It's really eye-catching. It's like a pair of pleasant golden girls suddenly coming here, which makes everyone's heart full of appreciation and envy.

After finding a seat close to the inside and letting Mi Xiaoqiao sit down, Meng Feifan went to the counter to order.

Mi Xiaoqiao sat in his seat, idly looking at the vehicles and people coming and going in the street outside the glass wall, and suddenly heard a young and happy voice: "aunt Xiaoqiao!"

Angie? Mi Xiaoqiao turned around and saw Mo Anqi, dressed like a Barbie doll, running towards her excitedly.

She is wearing a pink bubble skirt today. There are many silver sequins hanging on the fluffy skirt. The hair is tied into two lovely sheep's horn braids, one by one wrapped with colored silk thread. It looks very popular.

With so many children in KFC, Mo Anqi can be regarded as the most eye-catching one.

"Wow, Angie, you're so beautiful today." Mi Xiaoqiao touched her pink and jade face in surprise, smiled and asked, "did you come with dad? Did you eat?"

"No, my father doesn't have time. Grandma sun brought me." Mo Anqi shook her head, stretched out her little hand and pointed to a seat not far away.

There sat a middle-aged woman who looked sharp and capable, looking at them with an easy-going smile.

Mi Xiaoqiao nodded to her with a smile, bowed his head and asked Mo Anqi, "who is grandma sun? Is angel's grandmother?"

"It's not my real grandmother. My father is too busy, and grandma sun is the one who takes care of me." Mo Anqi replied with a milk voice and added: "aunt, I actually want my father to bring me, but my father went out early in the morning."

Mi Xiaoqiao understands that grandma sun is about the baby sitter of the child.

Looking at the innocent little angel, her heart suddenly couldn't help but have a trace of gentle pity. Such a lovely child, but no mother, and his father is so busy, is actually very poor.

Maybe it's because she's going to be a mother soon. She looks at other children very rare.

Especially for a beautiful and smart little girl like angel, MI Xiaoqiao liked her very much. He picked her up and said, "what else does angel want to eat? Aunt will buy it for you."

"Aunt, can you play the piano?" Mo Anqi's black eyes rolled around and suddenly asked a question that was out of touch.

"Er... Yes." Mi Xiaoqiao was stunned. Although he didn't understand what the little guy wanted to do, he still answered softly.

"Can you sing and dance?" Mo Anqi asked solemnly.

"Oh, yes, too." Mi Xiaoqiao said with a smile.

"Aunt, would you like to be a teacher with me? My father asked me to learn piano, dance and singing. I don't want to follow those teachers. Would you teach me?" Mo Anqi said eagerly with big black eyes.

"Well, that won't work. Auntie knows these things. She can entertain herself sometimes. Angie really needs to study or follow a professional teacher." Xiaoqiao said with a warm smile.

"However, I don't like those teachers. They are not as good as you and are not as beautiful as you." Mo angqi tilted her little red mouth and was a little unhappy.

At this time, Meng Feifan came over with a plate full of food and saw Mo Anqi sitting on MI Xiaoqiao's leg. He was a little strange and unhappy.

The doctor specially explained that the little girl has a weak system. It's best not to carry heavy objects and hold the child when she is just pregnant. She also let the child sit on her body. It's really careless.

Children are not sensible and like to rub around. What if something goes wrong? It was not the silly little girl who suffered.

He put the plate on the table and asked Mi Xiaoqiao, "who is this child?"

"Oh, she's the little angel I told you last time. Look, she's cute?" Mi Xiaoqiao smiled.

"Let her down." Meng Feifan didn't answer Mi Xiaoqiao's words at all, and said with a frown.

"What's wrong with me hugging a child?" Mi Xiaoqiao thought he was making a mountain out of a molehill. He didn't want to pay attention to him and didn't put down Mo Anqi.

Who knows, Meng Feifan stretched out his hand directly and impolitely held Mo Anqi down from her leg and put it on the ground.

Mo Anqi was already a little angry. Leng Buding was held down by a man from her favorite aunt, which made her even more unhappy.

She stared at Meng Feifan, pouted and asked Mi Xiaoqiao, "aunt, who is this uncle? Why is he so fierce?"

"Uncle is aunt's boyfriend." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled shyly and handed her a box of fried chicken rice flowers: "Angie, come and eat this."

"Thank you, aunt. I won't eat." Mo Anqi shook her head and didn't take the box of chicken rice flowers. Her big eyes like black grapes still stared at Meng Feifan, as if she were studying him carefully.

Seeing that the little guy stared at himself without blinking, and there was an undisguised little hostility in his eyes, Meng Feifan jokingly pulled her horn braid and said solemnly: "little devil, do you have a good look? I'm my aunt's husband. You should call me uncle Meng."

"Lie! Aunt said you were just her boyfriend, but you said you were her husband, so I won't call you." unexpectedly, the little guy didn't buy his account at all, but angrily gave him a white eye: "also, I have a name, please don't call me a little devil."

"Hehe, what's a boyfriend? You know what? It's my aunt's future husband, that is to say, I'll soon become my aunt's real husband, and you'll call me uncle sooner or later." Meng Fanfan hooked up the good-looking and stylish lips, smiled slightly, and thought this little guy was a little interesting.

Unfortunately, his lethality is very strong. At least he can electrocute a large charming smile of young girls, but he doesn't play a role in front of this little beauty with full personality.

Mo Anqi was still hostile to him. She said stuffy, "aunt, I'm over, bye." she ran away with her pigtail and returned to the table between her and grandma sun.

Seeing that Mo Anqi left unhappily, MI Xiaoqiao felt very sorry and said angrily, "I'm such a small child. What do you care about with others?"

Not to regard it as right now what do you love others' love? "Meng Feifan raised her eyebrows in disapproval, and stacked chicken wings, hamburgers, fries, corn sticks and other dishes in front of her, and laughed and laughed," don't you like to eat these? Eat quickly, and be careful of our baby. "

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