Seeing that the little white rabbit opened his eyes in panic, Meng Feifan flashed a bad smile on his lips. Then he straightened up with satisfaction and said quietly, "make me a cup of coffee."

Oh, a false alarm, MI Xiaoqiao blushed, breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart pounded.

Just now she thought he wanted to kiss her again... Fortunately, everything was just her illusion.

He made a cup of Nanshan coffee for Meng Feifan and put it at the computer table. Mi Xiaoqiao said without words: "president, you have to work every night."

"Nothing's wrong. Go to bed first." Meng Feifan resumed his usual deep indifference.

"Well, President, don't work too hard. Staying up late is bad for your health." before going out, I don't know why? Mi Xiaoqiao naturally explained such a sentence.

She said and went out. However, the words she left behind rippled a soft warmth in Meng extraordinary's calm heart.

Like the quiet lake water, suddenly someone threw a small stone and made a stirring ripple

She still cares about herself. The little girl is not too heartless. Meng Fanfan thought, and the corners of his lips were slightly hooked up, revealing a gentle smile

Lying in a bed several times wider and more comfortable than that in the rental house, with the same hairy bear as at home before in his arms, MI Xiaoqiao opened his black eyes and couldn't sleep for a long time.

She used to sleep a little delicate. Whenever she changed a new environment or had something on her mind, she must not sleep well.

Today is like this. She not only came to a completely strange place, but also the day when she went to work on her first day, helped others cook on her first day, and finally paid off the money for her mother. It would be strange if she could sleep honestly.

I don't know how long I lay with my eyes open? Mi Xiaoqiao thought over and over in his mind about what happened these days, and began to count the numbers silently, but he still couldn't sleep.

She took out her cell phone and saw that it was 1:50 a.m., that is, it was still early before dawn.

At this time, her stomach began to protest faintly.

Who is to blame? In the evening, I ate a little ugly and inedible food and vegetables made by myself. I couldn't sleep at this time. I immediately rushed to be very hungry.

Mi Xiaoqiao has a slight gastritis. If she doesn't supplement some energy properly when she is hungry, she will have severe stomach pain due to the dual effects of physiology and psychology.

After thinking about it, she got up and sat up. Although there seems to be no snacks in the kitchen, she still wants to have a look. Even a glass of milk is good.

He walked out of the house in the dark, and it was dark outside.

Mi Xiaoqiao subconsciously looked at Meng Feifan's room opposite. It was quiet and there was no light. It was estimated that he went to bed early.

After all, it's the first time to come to this strange villa. Mi Xiaoqiao doesn't know where the corridor light switch is? She didn't want to turn on the light for fear of disturbing Meng Feifan.

Maybe people have been busy with work. She didn't sleep for a long time just now. How can she disturb people casually? Although Mi Xiaoqiao was spoiled since childhood, he is pure and kind-hearted by nature and knows how to think of others.

In this way, she found the position of the stairs and went down the steps in the dark.

This is a corner staircase. When he came to the corner, MI Xiaoqiao suddenly found that there seemed to be a faint light in the dining room.

Eh? Who hasn't slept so late? She thought strangely. Suddenly she heard a low and cold voice: "you haven't slept?"

"Ah!" Mi Xiaoqiao was startled and stepped into the air. He suddenly couldn't stand stably. He rolled down the stairs and lay on the ground.

That way, how embarrassed it is. She felt a heart piercing pain from her palm to her feet, making her tears fall almost uncontrollably.

She is usually the least daring. She didn't dare to sleep alone until she went to middle school. Now in this strange and dimly lit villa, I suddenly heard someone talking. Naturally, I was very frightened.

"Xiao Qiao!" the first floor was suddenly bright. Meng Feifan rushed over with big steps, picked up Mi Xiaoqiao, pale and nervous: "how are you?"

"It hurts... President, my feet, hands and knees... It hurts." Mi Xiaoqiao frowned painfully. Although she tried her best to endure and didn't want to cry in front of Meng Feifan, the unbearable pain still made tears wet her long eyelashes.

"What are you doing out here? Isn't there everything on the second floor?" Meng Feifan scolded. He thought she was going to the bathroom.

In fact, he blamed himself more. If he had known that this would scare Mi Xiaoqiao and cause her to fall down the stairs, he would never speak at that time.

However, with his introverted character and his cold relationship with MI Xiaoqiao, at the moment, he couldn't say sorry. He could only look at her with concern and guilt, and there was no calm and calm in the past.

"I... I can't sleep. I'm hungry again. I want to come down and have a look." Mi Xiaoqiao said honestly. She's never good at lying.

At the same time, she also saw the worry and entanglement in Meng Feifan's eyes, and a trace of warmth could not help but rise in her heart. It turned out that the president, who was as serious and indifferent as an iceberg on weekdays, was not so inhuman.

Silly girl, are you hungry? Alas, he should have thought that she would have a bad meal like that. Why didn't he expect someone to buy some snacks and snacks at home?

He had asked her to cook, but he just wanted to tease her. Now it seems that he really needs to reconsider. He doesn't want his little darling to be hungry every day.

Meng Feifan continued to blame himself in his heart, holding Mi Xiaoqiao on the couch in the living room and lying down: "where's the injury? Let me see."

"It seems that there are injuries everywhere." Mi Xiaoqiao whispered. At this time, the cold, proud and cool president gave her the feeling that she was a little like her mother?

Meng Feifan raised Mi Xiaoqiao's palms and legs and immediately frowned into the Himalayas. She rubbed a large piece of skin on the palm of her left hand, and her knees were all broken. She looked bloody.

"Look at you, the next stairs are like this." Meng extraordinary's tone is not without blame, but his eyes are full of heartache: "you lie still, I'll call the doctor."

"No, where can I find a doctor in the middle of the night? Do you have any liquid medicine? I can just wipe some medicine." Mi Xiaoqiao struggled to sit up, but just moved, she felt a deep pain in her feet. She cried "ouch", and tears rolled in her eyes.

Take a closer look, it turns out that the right foot neck is also sprained and swollen.

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