"Yes, Lord, try it." Meng Xiaoxiao said enthusiastically. In fact, she hopes her craft will be tasted by more people.

Xiao Moxuan tasted it. Although he didn't export praise like Xiao Molan, he also felt that the flavor was unique and delicious. He couldn't help asking, "Meng Xiaoxiao, where did you learn these?"

"Hee hee, I learned it in my dream. I learned it without a teacher." Meng Xiaoxiao said with a naughty smile.

"Oh? How many times will you cook such a meal for the king?" Xiao Moxuan looked at her and said casually.

"No problem, Lord, as long as you like to eat, I can make it for you at any time." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, and the whole face became vivid, just like a slowly blooming hibiscus flower. It was dazzling, bright and moving, and the sweet feeling was fascinating.

The smile was so beautiful that a soft place at the bottom of Xiao Moxuan's heart moved slightly, and the expression on his face couldn't help but put it down.

This strange girl seems especially lively, clever and lovely today

I haven't felt this for a long time.

Since Su Ying left him, his heart has become a dry well. At this time, it seems that a new water wave has suddenly been injected, with a slight palpitation

The scene of four people sitting together for dinner was really weird, but Meng Xiaoxiao was very happy.

Because she finally found out, or finally figured it out. As long as she was a little docile to Xiao Moxuan, he was not so difficult to get along with. His heart of stone could also be moved.

Meng Xiaoxiao felt relaxed when he found a way to deal with the strange people around him.

Anyway, a woman's best weapon is to overcome the hard with softness and make the hard with softness.

As long as it's not a matter of principle, she doesn't mind being "gentle" with this strange prince.

After this day, Xiao Moxuan didn't make things difficult for Meng Xiaoxiao as before.

Although he still let Meng Xiaoxiao serve him when he was in the palace, his attitude changed obviously. He basically didn't sneer at her or yell at her fiercely.

The place where the two people are most often in is the study. Meng Xiaoxiao is smart and diligent. He soon mastered these things to do.

When Xiao Moxuan is reading official documents or reading and writing in his study, Meng Xiaoxiao will tacitly help him add inkstones, grind ink, add tea and pour water.

Because she took on the beautiful and fluent regular script of the original Meng Xiaoxiao, Xiao Moxuan sometimes asked her to help transcribe some official documents, and she always finished it very well.

Over time, Xiao Moxuan was used to Meng Xiaoxiao helping around him. Meng Xiaoxiao seemed to have really become his right-hand assistant.

Xiao Moxuan usually doesn't stay in the Palace during the day. This is the time when Meng Xiaoxiao is most happy.

At this time, she and zhier will freely play in ziyuyuan. They can do whatever they want. Generally, no one dares to disturb them.

Although Xiao Moxuan said that she can only be regarded as a servant, who dares to treat Meng Xiaoxiao as a servant except Xiao Moxuan himself? Even if I despise it in my heart, on the surface, I still want to give Princess Meng Xiaoxiao due respect.

Moreover, since that day, the third prince Xiao Molan often came to the palace to see her and stayed here to eat the food she cooked herself.

Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Molan have endless topics together, because Xiao Molan is the only person here who knows that she comes from a distant time and space.

In front of Xiao Molan, she can do whatever she wants without scruples.

Meng Xiaoxiao made some game gadgets in modern society, such as poker and checkers.

On a whim, she would take Xiao Molan and zhi'er to fight the landlord and play checkers.

Xiao Molan also often brings some strange gadgets or delicious fruit snacks to Meng Xiaoxiao from the palace. Several boys and girls of the same age have a great time together.

With the contact increasing day by day, the friendship between Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Molan is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the relationship is getting better and better.

Even if Xiao Molan didn't come for a few days, Meng Xiaoxiao would be worried.

Of course, Xiao Moxuan didn't know all this.

He seems very busy. Most of the time when he comes back is in the evening or evening. After that day, he never stepped into the purple jade garden again, so he never met Xiao Molan again.

In the afternoon of this day, the sun was hot, and there was no wind between heaven and earth. The whole world was in full swing, and even the air was hot.

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't expect that the ancient summer would be so hot. The ground of bluestone road slab was baked into desert white by the burning sun. The branches in the yard were still. Only the noisy cicadas sounded one after another, making people feel even hotter.

She sat in the room and dared not go out. She kept fanning and fanning with a fan, but she was still sweating.

At this moment, Meng Xiaoxiao especially missed the material civilization in modern society.

Although there is no air conditioner at home, there is a lucky fan in her room. It's cool to open it and blow it alone. And in modern times, you can also eat ice Kirin and drink iced coke in summer, which is much cooler than the ancient herbal tea

Meng Xiaoxiao thought of God. Suddenly, he saw Gardenia carrying a large wooden basin and came in and said, "Miss, the third prince has brought you ice."

"Send ice?" Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't understand for a moment. He stood up and looked out.

Xiao Molan commanded several palace guards. They carried a huge piece of ice weighing dozens of kilograms and came in.

Gardenia put the big wooden basin she brought on the ground in the middle of the house, and several bodyguards put the ice into the basin steadily. The whole house was suddenly cool, and the room temperature seemed to drop several degrees at once.

The bodyguards put the ice and respectfully withdrew, and gardenia followed them out.

Meng Xiaoxiao looked at the huge ice block standing in the house in surprise, raised his eyes and asked Xiao Molan, "where did this come from?"

"The ice cellar in the palace stores ice cubes every winter for cooling in summer. It's too hot these days. I thought you might be unbearable, so I asked someone to send you one first, so you'll be more comfortable in the house." Xiao Molan said.

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't expect Xiao Molan to be so careful and treat himself so well. In an instant, a warm current flashed across his heart.

Like a person walking in a lonely night, she suddenly saw someone light a bright night lamp for her. Her heart was full of excitement and moved.

Seeing that Xiao Molan was still hot and sweating, Meng Xiaoxiao quickly handed him a silk Juan PA: "Xiao Lan, wipe your sweat, sit down and have a rest."

"OK." Xiao Molan agreed and sat down obediently.

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