Meng Xiaoxiao kept silent and didn't speak, but his small back trembled slightly, becoming more and more thin and pitiful.

Xiao Moxuan turned her around and saw that her big clear black eyes were full of crystal and helpless tears. Sad and sad tears have flowed all over my face

"Why are you crying again?" Xiao Moxuan asked painfully, pressed her wet cheek tightly to her fluctuating chest, sighed and said: "don't cry, Xiaoxiao, I won't let you cry again in the future."

Meng Xiaoxiao was still crying silently. Tears kept falling like broken beads. After a while, he soaked Xiao Moxuan's clothes in front of his chest.

"Don't cry, don't cry. Every time you cry, my heart will break." Xiao Moxuan said softly while wiping her tears. "You know, I still like to see you happy. When you laugh, you are the most lovely."

"You didn't make me cry..." Meng Xiaoxiao whispered.

"No, I won't make you cry again in the future." Xiao Moxuan lovingly hugged her tighter, filled with mixed feelings and said with emotion: "Xiaoxiao, you also don't want to give up me, right?"

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't speak, but his little head buried deeper into his chest.

Xiao Moxuan pitifully raised her little face with wet tears and asked solemnly, "now, can I kiss you?"

Meng Xiaoxiao pinched his long butterfly like eyelashes, subconsciously hung down and hummed: "I don't know..."

"Don't know?" Xiao Moxuan gently raised his eyebrows and said with a comfortable smile: "that is to say, it's OK."

Meng Xiaoxiao's cheeks turned red. It seemed that he suddenly caught a layer of gorgeous glow. It looked very beautiful and lovely.

Xiao Moxuan smiled, spoiled her charming little face like a red apple and kissed it affectionately.

This is a kiss, touching and emotional.

Although it was the same kissing, Meng Xiaoxiao could clearly feel the subtle changes between Xiao Moxuan and the past.

Seems to cherish more, more attached, so deep, can not extricate themselves

Meng Xiaoxiao's breathing was disordered and her heart beat crazy. The heat between her lips and teeth extinguished her only reason.

The world seems to be shrouded in a colorful halo, everything is like a dream, and the feeling of floating and flying fills my heart.

Later, Xiao Moxuan finally let go of the girl's tender red lips, but still held her tightly in his arms and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoxiao, now, you won't go? Won't you leave me?"

Meng Xiaoxiao ducked his eyes and didn't answer.

Referring to this topic, she had to think of so many realistic and helpless problems and so many sad and tangled concerns.

Can Xiao Moxuan solve all these problems and face them with her one by one? She doesn't have full confidence and confidence

Xiao Moxuan saw her expression of desire to talk and stop. He knew that she had not really decided to stay in her heart. He felt a burst of uneasiness. He hugged her body and said, "I don't allow you to go, girl, you're mine anyway."

"But..." Meng Xiaoxiao raised his clear eyes like water and looked at him quietly.

Later, Xiao Moxuan didn't let her go on, because he was really afraid that she would say something that he couldn't accept. Simply bent down her face and blocked her rosy cherry mouth with a strong kiss again: "no, but, you are mine!"

They hugged and kissed together again, forgetting time, space and everything outside their body

Suddenly, the unlocked door was opened from the outside. Xiao Molan came in excitedly: "brother, I'm back. Guess I'm tonight..."

He couldn't finish the second half of the sentence. He swallowed it back into his stomach and became a tongue tied sentence: "ah? You're like this... It seems that I came at a bad time..."

Meng Xiaoxiao hurriedly pushed away Xiao Moxuan, and two beautiful red clouds rose on her beautiful cheeks, like ripe tomatoes.

Xiao Moxuan was much calmer than her. He still held the girl firmly in his arms. He stared at the man who rushed in rashly: "you know it's not the right time to come, don't you go?"

"Oh, I'll go right away..." Xiao Molan reacted, rubbed his hair and said, "brother, Xiaoxiao, I won't disturb you. Continue, continue..."

"Xiao Lan! Don't go." Meng Xiaoxiao was embarrassed. She blushed and shouted to him, "I've finished talking to your brother."

"So you're talking about things. Hey, I saw someone say things like this for the first time." Xiao Molan squeezed his eyes and smiled narrowly.

Meng Xiaoxiao was even more embarrassed. He broke free from Xiao Moxuan's arms and said, "you talk. I'm out."

Xiao Moxuan felt that the problem between them had not been solved at all, because Meng Xiaoxiao didn't give up the idea of leaving Yindu garden. He pulled her and said, "don't go. Since Mo LAN came, he just asked him to do work for you."

"What do you do?" Xiao Molan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Xiaoxiao is going to leave. I won't listen to my advice." Xiao Moxuan sighed slightly and said in a low voice, "now the task is up to you. Help me keep her."

"Ah? Xiaoxiao, do you really want to go?" Xiao Molan was surprised, widened his eyes and asked, "where are you going? Not in Yindu garden?"

Meng Xiaoxiao nodded gently, indicating default.

"That's no good. Didn't we agree that we are a big family that loves each other? How can you go?" Xiao Molan was also anxious and said fierily: "It's been deserted here for a few days since you were hospitalized. We look forward to your early recovery every day. Now that you finally come back and say you want to go, how can we think? My brother doesn't want you to go, I don't want you to go, and uncle Cheng doesn't want you to go, so you can be willing to let us go elsewhere?"

These words made Meng Xiaoxiao's already tangled and restless heart slightly sour, clenched his lips and didn't speak.

"Xiaoxiao, really don't go, stay." Xiao Molan took another step forward, looked down at her, and earnestly asked her to stay: "We all regard you as a family here. It's really meaningless for you to leave this villa. Didn't you say you like doing housework? Also, did you come here to work because of the high salary here? If you really leave, it's hard to find a more profitable part-time job elsewhere?"

"You all look down on me? Think I can only be a good nanny?" Meng Xiaoxiao said with a bitter smile.

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