To be polite, she is a violent girl with lovely appearance and savage heart. To be ugly, she directly says that she is a cruel and cruel mother Yasha

In short, the speed of the spread of this matter on the Internet, the wide range involved and the high heat caused by it exceeded everyone's expectations.

Fortunately, someone reported it to Meng Feifan in time.

As a top-level successful person who stands at the peak of his career and can almost overlook everything, he will never allow such a mess of negative news to spread out at home and give people arbitrary consumption.

Meng Feifan was so angry that he immediately let his assistant contact the person in charge of the website and ordered them to delete these irresponsible pictures and words immediately.

The post was deleted, but the sequelae left behind can not be eliminated in a while.

For a long time after that, everyone was still speculating and talking about the dispute between Meng Xiaoxiao and Li Jiaxue.

Most of the people who didn't know where to go were on Li Jiaxue's side. I think it's really pathetic that she, such a weak beauty, was beaten like that by Meng Xiaoxiao mercilessly

Li Jiaxue's own heart, of course, is more resentful. Her deep-seated hatred for Meng Xiaoxiao is even stronger.

Just as she threatened Meng Xiaoxiao in front of the beauty salon, she will have a hard time, and it will also make Meng Xiaoxiao have a hard time.

Even if she dies, she will take Meng Xiaoxiao to be buried with her

She was beaten black and blue by Meng Xiaoxiao. Of course, she didn't make skin care, but went to the hospital with a beautician.

In the hospital, the doctor treated her wound and prescribed medicine for her.

Li Jiaxue returned to Yindu Garden Villa with full hatred and unwillingness. Uncle Cheng and aunt Cheng were very surprised to see her coming back, but they didn't dare to ask more questions.

Because now Li Jiaxue has almost become a one touch explosive bag. She has a bad temper and is moody. Yell at them if you want and scold them if you want.

They never dared to talk to Meng Xiaoxiao casually and naturally as they did in front of her.

However, the two old people did their best to take care of her food and daily life.

In the evening, after taking care of Li Jiaxue, she finished her meal and made her honey scented tea that she must drink every day. Uncle Cheng and aunt Cheng returned to their room early and didn't want to stay outside more.

So as not to cause Li Jiaxue's unhappiness and lead to an unprovoked reprimand.

Li Jiaxue, with gauze on her face and gauze on her arm, lay alone on the sofa in the living room, feeling even more desolate.

And the culprit of all her current tragedies, she identified Meng Xiaoxiao!

I don't know how long I lay? It was completely dark. Li Jiaxue didn't bother to turn on the lights. Her most annoying advertising programs were playing on the TV, and she didn't want to change channels.

She was so lazy but angry that she didn't give up her thoughts for a moment. How should she give Meng Xiaoxiao the most painful counterattack? Let this wild girl who robbed her of all her joy and ruined her life's happiness never turn over

Outside the door, suddenly came the sound of a car driving into the yard, and then a steady and powerful footsteps.

Li Jiaxue's spirit was invigorated, his mood was much better, and a faint hope rose secretly.

She knew that Xiao Moxuan must have come back.

Since he taught Gao Yue a crazy lesson that night and sent him to prison, Xiao Moxuan has come back less often these days. And no matter in the company or elsewhere, she was as cold as ice.

But Li Jiaxue was still very happy to see him back.

What's more, now, her face and body are full of scars, and he can take this opportunity to make him love himself

Even if she didn't love her, she didn't believe it. Would he be indifferent to seeing the girl he loved and took care of as his sister?

Li Jiaxue wrapped her blanket tightly and curled her body into a pitiful ball. His face made a weak, helpless and painful expression, quietly waiting for Xiao Moxuan's arrival.

After a while, the villa door "clattered" and Xiao Moxuan came in.

Then the light in the living room came on.

I wonder if the outdoor temperature is too low? Li Jiaxue felt that as soon as he came in, he seemed to bring a cold breath like ice and snow, which suddenly made her feel a little afraid.

But she still pretended to be uncomfortable, opened her eyes and said in a delicate voice: "brother Xuan, you're back..."

Xiao Moxuan stood in the middle of the living room with his fists clenched. He didn't pay attention to her. The expression on his face was uncertain. He couldn't see what he was thinking?

He naturally knows that the fight between Li Jiaxue and Meng Xiaoxiao is so popular on the Internet.

Although when he heard about it, he could not find the news that was rendered beyond recognition when he opened his laptop.

But with his own imagination alone, he can also imagine how lively and eye-catching the scene was at that time.

Because of this, Xiao Moxuan came back from the construction site. Otherwise, he doesn't want to see Li Jiaxue at all

"Brother Xuan, I'm so sad..." Li Jiaxue saw Xiao Moxuan didn't speak, covered the wound on his face and said in pain: "Today, I met Xiaoxiao. I don't know why she hates me so much. I have said that her abortion has nothing to do with me, but she beat me like this without asking, and pushed me down such a high step. She's really vicious..."

"Don't call me brother again." Xiao Moxuan finally interrupted her. She looked tired and rusty, but had an irresistible toughness: "I don't want to hear you call me that again!"

Li Jiaxue was stunned for a moment, and immediately her eyes burst into wronged tears: "brother Xuan, do you only believe in Xiaoxiao? I have been beaten like this by her, do you still blame me?"

"I said don't call me brother again!" Xiao Moxuan raised his tone and said heavily and word by word: "people are stupid if they think they are too smart! If I don't say something, it doesn't mean I don't know."

Li Jiaxue's eyes turned and she dared not speak casually any more, but she was unwilling to be abandoned. So she shrugged her shoulders and cried sadly, hoping to arouse a trace of compassion from Xiao Moxuan.

Xiao Moxuan came over and stood condescending in front of her.

Li Jiaxue felt the effect of her bitter meat plan, and secretly rejoiced in her heart. For a moment, she cried even more sad, as if the sky was about to step down.

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