Xiao Moxuan thought, and his mouth raised a comfortable smile. He stepped on the accelerator and accelerated the speed

In the villa, Gao Yue and Li Jiaxue have returned first. Xiao Molan and uncle Cheng are also sitting in the living room.

"Brother Xuan, you didn't work overtime today?" as soon as she saw Xiao Moxuan coming in, Li Jiaxue stood up and greeted her delicately: "I knew you would come so early. I should have waited for you and come back in your car."

"Yes, there are not many things today." Xiao Moxuan answered casually, raised his eyes and glanced at the whole living room. He didn't see the little girl who worried him. He guessed that she must be in the kitchen again, so he coughed deliberately and asked, "Uncle Cheng, who is cooking? I didn't mean to eat at home today?"

"Hehe, it's Xiaoxiao." Uncle Cheng knew it clearly and replied with a smile: "president, have you forgotten? Xiaoxiao was discharged today."

"Oh, I really forgot." Xiao Moxuan pretended not to think about it, but he thought angrily, stubborn girl, you are really diligent and can't rest. You go to the kitchen as soon as you come back from the hospital, and don't worry about whether your body can stand it? It seems that you should be awarded a labor activist medal at the end of the year

"Brother Xuan, let me help you get your clothes." Li Jiaxue said softly, and asked Xiao Moxuan to take off his coat.

"No, I'll do it myself." Xiao Moxuan said faintly. He took off his clothes and threw them on the empty sofa around him.

Do not know why? Since Meng Xiaoxiao showed in front of him that he cared more about the relationship between him and Li Jiaxue, he seemed to be alienated from Li Jiaxue, and subconsciously felt that he could no longer be so close to her as before.

So these days, Li Jiaxue invited him to go out with her several times. He declined politely and didn't take her to work again. Li Jiaxue can only instruct Gao Yue to do this and that with her, or go here and there.

At this time, Xiao Moxuan didn't delay more in the living room and went directly to the kitchen.

Originally, he wanted to put on airs and wait until Meng Xiaoxiao finished everything and came out to call them to eat.

However, the feeling of wanting to see her from the bottom of his heart was so strong that he couldn't care about anything else. He just wanted to see her now.

When she came to the kitchen, Meng Xiaoxiao was frying the last dish. Wearing an apron of small broken flowers and holding a spatula in his hand, the pot was fried "stabbing".

Xiao Moxuan stood quietly by the door, watching her slim and vivid back, with a hundred turns of tenderness in her heart.

If it was in the past, his relationship with the little girl was not so rigid. He must have passed by, gently hugged her soft and light body from behind, and left a soft and emotional kiss on her fragrant cheek.

But now, he dare not do so. If you do. She will turn her face again immediately, catch him, beat him and scold him as a hooligan.

Therefore, he can only stand behind her silently and silently appreciate her smart and lovely posture

The little girl at the moment is really like a gentle and virtuous little wife, a wife who is working hard for her husband and family in the kitchen.

wife? Xiao Moxuan was startled by the idea that suddenly came out of his mind. Sweat, how is it possible? You don't intend to marry her. How can you suddenly associate her with the word wife?

However, if there is such a woman called wife in the family, will she really be... Very happy?

Meng Xiaoxiao quickly cooked the dish, turned off the fire and put it on the plate.

As soon as she turned around, she saw a handsome and tall figure standing at the door of the kitchen. It was the person she tried to uproot from her heart these days, but she couldn't forget.

I don't know how long he's been standing here? Have you been staring at her cooking? I'm silent. I really want to scare people to death

Meng Xiaoxiao's heart stagnated slightly, and the dishes on the plate almost spilled out.

But she soon calmed down and said in a flat tone, "President Xiao, it's time to get off work."

President Xiao? Xiao Moxuan smiled helplessly at the bottom of his heart. What a polite and social title. But why does he sound so uncomfortable now? He would rather hear her call him Xiao Moxuan or call him a villain. It was more pleasant to hear than Xiao.

He coughed gently, covered up his bitterness and entanglement, pretended to say casually, "yes, I've just come back. Come and see if the meal is ready?"

"Hehe, the dishes have been prepared and can be eaten now." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled blandly and said, "you can wait outside and I'll take the food out right away."

"Oh, hurry up." Xiao Moxuan said stiffly. He had no more reason to stay here and almost left the kitchen in embarrassment.

Instead of going to the living room, he sat directly at the dining-room table. I still feel ridiculous and lamentable for the short dialogue between him and Meng Xiaoxiao just now.

Is that them? Oh, even he felt strange and false.

Both of them are so polite and indifferent. That calm and indifferent look and natural and casual tone, as if they were really just a pair of ordinary men and women, ordinary superior and subordinate relations, and the relationship between employers and employees. It seems that there have never been so many hot and lingering past and unclear love and hatred between them

Maybe when she gets up tomorrow morning, she will say hello to him politely when she sees him: "good morning, President Xiao."

And he will respond politely: "well, hello."

Ha, it's fucking ridiculous.

A little girl who once lay under him and kissed and caressed him passionately was only a little short of becoming his woman. Now with him, it turned out to be such a funny and awkward situation. I don't know if I should be glad or sigh?

Well, she didn't treat him coldly and angrily like she did in the hospital. Did she even make progress?

At least I talked to him and took the initiative to talk to him. It's much better than that. It's better to be cold than those who can't see her every day

Xiao Moxuan smiled bitterly and took a sip of tea to comfort himself

The atmosphere at dinner was also very peaceful. Everyone ate lightly and talked about irrelevant topics.

Although Xiao Molan specially brought wine to celebrate Meng Xiaoxiao's discharge from the hospital, in the end, he was the only one who had two drinks to entertain himself. Including Gao Yue, they shook their heads and declined to drink.

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