Mi Xiaoqiao was still very sad and couldn't say a word. Tears found a dignified exit, one out of control, more and more.

At this moment, she missed her mother so much. Aunt Liu's arms reminded her of her mother's warm arms, and her heart was even more painful.

How good it would be if I were still the little girl around my mother who can be spoiled and willful at will. How good it would be if my mother was still well around me.

Then, there would be none of this.

She won't know Meng Feifan, fall in love with him from the bottom of her heart, and she won't get pregnant before marriage foolishly, so that she will be subjected to so many unbearable insults and blows

She is still a carefree female student, innocent, young and ambitious. It will never be like this. Even if you lower yourself to the dust, you will still be ruthlessly despised and abused by others.

However, it's impossible. She has reached this point and can't look back.

The heart has long been stabbed by the cruel and cold reality and broken into pieces. It can no longer spell completely, nor can it go back to the innocent and flawless green years in the past.

Yes, I can't go back

As soon as Tang Liru walked out of the gate of the Jingyuan villa, a car waiting on the side of the road drove over and stopped smoothly in front of her.

Just after getting on the bus, a young woman sitting in the bus asked eagerly, "aunt, how's it going? Is she willing to go?"

The woman talking is Xiao Bingjie.

"Alas, it's hard to say. There's a new situation again. We'll talk about it later." Tang Liru glanced at the driver who was concentrating on driving and didn't say much.

After all, it's not a glorious family affair. She doesn't want irrelevant outsiders to know.

"Oh, aunt, I haven't been with you for a long time. Let's go to the coffee shop and have a seat." Xiao Bingjie understood and skillfully proposed.

The driver obeyed the instructions and drove to the door of an elegant coffee shop. Xiao Bingjie and Tang Liru got out of the car and went in. They found a quiet seat and ordered two cups of coffee at will.

Xiao Bingjie asked curiously, "aunt, you just said the new situation. What is it?"

"Alas, that cheap girl is pregnant with an extraordinary child." Tang Liru sighed.

"What?" Xiao Bingjie exclaimed, then reacted, carefully observed Tang Liru's face and said carefully, "aunt, what are you going to do? Do you really want her to have the child?"

"I don't know what to do. Let's talk to Lao Meng." Tang Liru said in a little meditation.

"Aunt, uncle's work is so busy that we should not only worry about Yaxiang, but also worry about extraordinary things. This kind of problem that we women can solve. It's best not to disturb uncle any more." Xiao Bingjie's eyes turned and suggested softly: "In fact, I don't think the child can stay anyway. You think, that MI Xiaoqiao is hard to deal with. You have told her many times that she doesn't want to leave the Meng family. If she gives birth to an extraordinary child again, she will really have a bigger excuse to stick to the Meng family in the future, and it's hard to get rid of it all her life."

"Bingbing, do you think I didn't think of this? Of course I know that if she had a child, she would be more arrogant and arrogant." Tang Liru raised her hand and rubbed her swollen head and said distraught: "But the key is that it's an extraordinary child after all. Lao Meng and I have been looking forward to having grandchildren for a long time. If extraordinary is like this now, can I be a grandmother... Don't want my own grandchildren?"

"Aunt, it's really painful for Feifan to look like this. However, he's getting better and better now. Didn't the doctor say? He's 100% sure to make Feifan fully recover, but it takes a little longer. The medical conditions in the United States are so developed, you don't have to worry." Xiao Bingjie paused a little and said very considerate: "You also know that I came back this time just to renew my holiday with the TV station. I'm going to fly over and take care of him again. Don't you rest assured?"

"Bingbing, you are really a sensible and good child. This time, thanks to you," Tang Liru said with emotion.

"You're welcome, aunt. I should do this. I really love you very much. Although he has always been fascinated by Mi Xiaoqiao and doesn't like me, I don't care. Man, who wouldn't make a mistake when he was young? I believe that as long as I love him sincerely, one day, my infatuation will move heaven and he will fall in love with me sooner or later "Xiao Bingjie smiled gently and said solemnly," aunt, MI Xiaoqiao, the child, can't stay. You must stand firm at the critical moment and can't be soft hearted. Besides, she is so fond of attracting bees and butterflies. Is this child extraordinary? Maybe it's true. "

"I asked someone to investigate her. After being with extraordinary, she didn't hook up with other men. She should be an extraordinary child." after listening to Xiao Bingjie's words, Tang Liru's eyebrows couldn't help frowning tightly, thought about it and said, "Alas, I'll think about it again."

"Aunt, what else are you thinking about? You've always been the wisest and decisive. At this time, uncle and extraordinary are not at home. We must make a decision when we should make a decision. If she gives birth to a child, there must be endless trouble. Besides, if they have that child involved, extraordinary won't give up on her, and you won't be comfortable all your life." Xiao Bingjie said anxiously.

Tang Liru pondered and didn't speak. Xiao Bingjie blushed slightly and added, "aunt, you want to have grandchildren... I will have my own children in the future."

"Oh, Bingbing, what do you say?" Tang Liru sighed again, a little worried: "look at Mi Xiaoqiao's stubborn appearance. If she was asked to take off the child, she would not do it."

"Aunt, as long as you agree, it's easy to do. Just leave it to me. Don't worry about it." Xiao Bingjie breathed a sigh of relief, painted her delicate face, and showed a cold smile that was not commensurate with her appearance.

Mi Xiaoqiao cried sadly in Aunt Liu's arms for a long time, as if she was going to dry her tears all her life. Aunt Liu didn't know how to comfort her, so she had to cry with her sadly.

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