Hearing a loud bang, Meng Xiaoxiao had no time to respond. He was pushed aside and fell to the ground by Xiao Moxuan who rushed with extraordinary strength.

But Xiao Moxuan himself fell under the crazy wheel, and immediately bled and fainted.

The truck that hit people maliciously did not stop for a moment, but accelerated and sped forward. In an instant, it disappeared at the end of the road.

Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned by this completely unacceptable scene. Without much thought, he rushed forward, hugged the unconscious Xiao Moxuan in his arms, and cried eagerly: "Xuan! Xuan! Wake up! Wake up..."

However, Xiao Moxuan never opened his eyes as bright as stars, and couldn't pity her any more. He looked at her and said, "Xiaoxiao, don't cry. It won't look good when you cry..."

His face was pale without a trace of blood, but his body was still bleeding out. I don't know where it hurt? Anyway, all the white clothes are bloodstains, and the corners of the mouth are dripping with red blood

"Xuan! Don't scare me! Wake up! If you don't wake up, I'll never forgive you! I'll hate you forever!" Meng Xiaoxiao shook and shouted desperately. Tears flooded out like the sea water breaking the dike, and his heart was filled with unprecedented fear.

I'm so afraid that he left her like this. I'm so afraid that I'll never see his handsome smile again

Meng Xiaoxiao, the largest hospital in the mausoleum, has been guarding Xiao Moxuan here for two weeks.

Meng Feifan, MI Xiaoqiao, uncle Cheng, aunt Cheng, and Xiao Moxuan's men have come. Even Xiao Moxuan's father and stepmother made a special trip from Beijing. But no one could persuade her to leave.

She asked for a long holiday, brought her laundry and insisted on staying here day and night.

Because she hopes that one day when Xiao Moxuan finally opens his eyes, the first person she sees is her.

She also knew that if Xiao Moxuan woke up, the first person she wanted to see must be her.

The most authoritative expert in China was invited to do the operation for Xiao Moxuan. The doctor said that there were no major obstacles to his various functions. As long as we adhere to good nursing and recuperation, physical recovery should not be a problem.

But this coma, but I don't know when it will get better?

If it's short, maybe ten days and months. If it's long, it's really hard to say. In real life, there are examples of being unconscious in a car accident for a year or two or even never waking up

In other words, Xiao Moxuan is now a vegetable whose brain has lost consciousness, which is often said in medicine. No one is sure whether he will wake up or not? Or will his whole body be normal when he wakes up?

These are the unknowns that the most authoritative experts can't determine. They just gently remind Meng Xiaoxiao that in this case, the hope of the injured person's complete recovery is slim. Let her try to be open.

Meng Xiaoxiao is not discouraged at all. Before going to bed every night, she will firmly tell herself that tomorrow is another day. Maybe tomorrow, Xuanxuan will wake up

When there was no one, she would sit by the bed, gently hold Xiao Moxuan's hand, look at him pale but still don't lose Qingjun's face, and talk to him in a slow voice.

Tell the story of their past together, her current mental journey, and her beautiful vision for their future life.

Say for a while, laugh for a while, cry for a while

No one is more painful than Meng Xiaoxiao now. After experiencing the panic and pain of almost parting with Xiao Moxuan. She finally realized the profound meaning of what Wen Xinyue had said to her: life is fragile and things are changeable. How lucky is it to have and enjoy love in your lifetime? Don't wait until you can't get it back, regret

Every time she recalled everything after her separation from Xiao Moxuan and the thrilling scene that happened that Sunday morning, she was scared to death and hated herself incomparably!

Why not forgive him earlier? Why wait until you almost lose him completely to understand that it is the happiest thing to have him around.

What is the so-called face and self-esteem compared with their love?

Xiao Moxuan once hurt her, but now he has proved to her that his love for her is more important than life with his own practical actions.

From now on, she must cherish and cherish

Meng Xiaoxiao thought back with emotion, brought a hot towel, scrubbed Xiao Moxuan's cheeks, then sat down and began to talk to him softly: "Xuan, the weather is fine now. Gardenias and begonias are in full bloom. You should wake up quickly. When you wake up, we go out to play. You can go wherever you say. You said you wanted to teach me to play golf. Don't cheat. I'm waiting for you to teach me..."

Looking at Xiao Moxuan, who was still unresponsive, Meng Xiaoxiao sighed slightly and said: "By the way, you also said that you like my cooking best. I haven't practiced seriously for two years. When you wake up, shall I cook it for you? I'll make you whatever you want. However, the premise is that you must wake up quickly! Wake up as soon as possible. No, I'll be angry..."

Unknowingly, she spoke a lot in soft words.

Time passed bit by bit, the hot and dazzling summer sun gradually disappeared, and a strange sleepiness suddenly attacked her whole body.

Meng Xiaoxiao felt that she couldn't support it. Inexplicably, her upper and lower eyelids began to fight until she couldn't open her eyes. She fell asleep by Xiao Moxuan's bed like that.

In a daze, she seemed to be standing on a towering, ancient and green mountain.

The steep cliffs are covered with green trees and white clouds, and green pines and cypresses stand high into the clouds. Looking around, the hazy top of the mountain is shrouded in a layer of gauze. Shadowy, far and near in the drifting clouds and smoke, like a few strokes of light ink on the blue horizon.

Eh? Where is this? So familiar.

It seems that she came here a long time ago and stayed here for a long time.

However, in the depths of her memory, she had never visited such a scenic spot as a fairyland on earth. Otherwise, she wouldn't even know the name of the mountain.

Meng Xiaoxiao looked at the new scenery in front of him in surprise. He only felt that the sky had never been so high and blue, and the air had never been so fresh and delicious.

Even after returning to the Meng family, she had enjoyed the most famous lakes and mountains in the world, but she really didn't appreciate the ancient style of being ethereal like an immortal without a trace of artificial carving here and now.

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