"Ha ha, you reminded me." Meng Xiaoxiao turned back and smiled again with a bleak and proud smile: "President Xiao, since I decided to go, I'm certainly not ready to come back!"

She came over, took out a bunch of keys and a golden bank card from her bag and threw them on the tea table: "look, this is the key to the house and give it back to you. I haven't moved a penny on this bank card! Give it back to you!"

After that, Meng Xiaoxiao didn't look at him more and stepped out of the house.

The solid security door slammed shut again, separating her from him. Xiao Moxuan bit his teeth hard and swept all the things on the tea table to the ground

Meng Xiaoyi walked out of the house without looking back, leaving her and Xiao Moxuan countless joy and love, as well as her own countless empty and lonely houses.

When she left, she didn't take anything. She only took a small umbrella and her bag. She didn't even bother to take it for laundry.

It was late at night, and the dim yellow street lamp threw her thin figure on the wet ground and pulled it fluttering. There were almost no pedestrians on the road, and only twos and threes of vehicles roared past her.

The sky is still floating with moderate rain, which is a common kind of rain in summer. Float for a while, stop for a while, big for a while, small for a while.

Meng Xiaoxiao's umbrella was not big enough. She was thinking about her mind and didn't concentrate on her umbrella.

Soon, her light dress was slightly wet. The cool wind mixed with drizzle kept falling on her bare arms, legs and insteps. However, she didn't seem to feel a little cool.

Several empty taxis passed her and stopped for a while to see if she wanted to take a bus.

After all, a young and beautiful girl walking alone in the street at midnight is so eye-catching that ordinary people will stop the car.

But Meng Xiaoxiao didn't take a look at the vehicles at all, and there was no response at all. So, several empty cars drove away quickly again, in a hurry to solicit other business.

Not that she doesn't want to take the bus, but now, she doesn't know where to go?

I don't have a definite destination in my heart. What do I do by car? I can't get on the bus. Let the driver take her for a ride all over the street. It's too extravagant

So, just walk quietly for a while and sort out your chaotic thoughts by the way.

Meng Xiaoxiao walked ahead alone. He couldn't help thinking of the cold and heartless words Xiao Moxuan said when he left the house just now: Meng Xiaoxiao, you'd better think clearly. If you go out from here today, you'll never want to come back to me again!

Ho! He's really good at talking and doing.

She took Li Jiaxue to Paris and came back to haunt her. Then she broke up, which became the situation now

No man will look at the woman he likes and cares about alone in the street on such a rainy night, if he really loves her.

However, when she left, he didn't say anything, didn't keep her, and didn't catch up with her.

So, in the final analysis, he still doesn't love her or care about her. What else can he think of?

Meng Xiaoxiao's mouth flashed a bitter smile of self mockery, vigorously shook his hair and accelerated his pace.

Yes, now that I have decided to leave, and I don't intend to look back. Then don't let those stumbling and unbearable past events trip up your mind and hands and feet.

Forget what should be forgotten, put down what should be put down, and start your new life easily!

After her mood gradually stabilized, Meng Xiaoxiao decided to stay with Tao zhier for one night.

She won't go to her brother's and sister-in-law's house. Now all she can take refuge in is Tao zhier.

Having made up her mind, she stood by the side of the road and began to stop the car.

But it's really strange. When she didn't want to take a bus just now, empty taxis ran to her one by one.

Now, when she really wanted to take a ride, the taxis disappeared again. Once in a while, someone has already taken one. They don't stop at all.

Meng Xiaoxiao stood patiently in place and waited for more than ten minutes. He still didn't get on the bus. Instead, he was splashed with mud and water by a car that didn't pay much attention to public morality.

Shit! Really special fire back! It's really unlucky for people to plug their teeth when drinking cold water! As she dodged and jumped aside, she scolded angrily and simply didn't wait for the car.

Tao zhier's rented house is only three or four stops away from here at most. She thinks it's a big deal and goes there. She just takes exercise after being lovelorn

Meng Xiaoxiao strode forward while cheering herself up. At this time, a white sports car that looked very swaggering in the night sped past her.

Suddenly, the car came to an emergency brake in front, stopped, and quickly backed back. The window fell, revealing a surprised face: "Xiaoxiao, how is it you?"

Meng Xiaoxiao looked up. It was really a coincidence that she met her old classmate and old friend Su Ningfeng again.

Since Xu Lin dumped Tao zhier to marry Suna, she recklessly rushed to Tianrui enterprise to make a scene with Xu Lin. She and Su Ningfeng haven't seen each other or contacted each other for a long time. But I didn't expect that they would meet by chance again on such a rainy night when they broke up with Xiao Moxuan.

It can only be said that the world is too small.

"Get on the bus first." at a moment when Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned, Su Ningfeng had opened the door.

Meng Xiaoxiao sat up in silence and didn't know what to say for a moment?

Although she and Su Ningfeng are old classmates and old friends, it can be said that they are no longer familiar with each other. But in such a situation, she still felt very embarrassed.

Because, after all, she has been the lover of Xiao Moxuan for a period of time, and she is no longer the innocent and flawless Meng Xiaoxiao in her school days. I was seen by Su Ningfeng at this awkward time tonight. I really can't say how relaxed it is

Su Ningfeng asked with concern, "what happened? Why are you alone in the street so late?"

Meng Xiaoxiao gently pursed her lips and wondered more and more how to explain to Su Ningfeng that she was alone on the street at night?

Seeing Meng Xiaoxiao's complicated expression, Su Ningfeng didn't answer for a long time, so he had to ask again, "where are you going at this time?"

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