Under the pressure of his unrelenting depression and anger, Meng fanmo said expressionless, "Cheng bin, investigate the girl's background. I want all her information."

Cheng Bin's driver looked through the rearview mirror and saw that his handsome young boss's face was covered with black clouds. He knew that the beautiful but proud girl had really provoked him. At present, he didn't dare to say much and respectfully promised: "OK."

After entering the municipal government compound, MI Xiaoqiao went to his mother's office first.

Mi Xiaoqiao's biggest regret is that he lost his dear father in a car accident when he was five years old. But even for the children of single parent families, her life is still carefree and smooth under the care and care of her mother over the years.

She is beautiful and intelligent. She went to school early and skipped grade. Now she has graduated from college, but she has just turned 20. And her mother's status as vice mayor is enough for her to enjoy much better treatment than ordinary peers.

Just like now, when many students are still busy looking for a job or taking the postgraduate entrance examination, her mother has already planned a bright future for her to study abroad.

Although it's impossible for her mother to be in the office now, she still wants to see it. After all, mom's phone call just now was so strange that she was always full of confusion and uneasiness.

Even if you can't find your mother, ask her other colleagues.

Walking on the quiet corridor of the government office building, MI Xiaoqiao met several of his mother's colleagues one after another.

Somehow? She thought it was strange for these people to see her today.

Before, when they saw her coming, they would affectionately call Little Joe from a distance and take her to ask questions.

Today, however, no one took the initiative to talk to her. Only when she greeted them, she squeezed out a stiff smile on her face, and then hurried away.

Strange, what happened to these uncles and aunts? Mi Xiaoqiao wondered and walked to his mother's office.

The door of the office was wide open. There were several people sitting inside. They all looked very serious, but they didn't see their mother.

Among these people, only one is known to MI Xiaoqiao, that is Gu Huacheng, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Lingcheng city.

"Uncle Gu, my mother... Isn't she there?" asked Mi Xiaoqiao suspiciously.

Gu Huacheng raised his eyes and saw Mi Xiaoqiao standing by the door. A complicated look flashed across his face and said slowly, "Xiaoqiao, something happened to your mother. Has she contacted you?"

"What's wrong with my mother?" Mi Xiaoqiao walked in, his voice slightly changed.

Thinking of the unknown phone call her mother had made to her, she had the worst feeling in her heart.

"She... Is suspected of several economic cases and has been put on file for review." Gu Huacheng pondered for a while. Although she couldn't bear to face the delicate and beautiful girl like a porcelain doll, she told the truth.

Mi Xiaoqiao was stunned and then asked eagerly, "where is my mother now? Has she been arrested?"

"She ran away..." Gu Huacheng spit out four words.

"Ran away?" Mi Xiaoqiao murmured, his cheeks losing all their blood color in an instant.

She couldn't believe it and wouldn't believe it.

Her mother, so beautiful, wise and capable, has the most perfect advantages of almost all women. She has always been the most admired and loved person in MI Xiaoqiao's mind. Now, did you leave her like this and become a fugitive?

"Are you ding Qi's daughter?" a man who was looking through the information in the house came to MI Xiaoqiao and asked solemnly.

"Yes." Mi Xiaoqiao nodded blankly and looked blankly at the tall young man in front of him.

"I'm Xu Jie from the provincial procuratorate." the man took out his work permit, lit it, and then asked, "when was the last time your mother contacted you?"

"My mother..." Mi Xiaoqiao bit his lips and thought of the call his mother had made to her. He hesitated and didn't know whether he should tell the man who investigated his mother.

"The law will not wrong a good man or let a bad man go." Xu Jie looked at the girl's hesitant look and increased his tone: "I believe you are a citizen who knows the law and understands the law. Your mother has violated the law. If you don't report the information, it is equivalent to committing the crime of shielding, which is also illegal."

"If my mother is caught back, will it be a heavy sentence?" Mi Xiaoqiao suddenly asked. Her beautiful Danfeng eyes looked at Xu Jie with hope, as if he was the person in charge of her mother's life and death.

"Well... It's hard to say now. Sentencing depends on the specific situation and the attitude of confession." Xu jiedun paused, avoiding the girl's sad and Qiyi's eyes.

He didn't have the heart to say it. According to the information they had, her mother's crime was very serious, and it was even possible to sentence her to death.

"Mom... She called me this afternoon and said she wouldn't go back to Lingcheng for the time being." Mi Xiaoqiao took a deep breath. Her voice had never been so dry and powerless: "she also said that she didn't say anything if she paid 50000 yuan for my card."

"What time did I call you?" Xu Jie asked.

Mi Xiaoqiao took out his mobile phone and turned out the phone his mother called her. Xu Jie asked a staff member to come over and record the number and call time. Then he said, "this 50000 yuan is likely to be stolen money. Your bank card will be frozen for the time being."

"Oh..." Mi Xiaoqiao was stunned, and his mouth could only send out an unconscious monosyllabic.

"If your mother contacts you later, remember to explain to us at any time." Xu Jie explained again.

"Oh." Mi Xiaoqiao said mechanically again. His head was noisy and heavy. He felt that all his thoughts were like sticky paste that couldn't be stirred.

"Xiao Qiao, let's go to my house for dinner these days." Gu Huacheng sighed.

He grew up watching Mi Xiaoqiao. For this beautiful and clever girl, he has always had the feelings of elders.

"No, uncle Gu, I can cook by myself." Mi Xiaoqiao forced out a smile, but tears burst into her eyes. She quickly rubbed her eyes and whispered, "prosecutor Xu, if you have any news about my mother, can you tell me?"

Xu Jie nodded involuntarily. No one would feel pity for such a pure and lovely girl when she encountered such a blow.

Mi Xiaoqiao said with red eyes, "thank you. I'll go home first."

Looking at the originally sunny girl who left with a heavy step like a frosted eggplant, Xu Jie and Gu Huacheng sighed at the bottom of their hearts.

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