Xiao Moxuan saw that she was so stubborn and unhappy. He frowned and said, "what do you mean when you asked me to decorate your room so luxurious and rich, but you didn't go in?"

How can Meng Xiaoxiao tell him so many complicated things in his heart? Yes, he may not understand.

So, thousands of words came to her mouth. Finally, she only spit out a very indifferent sentence: "you have money anyway. What's that decoration? I liked it at that time, but now it has changed."

This cold and heartless words made Xiao Moxuan very angry. After arguing with Meng Xiaoxiao for a few words, he left.

The two have always had differences on this matter, and they parted unhappily every time.

Later, Meng Xiaoxiao insisted on living in this small house, but Xiao Moxuan didn't come every day.

He was busy at work. He often worked overtime and occasionally went on business. He usually went back to the villa and came only when he had leisure.

Meng Xiaoxiao's mentality is gradually changing. When he comes, she is not very enthusiastic. He's leaving, and she won't stay any more. Even less will they act like spoilers in front of him, and sometimes even say a few sarcastic words.

Such a contrast makes it more and more obvious that Li Jiaxue, who has become clever and sensible now, is gentle and reasonable. Meng Xiaoxiao is spoiled and charming and unreasonable.

Over time, Xiao Moxuan felt more insipid. He thought, you can't spoil women too much. She was so spoiled that her attitude went up to heaven.

Moreover, the entanglement of the body for a certain time also lost the original freshness and excitement. He is no longer as hungry for Meng Xiaoxiao every day as before. He has to have her as a snack.

Therefore, Xiao Moxuan deliberately ignored Meng Xiaoxiao and reduced the number of times he came over.

Meng Xiaoxiao seems to have really become his stronghold. Usually he didn't come. When he remembered, he came to spoil her and left in a hurry the next day.

He wanted to wait until Meng Xiaoxiao realized his loneliness, his importance, who was the Lord and who was the second, and took the initiative to please him and please him. In this way, it should be a normal state between them.

However, Meng Xiaoxiao had a stubborn temper ten times and a hundred times more stubborn than him. He didn't even want to please him at all.

His attitude and change can only make her feel more disheartened, and her desire to get rid of this life is stronger.

The two men looked calm on the surface, but the contradictions in Meng Xiaoxiao's heart accumulated more and more.

She is only patient for a while now. To a certain extent, it will break out

In such a flash, two or three months later, the weather gradually became hot, the warm spring passed quietly, and the hot and stuffy summer came again.

Meng Xiaoxiao came to Yindu Garden Villa again in the summer vacation.

Because Xiao Molan had a holiday and came to the mausoleum again. He was very disappointed to learn that Meng Xiaoxiao did not live in Yindu garden. He went to the small house with his brother to visit Meng Xiaoxiao and warmly invited her to visit the villa.

No matter how with Xiao Moxuan, the pure friendship between Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Molan will not change.

Now that Xiao Molan is back, she is also very happy. She must go over and visit uncle Cheng and aunt Cheng.

So Meng Xiaoxiao smiled and readily promised to wait until Saturday to rest, so she went to the villa to play with him.

On Saturday, there was no response from Xiao Mo Xuan. Instead, Xiao Mo LAN called early and asked if she needed to come and pick her up?

Meng Xiaoxiao said with a naughty smile, "no, I have an electric car. Besides, I don't know the way."

"Hehe, try to be early. I'll wait for you at home." Xiao Molan smiled and said gently.

"Yes, I'll open the road after I wash the clothes!" Meng Xiaoxiao said quickly. He wanted to ask him what Xiao Moxuan was doing. After thinking about it, he finally resisted asking.

After finishing everything, Meng Xiaoxiao rode out of the door by electric car. First, he went to the mall to buy some gifts for uncle Cheng and aunt Cheng, and then went straight to Yindu garden.

However, when she arrived, she knew that this time, Xiao Molan was not the only one who came to the mausoleum from Beijing.

At the same time, there were his parents, Xiao Yuanxi, Xiao Moxuan's father, and Su Yuezhen, his stepmother.

Meng Xiaoxiao is not afraid of heaven and earth. He is afraid of meeting other people's parents. In particular, these two people are the elders who have the most direct and close relationship with Xiao Moxuan.

When Xiao Molan happily took her to the living room and introduced her to Xiao Yuanxi and Su Yuezhen, who were sitting there enjoying tea and chatting, she felt very embarrassed and restrained.

The relationship between her and Xiao Moxuan could not be said. Now she was suddenly unprepared to meet his parents. It was really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Xiao Molan didn't tell his parents much. He just said that she was his good friend in the mausoleum. Today, she was specially invited to play.

Xiao Yuanxi is a dignified old man. His long-term leadership career has infected him with a momentum of self anger. Looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's eyes is also a kind of examination and judgment.

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking of the scene when he made a mistake and was called to lecture by the serious and rigid teaching director when he was in school.

Su Yuezhen looks much younger, only in her forties. Dressed elegantly and delicately, gentle and decent, it gives people a very comfortable feeling and speaks kindly. Meng Xiaoxiao is still very fond of this aunt level elder.

She didn't see Xiao Moxuan. She was naturally surprised. She didn't ask much in front of Xiao Yuanxi and Su Yuezhen.

Xiao Molan took the initiative to tell her that my brother has to work overtime today. He went to the company with sister Xue early in the morning and will be back at noon.

Meng Xiaoxiao smiled understandably and said nothing. However, in my heart, there is still some taste.

She doesn't know that Li Jiaxue has become Xiao Moxuan's German secretary. She can often follow him out of pairs and participate in various business activities and negotiations.

I just feel that they are so closely linked in their career that they can be together every day. They have a feeling of husband singing and women flying together.

But she seems to be farther away from Xiao Moxuan

Xiao Yuanxi and Su Yuezhen didn't have much interest in their son's green and formal good friend. They talked to her at will and didn't pay much attention to her.

Knowing that Meng Xiaoxiao would not like to stay with his parents, Xiao Molan cleverly found an excuse to invite Meng Xiaoxiao upstairs.

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