The glib Tao zhier was somewhat tongue tied by Meng Xiaoxiao's rhetorical questions, turned his face slightly, and a complex wave flashed across the bottom of his eyes: "I'm different from you. I once loved Xu Lin for so long, and he left, almost taking away all my feelings. What's the point if I want him more money or compensation?"

"Isn't that the same?" Meng Xiaoxiao picked his eyebrows wearily and said with a bitter smile, "I'm with Xiao Moxuan because of love. Now that love is gone, what do I want his money for?"

Tao zhier had nothing to say. After a long time, she hugged Meng Xiaoxiao tightly and said, "Xiaoxiao, don't be too sad. As you advised me before, there are many good men waiting for us."

"Yes, we are really a pair of difficult sisters now. We have two generals. Even the lovelorn is followed first and then." Meng Xiaoxiao was silent for a while and smiled lightly. However, in the clear black and white eyes, a few glittering and translucent water lights suddenly appeared, which disappeared in a flash.

Later, when lying in bed, the two girls didn't say much. They slept with their eyes closed.

However, Tao zhier understood that Meng Xiaoxiao was not asleep.

Throughout the night, she got up several times, either drinking water or going to the bathroom. I don't know if she had slept soundly for a minute?

On this night, Xiao Moxuan, who also tossed and turned and didn't sleep, stayed in the small house.

Meng Xiaoxiao would walk away so resolutely, which he never thought of in advance.

He remembered that the day before he took Li Jiaxue to Paris, he specifically called her and said good words.

At that time, Meng Xiaoxiao's tone was still so clear and light, neither cold nor hot.

Xiao Moxuan heard that she was a little unhappy, but she didn't pay much attention to it. I just thought that I would bring her more gifts and coax her more.

Women just like beautiful gifts and sweet words?

As soon as he came back from Paris, he was busy with everything. Today, he was the first to arrive at her.

Before leaving, for one reason or another, he didn't get together with Meng Xiaoxiao. He went to Paris for a few days. He didn't miss her.

However, he came with enthusiasm in exchange for her seriously breaking up with him and leaving without nostalgia!

Besides, she didn't take anything he gave her.

She left the house key and the bank card. She said she didn't move the money on it

This made Xiao Moxuan fall into the deepest frustration and anger. No girl had ever treated him so arrogantly and rudely! He was the only one who dumped others, and no one dared to dump him.

Meng Xiaoxiao, why should she be so arrogant in front of him and ignore his dignity again and again? Challenge his bottom line?

Is he bad to her? No, it can be said that among the women he has or even knows, he is the most special and accommodating to Meng Xiaoxiao.

Before, no woman could keep his enthusiasm for more than three days. Many charming and docile beauties, almost the next day he would get tired and send them away with money.

Meng Xiaoxiao is the only woman he has stayed with for so long. He even thought it would be better to leave her with him all his life.

However, even so, he did not keep her.

She still left, with no hesitation and determination. I don't know. What does she want? What else is not satisfied?

Xiao Moxuan lay alone on the bed where he had slept with Meng Xiaoxiao for countless times. Listening to the "tick tock" coming from the window, the sound of rain from time to time, he only felt that he was in an unprecedented upset and terrible mood.

He knew that Meng Xiaoxiao had few relatives in the mausoleum and had only one brother, but they had little contact now.

Now it's so late and it's raining outside. Where will she go if she runs out so quickly? No... what happened?

On this thought, Xiao Moxuan felt even more upset and couldn't lie down for a second.

He simply put on his clothes and got out of bed. He went to the balcony and looked down.

Although he knew it was impossible, there was an almost naive fantasy in his heart.

Maybe Meng Xiaoxiao is standing in a corner downstairs. He just needs to shout gently and she will come back. Later, it was still the little woman who lay soft in his arms and laughed with him, which made him love and hurt.

However, outside at this time, there was only the boundless night and the continuous rain. Where is the small figure that makes him restless and restless?

Although he didn't want to admit it, Xiao Moxuan also knew that he was still worried about the woman who left him heartlessly and faintly worried about her.

But it was absolutely impossible for him to chase out in a hurry and humbly beg a woman who broke up with him to come back.

This is something he never disdains to do. There is no need to please any woman in his world.

Xiao Moxuan stood quietly on the balcony for a long time. Finally, he returned to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Her eyes slowly glanced over every item left by Meng Xiaoxiao in the room, pink slippers, cartoon tea cups, hairy bears in her arms, hair bands, and many exquisite and fun small handicrafts she made when she was interested

It's the same, it's all over, but it's lovely and lovable there. It's like waiting for their mistress to come back quietly and patiently. It's dazzling and heart piercing.

Xiao Moxuan lit a cigarette and took a hard sip, so that his face and thoughts were shrouded in a dense smoke and stayed awake all night

The next day, Xiao Moxuan went to work with a cool face. His eyebrows were locked, his eyes were cold, and his gloomy and cold look seemed as if someone had owed him debts for several generations.

Almost in less than one morning, all the senior executives of the company knew that the president was in a bad mood, and it was very bad. It's okay. You'd better not hit the muzzle of the gun and don't provoke him.

Li Jiaxue, including Li Jiaxue, who came back from a trip to Paris with him, was also very interesting and did not dare to go in to disturb him from time to time as before.

She guessed that there might be a problem between Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Moxuan. She couldn't help but secretly rejoice. On the surface, she didn't show her face and worked harder than before.

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