoolbags on their backs.

Xiao Molan still stayed in the villa. He said that his school had just had a holiday. He could play well here and have enough time to wait for his brother to come back.

Meng Xiaoxiao knew that he was studying abroad. She thought that the holiday methods and time periods of those foreigners must be different from those in China. Anyway, she didn't understand those, so she didn't say much.

However, over time, the relationship between her and Xiao Molan has become much better. The two people talk together every day, boasting and talking about the mountain, but they can talk very well.

Meng Xiaoxiao really did what he said and fulfilled his promise in advance. He took time to take Xiao Molan out for a few times. He introduced all the interesting, delicious and strange things he knew about the mausoleum to him without reservation.

It really seems that there is a wonderful fate inside. With the increasing contact, two young people of the same age are really getting better and better. Meet as before, talk about everything. They are close and casual with each other, just like old friends who have known each other for many years.

Uncle Cheng looked at the warm and kind children and liked them very much. His face was always smiling. There are three people in the villa, one old, two young. They are happy every day. They have a good time.

However, with the arrival of early autumn, Li Jiaxue and Gao Yue also came back. Because Xiao Moxuan is coming back from Europe soon.

Li Jiaxue pesters Xiao Moxuan to make at least three calls every day and knows Xiao Moxuan's schedule like the back of his hand.

Since her brother Xuan is going back to Lingcheng, of course she has to hurry. Otherwise, let the wild girl who doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick she is get another chance, but she will lose a lot.

After returning to the villa, seeing Xiao Molan, Li Jiaxue certainly showed great kindness and joy. He also took Meng Xiaoxiao's hand and said something for a long time, pretending to be affectionate and asking her how she and director Gu are developing? Are you going to invite them to a wedding wine?

Meng Xiaoxiao just perfunctorily said a few words, and didn't want to talk too much with Li Jiaxue. Moreover, Li Jiaxue was disgusted by such an outspoken ridicule of her and Gu Beiye.

Xiao Molan and Li Jiaxue have also known each other since childhood. However, it is strange that he has known Li Jiaxue for so long. It can be said that he has had this sister Xue since he was born. He has not known Meng Xiaoxiao for such a short period of time.

Perhaps Li Jiaxue's impression on him has always been too delicate and too cold. Like a delicate and fragile fine porcelain vase, you can watch and appreciate it from a distance, but you must not go too close.

Even if Li Jiaxue would show that intimate and beautiful smile every time she saw him, he still couldn't be too close to her.

I always feel that such a smile, although beautiful, is somewhat fake. It is like a plastic flower without vitality, which is far less beautiful than the real and natural expression on Meng Xiaoxiao's face.

Therefore, Xiao Molan just politely shouted sister Xue, and there was no more words to say.

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