"Yes, I have encountered a great event that is vital to my life. I don't know how to save my loved ones. I have to come to beg you for help." Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help it any longer. He knelt down piously and said in detail: "You are an omniscient and omnipotent old immortal. You can also calculate that my lover and husband are Xiao Moxuan, the former Emperor of Yu kingdom. We met and fell in love again in that era thousands of years later. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured in a car accident in order to save me. The doctor said that he might never wake up again in his life. Taoist priest, please help him save him Let's go. He and I have gone through many hardships before we can finally be together. If he can't live well, I also... "

She couldn't go on with the words behind, her eyes turned red unconsciously, and her heart was sour and bitter.

Taoist priest Tianxuan pondered for a moment and sighed deeply: "I can understand your mood. Saving a person's life is better than building a level-7 floating slaughter. Besides, he has benefited countless former emperors for the people of Yu country. If there is a little hope, the Taoist priest will not stand idly by. But his disaster is determined by his life, and in the different time and space thousands of years later, the Taoist priest is afraid that his heart is more than his strength."

Meng Xiaoxiao was even more worried. Tears poured out and covered her face. She couldn't care to raise her hand and wipe it off. She knocked her head and said: "Taoist priest, your Taoist power is strong. Even if I come from another unknown time and space, I can see through at a glance. There must be a way to save Xuanxuan. Please save him. As long as you can wake Xuanxuan up and recover as usual, I can do anything. I am willing to do anything and eat anything."

The girl's cry echoed in the quiet and empty cave, looking so sad and desolate, which made people moved and sad.

Xiao Motian, who stood on the side with his head down, clenched his fists sadly. The heart that had been quiet for years seemed to be tightly pulled into a ball with her mourning and helpless cry at this moment.

Taoist Tianxuan closed his eyes slightly and fell into deep meditation. Meng Xiaoxiao was still kowtowing.

It seems that only in this way can she express her loyalty and save people, and let Xiao Moxuan, who has been lying in the hospital for thousands of years, feel her deep and infinite love

After a while, her smooth forehead was red and swollen, and red blood droplets gradually seeped out.

Seeing this, Xiao Motian could not bear it more. He immediately knelt down and begged: "master, is there really no way to save people? If possible, please help the Empress Dowager. She came so far to beg you. I'm afraid if the supreme emperor is not good, she can't stand it."

Taoist Tianxuan sighed heavily again, and spoke astringently: "there is a way to save people, but this prescription does great harm to the people who come to take medicine. I'm afraid Xiaoxiao's body can't bear it."

"What prescription is it?" Meng Xiaoxiao brightened in his heart, raised his head and solemnly expressed his sincerity: "Taoist priest, I'm not afraid. I said that as long as I can save Xuanxuan, I'm willing to try anything and eat anything."

Taoist priest Tianxuan looked at her and said positively, "I have a powerful elixir called Jiuxiang huanhun pill. If anyone with severe or incurable diseases takes this elixir at the right time, he can almost get rid of the disease and bring back the dead, and his body is even stronger than before."

"Ah, is there such a magic medicine? Then I just take it back to Xuanxuan and he can wake up soon." Meng Xiaoxiao was overjoyed and smiled happily on his tearful cheeks.

However, in the twinkling of an eye, she saw that Taoist priest Tianxuan's face was severe and heavy. It didn't seem easy. She couldn't help biting her lips and asked, "Taoist priest, is this divine medicine too precious for me to take away?"

"Child, Jiuxiang reviving pill is really precious. I won't hide it from you. It takes 19 years to really refine one pill. It still needs all kinds of opportunities. However, the old Taoist priest should do his best to save the former Emperor of Yu kingdom. He has no heart to give up." Taoist priest Tianxuan sighed and shook his head and said in a deep voice: "It's just that the reviving pill has a strange stress. Before taking it to save people, people close to the patient need to soak it in the ice pool behind the hole together with the pill for one night. Otherwise, it will have no effect. It's no different from any ordinary pill in the world."

"A very close person?" Meng Xiaoxiao frowned and said cheerfully, "can I count? He and I are husband and wife and have been pregnant with flesh and blood for him. I should be a very close person. I'll take the pill to the ice pool for a night."

Taoist priest Tianxuan stared at her with dignified voice and color: "But the water in the ice pool is freezing and full of impurities, which is very harmful to human body. Even if you soak it for an hour, ordinary people will not be able to withstand it. If you get seriously ill, let alone overnight? If you soak it for a night, all functions of your body will weaken and deteriorate. You will enter your old age too early, and even die at any time. You can no longer enjoy life like normal people It's fun. "

"Master, never use it." hearing this, Xiao Motian couldn't calm down at all. He impatiently inserted a sentence: "you can't let Xiaoxiao go to the ice pool. In this way, even if you save the supreme emperor, it's equivalent to exchanging Xiaoxiao's life for the supreme emperor's life. What's the significance?"

Meng Xiaoxiao was a little stunned. He immediately bent his eyebrows and smiled faintly. He smiled beautifully and calmly: "it's all right. I've decided to take the pill to the ice pool. I'm willing to use my life for Xuanxuan's life."

"Xiaoxiao, don't be impulsive." Xiao Motian's face changed, eager to stop: "you know, if you have anything, I believe he won't live in this world safely."

Meng Xiaoxiao lowered his eyes sadly, but soon raised them again. His eyes were firm and his face was calm: "no matter what, I won't watch him become a vegetable. I'm willing to go to the ice pool."

Taoist priest Tianxuan sighed with regret, and his low tone was not without pity: "child, you should think clearly. When you go to the ice pool, maybe you will be an old man with white hair when you return to him again."

Meng Xiaoxiao repressed the pain and desolation spreading everywhere at the bottom of his heart and nodded with tears: "I think so, Taoist priest, give me the pill."

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