Little Joe is an innocent and good baby in the greenhouse. She is a good friend with sharp eyes and insight. Of course, she should help her check it well.

When ye Feifei was thinking about the situation between MI Xiaoqiao and Meng Feifan, she didn't expect that she and Fang Rui were also being pondered by others.

Coincidentally, I wonder if Fang Rui really has the ability to calculate? Or is he tracking Ye Feifei's whereabouts at any time every day? As long as ye Feifei comes to Jingyuan villa, Fang Rui will appear soon.

This law was soon discovered not only by Meng Feifan and Mi Xiaoqiao, but also by uncle Liu and Aunt Liu.

That Sunday, ye Feifei asked Mi Xiaoqiao to go shopping.

The two girls strolled in the street from noon to night. Ye Feifei gained a lot, but she was still full of interest. She didn't mean to go home.

Ye Feifei has such a hobby. She is addicted to fashion.

A dress, no matter how high the price is? And whether she really will buy it or not? As long as it looks good to her eyes, she will immediately rush to try to have a good time, then take it off, say thank you, and return it to the waiter in peace of mind.

Therefore, shopping with Ye Feifei not only takes time, but also requires strength and courage.

Mi Xiaoqiao doesn't intend to buy clothes. He is just a role to accompany him.

I don't know when things in the mall have become so expensive? A woman's dress that looks good is even one or two thousand after half a day's discount. She's heavily in debt now, but she doesn't want to be so extravagant. Besides, she felt that her old clothes were enough.

Coming out of the New Century Shopping Center, MI Xiaoqiao said sparingly, "Feifei, go back. My legs are sore and I can't walk."

"Go to Lido building again and invite you to barbecue later." Ye Feifei said with a smile.

Mi Xiaoqiao glanced at her angrily. Just when she wanted to talk, the phone rang.

When I took it out, the word "master" was displayed on the screen. Since Meng Fanfan said the hurtful words that day, she angrily changed his name in the telephone address book to the owner, and she hasn't changed it.

Today is her regular rest day. She and ye Feifei came out and reported to Meng Feifan. What does he want her to do at this time?

As soon as I opened the answer button, I heard Meng Feifan's flat voice over there: "why haven't you come back?"

"Feifei and I are still shopping. We are going to have a barbecue later. Don't wait for me to eat." Mi Xiaoqiao thought and said.

After a pause at the other end of the phone, he said, "you'd better come back and eat. Your stomach is too spicy. Aunt Liu stewed your favorite lotus root ribs soup today."

Mi Xiaoqiao turned to Ye Feifei, took off the phone and whispered, "he asked me to go back to eat."

"Oh, I'm really worried. I can't bear to let you go for a moment." Ye Feifei laughed jokingly.

"Let Ye Feifei come together, and Fang Rui is here. The boy has haunted me all afternoon, and I'm upset." Meng Fanfan added when he heard Ye Feifei's unbridled laughter.

"He said he would let you go to dinner together and that Fang Rui was there." Mi Xiaoqiao whispered again.

"He's there. Why should I go? Miss Ben doesn't specifically greet him." Ye Feifei rolled her eyes impolitely.

Mi Xiaoqiao ignored her reaction, promised Meng Feifan, hung up the phone, turned around and said with a smile: "ha ha, Meng Feifan said that Fang Rui pestered him all afternoon. He has no choice. It is estimated that he wants you to go to dinner and take Fang Rui away quickly."

"Cut! What's none of my business?" Ye Feifei tilted her mouth disapprovingly.

At this time, her phone also rang. When she opened it, it was Fang Rui's haunting guy.

"Hey, Feifei, where are you? I'll come to pick you up." Fang Rui's voice is really enthusiastic, and Mi Xiaoqiao can hear it clearly. I couldn't help smiling. These two people are really a pair of happy enemies made in heaven.

"Dongfeng Avenue intersection, hurry up if you want to come." Ye Feifei answered briefly and hung up the phone.

Although she said that Rui was always lukewarm and had a bad attitude, she asked him to work, but she was never vague.

The two girls waited at the intersection for a while. Sure enough, Fang Rui soon drove a car over. Seeing them, he politely honked his horn.

Ye Feifei threw the big and small bags she bought into the back seat and sat carelessly in front.

Mi Xiaoqiao couldn't help laughing. Looking at her like this, she seems to always take this car. He also said that he had nothing to do with Fang Rui. Who believes it?

When she arrived at the Jingyuan villa, Aunt Liu had arranged all the meals.

Meng Fanfan saw Fang Rui and ye Feifei come in laughing and talking. Mi Xiaoqiao followed him with empty hands. His handsome eyebrows wrinkled gently again.

The girl ran out all afternoon and didn't buy anything? What's more, seeing that the other two are so close, she's not touched at all?

He walked over and looked down at her. "You've been shopping for a long time and haven't bought anything?"

"Er... Yes, I don't think it's suitable," said Mi Xiaoqiao, rubbing his hair.

"No, Mr. Meng, Xiao Qiao thought those clothes were too expensive and couldn't bear to buy them. In fact, she tried a few very nice clothes, and I advised her, but when she looked at the price, she said it was so expensive that she didn't buy them." Ye Feifei said quickly.

"Feifei, what are you talking about?" Mi Xiaoqiao looked at Ye Feifei reproachfully and explained with a red face: "I don't lack clothes."

Meng Feifan's face was completely dark, like a thick cloud suddenly covering the clear sky.

He never thought that his beloved woman could not even afford a dress, and she would not be too tired to go shopping with others every time?

Alas, this silly girl. This silly girl who makes people angry and distressed, what can he say about her? Could she do more to embarrass him?

"Dinner is ready. It's extraordinary. I think Aunt Liu's cooking skills are getting better and better. We must have a good drink today." Fang Rui interrupted at the right time when he saw that Meng extraordinary's face had the smell of a storm coming.

He knew that Meng was especially angry about Mi Xiaoqiao's reluctance to buy clothes. To be honest, he was also surprised.

Speaking of it, this fresh and lovely girl like fresh fruit juice has lived in Jingyuan villa for several months. According to his imagination, his cold and indifferent cousin should have made great progress with her long ago.

But why do they look so strange now?

Superior subordinate relationship, unlike; Lovers are not like; Ordinary friends, not to mention

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