"I didn't wait for you to find it!" Meng Xiaoxiao blushed again and shouted fiercely, "just give an example to refute you. Don't take it seriously!"

"To tell you the truth, I want to go to find you. I'm still thinking about it on New Year's Eve." Xiao Moxuan stopped the joking look on his face and asked very seriously, "if I really passed, what would you do to me?"

"How can I treat you?" Meng Xiaoxiao gave him a white eye and said angrily, "I'm not going to entertain you anyway!"

"So I didn't go." Xiao Moxuan shook his head helplessly and sighed deliberately: "Oh, you think, I flew all the way to the United States to find you for the new year, but you ignored me. Why do I feel embarrassed?"

"Hum! That's just insincerity!" Meng Xiaoxiao was very unhappy and coldly said to him.

"No, Xiaoxiao, I'm absolutely 100% sincere to you." Xiao Moxuan saw that she was really angry and quickly explained, "mainly because I know you didn't want to see me at that time. Another reason is that I'm really too busy to leave. I've been working on the ground for the new year and haven't even returned home."

"Yes, you are a busy man who manages everything every day. The earth may not be able to move without you." Meng Xiaoxiao puffed his cheeks and said sarcastically, "what exactly is that broken construction site? You seem to have lost your soul there!"

"Oh, that's not a broken construction site." Xiao Moxuan was angry and funny. He couldn't help laughing: "but it's true that I lost my soul there."

"Since the soul is gone, why are you still free to come here today?" Meng Xiaoxiao was more and more uncomfortable. He said coldly, "hurry up and don't delay your important project!"

"Don't be angry. No matter how important things are, they are not as important as you." Xiao Moxuan coaxed her with a good temper and said positively, "Xiaoxiao, I have something to tell you besides coming to see you today."

"What's up?" Meng Xiaoxiao "flopped" to pack up the things on the desk without lifting his eyelids.

"Gu Beiye and Wen Xinyue are getting married." Xiao Moxuan said, looking at her face with concern and calmly saying the following: "the wedding date is scheduled for early May. I was invited to be their best man."

Meng Xiaoxiao's hand, which was collecting things vigorously, couldn't help pausing. He thought with self mockery, how fast!

What's more ridiculous is that Xiao Moxuan and Gu Beiye used to be so stiff because of her. Now it seems that they have met, smiled, lost their gratitude and hatred, and restored their former close friendship.

Therefore, it's really unclear what's going on in this world. Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi

She took a deep breath. Her mood gradually calmed down, but her tone was still not very friendly: "please be the best man. It's good. With your full participation, the wedding must be more sensational!"

"What they mean is that they want you to be a bridesmaid." Xiao Moxuan looked at her and said cautiously, "also, I think so."

Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment. Now he was really angry. Apricot eyes roared: "why do you think so? Why do you think I should go? If my ex boyfriend gets married and the bride is not me, no one is worried that I will smash the court? And he specially asked me to be the bridesmaid. Is this intended to provoke me or stimulate me?"

"Xiaoxiao, please forgive me. Everyone hopes you can attend the wedding with me." Xiao Moxuan looked at her and said frankly, "if you weren't the bridesmaid, I wouldn't be interested in being a best man. I haven't been a foil in my life."

"You are you and I am me. You can go if you like. Don't pull me!" Meng Xiaoxiao bit his lips and said forcefully, "I won't go anyway!"

Xiao Moxuan sighed a little and patiently persuaded her: "Xiaoxiao, you are a scholar. There is a truth you must understand: the sea contains all rivers, and tolerance is great. Tolerance for others is actually a kind of spiritual liberation for yourself. Things have been gone for so long, and you don't really suffer any harm, so why bother so much?"

"You don't have to tell me these great principles. If I don't go, I won't go!" Meng Xiaoxiao suddenly felt very upset and said impatiently, "is that it? Please go back after talking. I have to work!"

"Well, well, I won't talk." Xiao Moxuan had to compromise, changed the topic and said, "have lunch together."

"No time!" Meng Xiaoxiao spit out two words coldly.

"We ate together that night." Xiao Moxuan was not discouraged at all and continued to please her with good words.

"No more time!" Meng Xiaoxiao had no enthusiasm.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't have to treat me like a class enemy." Xiao Moxuan finally expressed a trace of dissatisfaction.

"Oh, can you let me be quiet first? Just came back, you ruined my good mood in the morning." Meng Xiaoxiao stared and said.

"Well, I'll contact you then." Xiao Moxuan smiled helplessly and said softly, "baby, be in a good mood. I'll go first."

Baby again?! Meng Xiaoxiao had a black line and was speechless. Just when she wanted to get angry, she saw that Xiao Moxuan had got up and left her office.

From this day on, Xiao Moxuan will often meet Meng Xiaoxiao as long as he is not too busy.

In fact, he took the initiative to find Meng Xiaoxiao at work or at home, and talked to her with a clear destination.

Meng Xiaoxiao's attitude towards him is not as bad as before. In general, he can talk to him quietly.

However, she never promised Xiao Moxuan to invite her to dinner or go out to play.

No matter how well Xiao Moxuan said or how hard she was, she was stubborn and didn't let go.

Therefore, although Meng Xiaoxiao came back, their relationship has always maintained such a state of not far, not close and not far away. Never had a single, serious date.

Xiao Moxuan's heart, of course, was anxious, urgent and ready to move.

As long as he is in his spare time, he is always thinking about how to go further with his beloved little girl. Become better than they used to be, the kind of lovers who are really close and help each other.

However, looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's light, lukewarm appearance. He was also worried that he would be too eager, but would self defeating, so that the little girl who had been polite to him became cold as ice and refused people thousands of miles away.

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