"Nothing interesting." it was Meng Xiaoxiao's angry appearance that finally made Xiao Moxuan feel a little happy. His cold and good-looking lips slightly raised, and there was a leisurely smile on his frozen face, which was very hateful: "Don't you know? I always do things according to my own interests. You can't get the key today. I agree that you can continue to find me tomorrow."

"I'm looking for your head!" this is really unbearable. Meng Xiaoxiao's anger rushed straight to his head and clenched his teeth on the table: "Xiao Moxuan! Don't go too far! Since I'm here today, I have to get the key! I won't have the American time to find you tomorrow!"

The strength she used was so great that it shocked the gorgeous and expensive table. There were several cups of wine poured out of the glass and soaked the snow-white tablecloth.

The people at the table were stunned, stunned, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

This girl is really brave. She dares to call President Xiao's name directly in front of so many people, slap President Xiao on the table and stare at him. She also seems very impatient and doesn't look at President Xiao. She is really a cow.

Ding Jing, who had been quietly snuggling up in Xiao Moxuan's arms, was stunned and timid, and could not help leaning closer to him.

Xiao Moxuan didn't forget to show his tenderness and consideration at the right time, comfortingly hugged Ding quietly, then picked his eyebrow and looked at Meng Xiaoxiao, mocked and spit out a sentence: "Oh, I haven't seen you for two days, but you don't see any other progress, but you're more like a bitch."

Meng Xiaoxiao was so angry that he puffed up his cheeks and became evil. He wanted to show more shrewdness and lift the whole table.

"Don't be angry, Miss Meng. The president is just joking with you." seeing that the situation is wrong, Xiao Fei quickly stopped her with good words.

In just a short while, he had seen that the girl who spoke and did nothing lightly was not afraid of the president. Not only was she not afraid, she seemed to have the upper hand in front of the president.

So he was worried. If the president didn't ease his attitude, Meng Xiaoxiao might pick up a dish or a glass of wine on the table and pour it on the president's face and body. It would be embarrassing.

With Xiao Fei's persuasion, Meng Xiaoxiao suppressed the burning anger in her heart, but her clear eyes still stared at Xiao Moxuan coldly: "give me the key!"

Xiao Moxuan didn't seem to hear it. He lowered his head to comfort the frightened little sheep in his arms.

Seeing that both of them were so stubborn, Xiao Fei was afraid that things would get out of hand. He looked at Xiao Moxuan and said carefully, "president, what's the key? Why don't I go and get it for Miss Meng."

Xiao Moxuan frowned. His face was really not very kind.

He knew Xiao Fei was kind and wanted to clean up the mess for him. However, he had never been so angry with Xiao Fei's kindness as now.

You Xiao Fei, usually said you would come. Why are you so blind at the moment? Who asked you to mind your own business? My little girl and I are playing around. Why are you cutting in?

Seeing that Xiao Moxuan was quiet, Meng Xiaoxiao raised his voice and shouted, "Xiao Moxuan, do you hear me? Give me the key!"

Xiao Fei was really afraid of the two ancestors. With a spirit of sacrificing himself and sacrificing himself for others, he calmed down and said, "president, look..."

Xiao Moxuan bit his teeth impatiently, took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and threw them coldly on the table: "take them! Don't bother me again in the future!"

This is the string of keys Meng Xiaoxiao left in the house when she left.

God knows what kind of mentality he is out of? Since Meng Xiaoxiao left, he has put these keys in his pocket every day. Unexpectedly, they are really useful today.

"The devil wants to bother you! I don't want to see you again!" Meng Xiaoxiao didn't want to stay here for a minute. He grabbed the key on the table, turned and swaggered out of the door, closing the door with an earth shaking sound.

The people in the private room looked at each other. For a while, they were a little cold. No one knew what to say?

Xiao Fei raised his glass and broke the deadlock: "come on, let's continue. This is the child of a relative of President Xiao. He has a stubborn temper. Just look back."

No matter how lame and farfetched this explanation is, it at least gives this matter a low step. All the people sitting here are human beings. Who would want to offend Xiao Moxuan so unknowingly? So they all made a sudden realization, picked up their wine glasses, continued to talk and laugh, drank and ate vegetables, and the atmosphere became warm again.

Xiao Moxuan also looked as usual. He drank and laughed with everyone as if nothing had happened. Sometimes he gently said a word or two to Ding quietly around him. It seemed that the discordant episode just now had never happened, or had no impact on him at all.

However, only a few minutes later, he stood up and said to Xiao Fei, "give me your car key."

Xiao Fei honestly took out his car key, but he still felt puzzled: "president, what's the matter?"

"I'll go out. If I don't come back later, you'll drive my car back." Xiao Moxuan also took out his car key and exchanged it with him. His tone was simply decisive, equivalent to an order.

"Mr. Xiao, are you leaving?" Ding quietly asked timidly.

"Yes, I have something to do." Xiao Moxuan said quietly, without looking at her more.

"Then I..." Ding Jingjing suddenly felt as if she had lost her dependence. In fact, she wanted to say that I would go with you, but she didn't dare to go in the end. She looked very pitiful.

"You can play here for a while and wait for Xiao Fei to take you back." Xiao Moxuan said, leaving a word blankly and striding out of the private room.

Downstairs, Xiao Moxuan found Xiao Fei's car in the parking lot, stepped on the accelerator and drove out.

He drove ahead slowly along the boulevard leading to the city. While driving, he carefully observed the road ahead.

Sure enough, after a while, he saw the small figure that he loved, hated, annoyed, angry and couldn't let go. She was riding her small electric car and rushed forward quickly.

Xiao Moxuan felt a sigh of relief, slowed down the speed, and followed her slowly.

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