This situation was really unexpected to Xiao Moxuan.

Although he read countless beauties and didn't know how many women he had, he had his own strong restraint in this regard. Being with women is nothing more than to dispel the emptiness of the mind. It is always those women who try their best to please him and please him. He rarely has such a time when he is so eager to get a woman's body.

Now, Meng Xiaoxiao, a wooden woman who has been pointed and lying in bed, has an extraordinary temptation to him, which makes his body's response stronger than ever before. It really makes him unimaginable.

Xiao Moxuan couldn't help himself. He pressed her all over and stretched out his hand to untie Meng Xiaoxiao's buttons. This woman should have belonged to him! He had foolishly let her go for so long before!

"Xiao Moxuan! If you are like this, I will hate you forever!" Meng Xiaoxiao screamed sharply, with a trace of fear in his voice.

"I'm not afraid of being hated." Xiao Moxuan nodded disapprovingly at the corners of his lips, but still stopped and quietly stared at the girl who was suffering like torture. Although she couldn't move, the resentment and resistance in her eyes were so obvious.

All the desires disappeared in an instant. Xiao Moxuan took a deep breath and suddenly felt an unprecedented frustration.

Of course, he doesn't care whether Meng Xiaoxiao hates him or not, but in this case, it's really a shame for Xiao Moxuan to let him possess a girl who was lit by him.

Moreover, the desperate sadness on Meng Xiaoxiao's face made his heart ache slightly. He suddenly couldn't bear to force her.

After thinking about it, Xiao Moxuan didn't continue to solve Meng Xiaoxiao's clothes, but he didn't let her go. Instead, he picked her up and let her sit on his lap. In a soft voice, he asked, "tell me, why are you so afraid of being close to me?"

"I, I think such things should be mutually agreeable, otherwise, what's the difference with animals?" Meng Xiaoxiao bit her teeth and said recklessly.

"Are you calling me an animal?" Xiao Moxuan twisted his eyebrows and looked at her with a smile.

"No... if the Lord let me go now, I'm a good man, otherwise, it's the kind of..." Meng Xiaoxiao gently pursed her lips and felt uncomfortable all over, because this is the first time she sat on a man's leg after she grew up.

It's a pity that she has been burned now. She can't move if she wants to. She can only make a cloth doll at his mercy. Otherwise, she will try her best to give the man a fatal kick at this moment.

"Ha ha, you're really stubborn." Xiao Moxuan smiled, suddenly hugged her, bent his face and gently kissed her cheek: "isn't that enough for two lovers?"

"No! How can you point a acupoint when you are happy with each other?" Meng Xiaoxiao blurted out. What she hopes most now is to untie her acupoints immediately.

"If you're good, I'll solve the acupoint for you." Xiao Moxuan said leisurely, feeling more and more that this girl is really a little special.

"How can I be good? I'm all listening to you and working?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked, feeling wronged in her heart, but now as long as she can unlock the acupoints, she can't care about many other things.

"For example, please the king..." Xiao Moxuan smiled at Meng Xiaoxiao, his eyes flashing.

"Don't think of me as your women singing and dancing! I won't please you! Let me do that! Let me die!" Meng Xiaoxiao was excited again, and her face turned red.

"Tut Tut, what kind of thing are you talking about?" Xiao Moxuan smacked his rose colored lips and asked jokingly.

"Don't you just want me to sleep with you? I tell you! I don't do it! There's no way!" Meng Xiaoxiao shouted unbearably.

"Hahaha, Meng Xiaoxiao, is pleasing sleep?" Xiao Moxuan laughed, his eyes shining, and couldn't hide his interest in her: "in fact, there are many kinds of pleasing. I just want you to please a little, and you won't suffer. If you promise, I'll unlock the acupoints for you now."

"Little please? What's that?" Meng Xiaoxiao was slightly moved. After all, it was too hard to move when he was ordered to live in the acupoint.

"Kiss the king." Xiao Moxuan replied simply.

"Didn't you... Kiss just now?" Meng Xiaoxiao's cheeks flushed and his voice couldn't be lower.

"That doesn't count. It was the king who kissed you. Now, it's your initiative." Xiao Moxuan said, looking at her deeply: "how? Do you do it?"

"Is it OK to kiss? Don't do anything else?" Meng Xiaoxiao whispered, thinking that in order to unlock the acupoints, it's OK to take the initiative to kiss him now. Anyway, he had eaten his lips long ago, and it didn't seem annoying.

"Of course, what else do you want to do?" Xiao Moxuan naturally raised his eyebrows, and his voice became hoarse.

"That's OK." Meng Xiaoxiao bit his lower lip and looked at death like home.

Xiao Moxuan smiled, stretched out his hand and nodded on the girl. Meng Xiaoxiao's acupoints were untied. She immediately separated from Xiao Moxuan's arms and jumped out of bed.

"Why, when the acupoints are solved, you don't want to admit what you said?" Xiao Moxuan asked lazily with his arms behind his head.

"I'll admit it. Get up. I don't want to do this in bed." Meng Xiaoxiao bit her lip again. Tonight, her lower lip was about to be bitten by herself.

"In this way, I don't want to move." Xiao Moxuan bent his lips coldly: "don't worry, even in bed, I won't do anything to you."

Meng Xiaoxiao hesitated, sat down by the bed, put his arm rigidly on Xiao Moxuan's shoulder, and gently pressed his lips on his lips. Then he didn't know what to do.

"Are you going to deal with the king like this?" Xiao Moxuan waited for a long time. She didn't see any action again and snorted coldly.

"No! That's what I will!" Meng Xiaoxiao said impatiently.

It's obviously that the Lord Huahua is not trustworthy. He said he would do this if he didn't touch himself. He also used acupoints to coerce himself. This is the biggest concession. What is he dissatisfied with?

"Silly girl, how stupid! Do you want me to teach you?" Xiao Moxuan shook his head helplessly, but a clear joy rose from the bottom of his heart. The girl was so astringent about kissing, which shows that she really didn't have close contact with other men. Ning Feng, perhaps really just touched her lips as she said.

Unconsciously, Xiao Moxuan's heart was filled with a tenderness that he could not perceive. He stretched out his hand to hold the back of Meng Xiaoxiao's head and gently ordered: "open your mouth."

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