After breakfast, MI Xiaoqiao vomited for a while, and was lying in bed with his eyes closed.

When she heard that Tang Liru had come to see her, she was surprised and inexplicably upset. She said to Aunt Liu, "I know, I'll go down right away." she dressed and got up.

When I came downstairs, I saw Tang Liru sitting gracefully on the couch in the living room, looking reserved and leisurely.

Mi Xiaoqiao's mind flashed a shadow of discomfort, but he still politely shouted, "aunt, you're coming."

Tang Liru narrowed her eyes slightly and looked critically at Mi Xiaoqiao who came down the stairs at the corner.

She was wearing a set of loose household clothes and her hair was scattered behind her. She just got up from bed. She couldn't help thinking contemptuously at the bottom of her heart: she is really a typical lazy woman who is greedy for vanity and likes leisure and hates work. Her son worked hard for her career outside. She just lay at home and enjoyed it. It's despised to think about it. Alas, I don't know what my son sees in her?

Although his heart became more and more disgusted, he still kept a noble and decent smile on the surface: "Miss MI, sit down."

Aunt Liu made a cup of flower tea for Tang Liru and brought it over: "madam, you drink tea."

"Well, Aunt Liu, go out and get busy. I have something to talk to miss Mi alone." Tang Liru smiled faintly and said.

"OK, I'll go out to buy vegetables first. Please sit down, madam." Aunt Liu promised and went out.

She thought that her wife came here today to discuss with the young lady about their marriage.

Where can you think of it? The seemingly gentle and kind lady actually hates the young lady. She just wants to beat the affectionate mandarin ducks of the young lady and the young master apart for eighteen thousand miles.

Aunt Liu went out and left, leaving only Mi Xiaoqiao and Tang Liru sitting in the spacious and gorgeous living room.

Mi Xiaoqiao felt the embarrassment of the atmosphere and asked, "aunt, what do you want to talk to me?"

"Hehe, Miss MI, you are young. You just stay at home and do nothing. You rely on a man to support you. Don't you feel blushed?" Tang Liru smiled sarcastically and said sharply.

As soon as Mi Xiaoqiao heard her tone, he knew that she came here today to find fault, and she had no good intentions.

Although she was angry in her heart, she didn't want to have a common understanding with this noble looking but superficial woman in her heart. She deliberately smiled leisurely and said, "this is my own business between me and extraordinary. When I want to work, I will naturally go out to work, so I don't bother my aunt. Now, he is willing to support me, and I don't feel blushing. What's your dissatisfaction?"

"Mi Xiaoqiao, you are so cheeky. Especially my son, you want him to raise a brazen woman like you. I tell you, you don't deserve it!" Tang Liru scolded angrily regardless of her hypocritical cultivation.

"Aunt, I'm not at home now. If there's nothing wrong, please go back and I'll have a rest." Mi Xiaoqiao didn't want to talk to such people any more and ordered to leave coldly.

"Ho? Home? Whose home is this? My son bought the house and let you live here for two days. You think you are the queen here?" Tang Liru sneered and looked at Mi Xiaoqiao with disdain. "Are you wrong when you want to drive me away? I am an extraordinary mother, and you are nothing! It's you who should go away from here!"

"Whatever you say, extraordinary and I really love each other. It's impossible for you to excite us to separate us by such means! I won't love him or leave him because he has parents like you!" Mi Xiaoqiao knows that she can't show weakness in front of this domineering woman at this time, Then he stood up and said impolitely, "it doesn't matter if you don't want to go. Anyway, you're an extraordinary mother. Please help yourself as long as you want to sit. However, I'm going up and don't intend to accompany you any more."

Seeing that MI Xiaoqiao was about to walk away indifferently, Tang Liru said gloomily, "Mi Xiaoqiao, how much do you want? Make an offer."

Mi Xiaoqiao looked back and looked at her inexplicably: "what price?"

"Don't pretend to be confused! Mi Xiaoqiao, you've tried your best to entangle Feifan and marry you. Don't you like the Meng family's industry?" Tang Liru sneered with assurance and said proudly: "I'm very cheerful. As long as you know better, you won't entangle Feifan in the future. Money is enough to satisfy you."

Mi Xiaoqiao understood and couldn't believe looking at Tang Liru's beautiful but ugly face at the moment. He smiled coldly and said, "I'm afraid you can't afford the price I want!"

"Mi Xiaoqiao! Don't go too far!" Tang Liru finally got angry and stood up. She said maliciously, "how much can you be worth like this? It's just that you're more beautiful, your character is so cheap, and there are people in prison. Who wants you, a really better man? I'm willing to talk to you about the price. It's a compliment to you!"

"I don't know who is more humble? You can sell your son's happiness for money." Mi Xiaoqiao mercilessly retorted, straightened his back and responded word by word: "Mrs. Meng, I call you now. Aunt thinks it's wrong because you don't deserve my respect. Please leave! I don't want to see you and hear your voice again!"

"Don't pretend to be so lofty. You don't know what's really in your bones as soon as you try?" Tang Liru still sneered contemptuously, took out an open check from the small bag she brought, and swayed a few times in front of MI Xiaoqiao: "Mi Xiaoqiao, here is a million. As long as you promise to leave extraordinary, it will be yours right away. If you are not satisfied, you can add some more. However, you'd better be more interesting and don't open your mouth too much!"

"Oh, I said, you can't afford the price I want." Mi Xiaoqiao calmed down when he saw that he had completely torn his face anyway. He sneered faintly: "Mrs. Meng, put away your check. I don't like it."

"Shameless!" Tang Liru clenched her teeth and spit out two words from her teeth. She put the check on the tea table in a tough tone: "Mi Xiaoqiao, you don't look like a stupid person. Let's open the skylight and tell the truth. This is your best chance to talk about conditions. After this village, there will be no shop. Don't do it now. I'm afraid I won't give you any more money if you cry and beg me in the future. So, you'd better think about it and give me an answer."

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