She raised her feet and walked into the clean and bright tea room. The two laughing girls suddenly quieted down.

See clearly that the person who came in was Mi Xiaoqiao, and their faces were even more embarrassed. After drinking the remaining black tea in a hurry, they left the tea room quickly.

Mi Xiaoqiao went to the automatic coffee machine, helped Meng Feifan make coffee, took it to the door of his office and knocked gently.

"Come in." still indifferent, I can't hear any emotional voice.

"Mr. Meng, here is the coffee you want." Mi Xiaoqiao went over and put the coffee in front of him.

Meng Feifan raised his eyes and looked at the steaming coffee. He didn't drink it immediately, but slightly wrinkled Junlang's eyebrows: "how did it take so long?"

"I'm not familiar with it yet. I delayed in the tea room." Mi Xiaoqiao explained softly.

"I'll make coffee here in the future. There's no need to go to the tea room." Meng Fanfan looked at Mi Xiaoqiao and said calmly: "didn't Linda tell you that I only drink authentic Nanshan coffee."

"Rush here?" Mi Xiaoqiao looked around in surprise and found that the president's office had a special lounge and a small bar near the window in the East.

Linda did tell her just now that President Meng only drinks authentic Nanshan coffee, but she didn't notice that there was a bar in the president's office. She thought they all got the tea room.

Looking at the cup of intact coffee on the table, MI Xiaoqiao reacted and immediately said, "let me change it for the president."

"No, since you rushed, I'll drink even the most ordinary things." Meng Feifan smiled with his lips and shining black eyes, looking at Mi Xiaoqiao in an instant.

The beautiful face, like the reflection of the bright moon in the water, made Mi Xiaoqiao's heart jump for no reason.

Then he picked up the coffee and tasted it gently. The smile on his lips deepened: "it tastes good."

"Hehe, in fact, I can make coffee. My mother also likes to drink coffee. I often help her when I'm at home." Meng Fanfan's easygoing appearance dissolved Mi Xiaoqiao's prudence and uneasiness. Unconsciously, she also smiled with beautiful crescent eyes.

But in the twinkling of an eye, I remembered my mother's current situation. The smile just showed suddenly disappeared from my cheek, and I couldn't help sighing.

Meng Feifan noticed the haze in the girl's eyes, and the bottom of his heart couldn't help sighing. He really likes to see her bright and innocent smile just now. It's just like the beautiful, lovely and carefree little princess in his heart.

But now, there are too few such smiling faces. How could he restore her former happiness?

Although the inner waves fluctuate, Meng Feifan is still light on the surface.

His hands folded on the table and asked carelessly, "are you used to working here?"

After thinking for a while, MI Xiaoqiao summoned up his courage and said, "Mr. Meng, can I ask you a question? Can you tell me the truth?"

"What do you want to ask?" Meng Fanfan looked at her with interest.

Under his sharp and deep gaze, MI Xiaoqiao's face turned a little red and his voice became unnatural: "President Meng, why are you so special to me? I heard that employees who can enter Yaxiang group have to go through layers of selection and cut six generals after passing five passes. I'm just a newly graduated college student. How can I directly be your secretary?"

"Do you really want to know why?" Meng Feifan stood up and leaned close to MI Xiaoqiao. A pair of unfathomable black eyes stared at her like a burning torch: "in fact, I thought I had been very clear."

The burning and powerful eyes made Mi Xiaoqiao's heart jump up again. She couldn't help but step back and lower her eyes: "thank you, Mr. Meng, for your care. I'll work hard."

Looking at the girl who was worried and obviously wanted to keep a certain distance from him, Meng Feifan smiled helplessly on his lips.

Just, don't worry, don't scare the timid and lovely little white rabbit, but self defeating.

She's his anyway, sooner or later. The little white rabbit has entered his five finger mountain. Are you afraid that she will run away?

Meng Feifan quickly recovered his natural and unrestrained normality. He sat down and picked up a stack of manuscripts on the table: "you are a scholar. Come and help me look at this plan and say something."

Mi Xiaoqiao immediately sat down on one side and looked at the material given to her by Meng Feifan.

Perhaps out of her instinct to learn Chinese, she occasionally saw wrong words or words and sentences that she didn't think were appropriate. She carefully checked them with a pencil and noted the sentences she thought were better on one side.

Indeed, as long as it is work, MI Xiaoqiao will be particularly serious. Just like when she was at school, she was always a good student who was diligent and progressive. When she went to work, she was also aggressive.

Especially when she remembered what the two girls had said in the tea room just now, she felt even more unable to be tired. She silently warned herself that she must work hard and block the gossip of those people with her actual achievements.

When Mi Xiaoqiao carefully sorted out the materials on one side, she didn't notice that Meng Feifan, who was sitting behind the desk reviewing the documents, would look up at her from time to time. In his eyes as bright as stars, she showed a warm smile.

So they buried themselves in their work, and no one said anything.

Meanwhile, the phone rang from time to time, and Meng Feifan answered it. They all hung up after just saying a few words.

Cheng bin came in twice and was surprised to see Mi Xiaoqiao sitting in the president's office. However, as a senior manager of Yaxiang, he naturally wouldn't say much, but simply explained what he had to report, so he retired.

Then came several department heads. Some asked Meng Feifan to sign the prepared documents, and some asked him to talk about the development scheme of the new project.

Meng Feifan clearly expressed his opinions and limited the completion time of each work for each department.

Mi Xiaoqiao finally saw another extraordinary style of Meng. It can be said that he really has a natural style of leadership. He handled the work in an orderly and vigorous manner, and he almost deployed all the things in little time.

This made Mi Xiaoqiao think of the scene that she sometimes accompanied her mother to work when she was a child. At that time, her mother was not a vice mayor and worked in an organ unit.

Occasionally, naughty Mi Xiaoqiao will run to other people's offices to play.

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