"Hey! What are you doing? No! I'm going home!" Meng Xiaoxiao quickly stepped back and didn't let him touch his leg. He couldn't help laughing angrily: it looks like a human model on the surface, but in fact, the nature of the sex wolf hasn't changed

"You haven't said good night to me yet." Xiao Moxuan reached out to catch the girl who wanted to escape and gently circled her into his arms.

"You should have told me first!" Meng Xiaoxiao replied immediately.

As soon as he looked up, he just looked at Xiao Moxuan with a deep and clear eyes, staring at her with infinite love and honey.

The eyes are hot and affectionate, shining like stars, but gentle like moonlight

Meng Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that he couldn't bear it. His Dark Jade eyes seemed to absorb her soul and let her fall into it selflessly and never get out

"OK, I'll say first..." Xiao Moxuan said in a low voice, picked up the girl's charming and hot face and kissed her affectionately.

"It's outside, someone..." Meng Xiaoxiao murmured vaguely, but he couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Don't worry about him, we should have seen it for a long time." Xiao Moxuan's voice was a little overbearing. He wrapped his arms around the girl's soft boneless body and enthusiastically stamped his own brand on her charming cherry pink lips.

Unconsciously, Meng Xiaoxiao's arm climbed up Xiao Moxuan's neck and began to respond to him

At this moment, everything in heaven and earth seems to have ceased to exist. Her world, there is only one him, and his world, there is only one her.

Meng Xiaoxiao's ears were quiet, but he seemed to hear thousands of voices, echoes of love and happiness.

The evening wind blows gently, the running water whispers, the flowers bloom slowly, the birds sing happily, and the breeze dances under the moonlight

Everything is so beautiful, as if wandering in a fairyland on earth with four seasons like spring.

For a long time, Xiao Moxuan was willing to let Meng Xiaoxiao go, but he still held her gently in his arms and asked, "next time, it's our turn?"

"What?" Meng Xiaoxiao didn't quite understand his words. He blinked and looked at him with his big drunk eyes.

"Today, didn't the flower ball in Wen Xinyue's hand hit you?" Xiao Moxuan bowed down his face and kissed her with pity, gently smiled and said: "it's said that this is a fairy stick that can convey happiness. If a girl receives the bride's flower ball, she will follow the bride to find the prince charming she is waiting for and marry herself."

Oh, Meng Xiaoxiao remembered. At today's wedding ceremony, there is indeed a content to let the bride throw a colorful flower ball under the stage.

She was in a trance and didn't care much at all, but the flower ball was impartial and just landed in her arms.

At that time, the audience cheered warmly. But she was still in the clouds, dizzy and confused.

Unexpectedly, that scene had such a beautiful and magical prophecy.

Does she really want to follow Wen Xinyue and marry herself out? Ha ha, interesting

Meng Xiaoxiao's heart was so happy that she couldn't help smiling with her cat's round eyes. The whole face is vivid, like a slowly blooming rose, dazzling, bright and moving.

Xiao Moxuan saw a flutter of heart and hugged her hard. He hooked his head again and caught her sweet red lips like nectar: "I also want a good night kiss."

In such a short time, they kissed back and forth countless times.

Fortunately, it is still in the dead of night, and the Meng family's villa covers a wide area. It is empty and there is no pedestrian traffic. Otherwise, Meng Xiaoxiao will die of shame.

But you can't keep pestering like this, can you? If we don't separate, it's estimated that it's almost midnight

So later, Meng Xiaoxiao resolutely pushed away Xiao Moxuan: "I really want to go home. Bye."

"Tomorrow, I'll pick you up." Xiao Moxuan held her again and said firmly, "we should have a serious date."

"Why should I date you?" Meng Xiaoxiao raised his hand and rubbed his crimson hot cheek. He deliberately said slowly, "it seems that I didn't promise you anything. Tomorrow, maybe I have something else..."

"Hey! Girl! Don't take such a troublemaker!" Xiao Moxuan wanted to let her go. After hearing what she said, he hugged her back: "aren't you my girlfriend? Tomorrow, let everything go! Go out with me for a good day!"

"Why?" Meng Xiaoxiao tooted his mouth and whispered, "hum, it's still so overbearing and unreasonable!"

"Sometimes I have to be unreasonable to deal with you naughty little girl." Xiao Moxuan smiled all over her eyes and coaxed her with good words. "Good boy, it's not easy to have a chance to be with you. If I don't see you tomorrow, I'll be restless all day."

"Well, I'll go to a place tomorrow. Guess the place yourself." Meng Xiaoxiao turned her eyes and said solemnly, "if you can find me before 10 o'clock in the morning, I promise you to be your girlfriend honestly and never be naughty again. If you can't find it, you'll have to test you."

Uh! Xiao Moxuan was speechless, angry and funny.

His little girl is really the most different little girl. At this time, I can still think of such a move with him.

The mausoleum is so big that there are so many places to go. God knows where he should go to find her? Also sadly limited the time

Xiao Moxuan bit his teeth and protested discontentedly: "girl, it's unfair. You should at least give me a specific scope. Just such a general and abstract instruction, even if I get up at five o'clock in the morning, it may be difficult to find you before ten o'clock."

"I can only tell you that it's a place we've been to before, and I like it very much." Meng Xiaoxiao raised Liu ya'er's beautiful eyebrows and said with a naughty smile: "the rest depends on whether you're smart or not."

"No! Give me some more tips!" said Xiao Moxuan.

"Ha, you can think of the rest!" Meng Xiaoxiao smiled, waved to him, opened the door of the villa and quickly flashed in.

Xiao Moxuan looked at the girl's figure and disappeared into the depths of the beautiful and quiet garden like a light bird. His cool and charming mouth can't help rippling a soul stirring happy smile

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