So, what happened to the little girl who used to follow Xiao Moxuan foolishly?

Gu Beiye is thinking thoughtfully. His eyes turn inadvertently, but he just sees Meng Xiaoxiao sitting around talking with Su Ningfeng.

His heart suddenly moved. Without any hesitation, he walked towards Meng Xiaoxiao.

When Gu Beiye appeared in front of Meng Xiaoxiao with his usual gentle demeanor, Meng Xiaoxiao really couldn't believe his eyes. He was stunned for a while and said in surprise: "Beiye, you're here too."

"Yes, just arrived." Gu Beiye said with a smile.

Meng Xiaoxiao quickly let him sit down and introduced him and Su Ningfeng. The two men greeted each other politely.

Seeing that Meng Xiaoxiao had an acquaintance and came to chat with her, Su Ningfeng left for the time being.

Since he met Meng Xiaoxiao tonight, he has been patient with her and has not taken care to talk to some of his father's old friends and relationships. At this moment, I just went to do my due courtesy.

"Xiaoxiao, haven't seen you for a long time. Are you okay?" Gu Beiye asked after su Ningfeng left. Those deep and clear black eyes, like the most quiet lake, flow with soft and tender waves.

"It's not like that. I go to work step by step every day. It's neither good nor bad." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled faintly and said.

Gu Beiye looks at Xiao Moxuan and Li Jiaxue, who are still dancing together in the presence, ponders a little, hesitates and asks, "you and Xiao Moxuan..."

"Separated." Meng Xiaoxiao replied in advance before he finished asking, with a calm and indifferent expression.

It seems that it has really been a very long and vague thing, and will never cause a little wave in her heart again

Gu Beiye didn't ask any more questions, looked at her up and down, and naturally changed the topic: "Xiaoxiao, are you here to be a reporter today?"

"Yes." Meng Xiaoxiao gently pursed her lips and smiled, "director Gu, I happen to interview you, too. Tell me about your views on the business conference."

"Hehe, you are really a good journalist who respects his duties and works hard." Gu Beiye couldn't help laughing heartily.

The atmosphere was miraculously harmonious. There was a little estrangement and alienation between the two people, which seemed to disappear all at once, and became as relaxed and harmonious as when they were together.

He talked happily for a while. When another dance music sounded, Gu Beiye smiled and made an invitation gesture: "Xiaoxiao, today, I should be able to invite you to a dance."

Hearing what he said, Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking of the last New Year reception Xiao Moxuan took her to.

Just because I met Gu Beiye, I talked with Gu Beiye outside for a while. Later, Xiao Moxuan angrily rushed over and took her away. In the car, he gave her crazy vent like a beast

Alas, the past is really unbearable. When I think about it, it's a pain in my heart

Meng Xiaoxiao sighed at the bottom of her heart, got rid of these unpleasant thoughts, stood up and said, "let's go. Today I belong to myself. I can jump with whoever I want and as long as I want."

Although Xiao Moxuan has been dancing closely with Li Jiaxue, he has not relaxed his attention to Meng Xiaoxiao.

When Gu Beiye appears and sits directly beside Meng Xiaoxiao, his temples jump uncontrollably. He almost wants to rush over immediately, pull Meng Xiaoxiao into his arms and announce his ownership to everyone again

However, up to now, Meng Xiaoxiao has left him without hesitation. He doesn't want him for a penny. Even a small piece of paper he bought for her hasn't been taken away. What position does he have to do so? Who else is qualified to do that?

Even if he did this in the past, according to Meng Xiaoxiao's rebellious character, he would not tell him a trace of friendship or save him a trace of face.

Xiao Moxuan fully believes that if he is really desperate to hold Meng Xiaoxiao in his arms at the moment, she is likely to slap him again, say more ruthless and hurtful words, and create another more popular news at the party

Therefore, he could only suppress the surging jealousy and anger in his heart, and watched Gu Beiye and Meng Xiaoxiao talk and laugh warmly and enter the dance floor.

They embraced and rotated together, whispered and smiled. Even when they were dancing, they didn't give up all the opportunities to talk

This Gu Beiye! In the past, Xiao Moxuan regarded him as the biggest threat and the most dangerous competitor between him and Meng Xiaoxiao.

But unexpectedly, Gu Beiye can have such a long relationship, and he doesn't seem to mind the unbearable relationship between Meng Xiaoxiao and him. After such a long time, I still have such deep love for Meng Xiaoxiao and never forget my love

The arm that Xiao Moxuan held in Li Jiaxue's hand could not help tightening. The whole person was covered with a layer of gloomy cold, like a millennium iceberg in the air, which made people shudder.

"Brother Xuan, you pinch my hand." doesn't Li Jiaxue understand what he's angry about? But pretending to know nothing, he tooted his mouth and protested coyly.

"Forget it, don't dance!" Xiao Moxuan said with a cold face. No matter the dance music hasn't finished yet, let go of Li Jiaxue and walked to his seat.

Although Li Jiaxue was full of grievances and unwilling, she had to keep the most elegant and moving smile, and walked back to her seat with Xiao Moxuan.

She knows that many media reporters from all walks of life came to the banquet today, which is a good opportunity to exaggerate her relationship with Xiao Moxuan. Of course, she won't lose her manners.

Xiao Moxuan sat down and poured another glass of wine. He spread the buttons of his suit impatiently. There were dark clouds in his heart, but he couldn't find an outlet to vent.

After the dance, Meng Xiaoxiao and Gu Beiye didn't return to their seats immediately, but danced a few more songs easily.

Su Ningfeng talked with several elders for a while and came back. He also invited Meng Xiaoxiao to dance.

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't refuse. He got along well with each of them, relaxed and natural.

There is no jealous or unhappy reaction between the two men. They all think that this is a basic etiquette in normal social intercourse, which seems very elegant.

After all, Meng Xiaoxiao is not the official girlfriend of any of them now. Even if she wants to be jealous, it doesn't make sense. It's better to be generous and generous. In this way, Xiaoxiao is also happy.

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