Xiao Bingjie frowned in disgust and made a color to a man wearing sunglasses sitting in the back of the car. The man took a clean plastic bag and handed it to MI Xiaoqiao.

However, MI Xiaoqiao just felt waves of nausea surging in his stomach. He kept retching and didn't really spit out anything.

When her retching subsided a little, Xiao Bingjie said coldly, "the child in your stomach, my aunt and I have contacted extraordinary. He said let's take you to kill it."

"You're nonsense!" Mi Xiaoqiao raised his pale cheek because of vomiting and stared at Xiao Bingjie angrily: "no! Impossible! He wants this child! I want this child too! This is our child, and I won't kill you if I die!"

"Hum! No matter what you think, if you don't agree to have this child, he told me and my aunt himself. Let's help you deal with the child. As for your suffering, he will give you financial compensation." Xiao Bingjie snorted coldly and said calmly, "I'll accompany you to finish it now."

"You vicious woman! I won't go if I die! Stop! Stop! I want to get off!" a strong sense of fear and panic rushed into Mi Xiaoqiao's heart. She shouted fiercely and tried to open the door and rush off, but she was firmly grasped by the sunglasses man around her.

"Xiao Bingjie, what are you doing? Put me down! You're illegal! You're also a woman. Don't you have a snack?" Mi Xiaoqiao struggled desperately and cried out in despair, but he couldn't get rid of the two powerful men around him.

"What's illegal for me to take a girl to knock out the unmarried pregnant child?" Xiao Bingjie said with a cold and arrogant smile, "even if I make a mistake, my father will lay everything for me. What can you do to me?"

The car quickly stopped at a position, and the two men dragged Mi Xiaoqiao, who had been exhausted from struggle, out of the car. She raised her eyes and saw that it was a high-end private hospital.

Mi Xiaoqiao immediately felt the unprecedented panic, sad and desperate tears flowing down her pale and bloodless cheeks.

She cried and begged: "Xiao Bingjie, I beg you, don't let me lose my child... I can promise you that I won't fight for you and never meet you again. Just ask you, let me keep my child..."

"Do you think I would be so stupid? Keeping this child must be a future disaster. Sooner or later, you will rekindle your old relationship with extraordinary. No matter what I do, I won't give you a chance to hook up again!" Xiao Bingjie sneered viciously and winked at the two men wearing sunglasses: "take her to the six hugs Department of Obstetrics and gynecology."

They dragged Mi Xiaoqiao up to the sixth floor. Gao Yue in a white coat and several nurses had been waiting there.

Seeing them, Gao Yue was still the same as usual. She didn't have much expression on her face. She said to several nurses faintly: "help Miss Mi to the operating room."

"I'm not going! Gao Yue, you're a doctor, you help me! I want to keep this child! I want my child!" Mi Xiaoqiao's voice was already crying out, but he still looked at Gao Yue eagerly.

"Sorry, Miss MI, this is what President Meng means, and I can't help you." Gao Yue said in a flat voice and asked the nurse to take Mi Xiaoqiao in first.

"So... He really doesn't want our children..." Mi Xiaoqiao murmured to himself, with empty eyes and no focus. The heart seems to have been hollowed out, numb enough to feel no pain.

The two men in sunglasses went downstairs first. It seemed that several nurses were used to this scene. With an indifferent face, they took Mi Xiaoqiao into the stream of people operating room and closed the shuttle door tightly.

Xiao Bingjie said coldly and proudly to Gao Yue standing beside him, "this kind of operation won't take long. You do it yourself and do it clean."

"It's just a small operation. It's fast." Gao Yue slightly pulled the corner of her lip and asked, "there are two surgical methods: ordinary and painless. Which one do you want to do for Miss Mi?"

"Of course, it's ordinary." Xiao Bingjie coldly picked the slender and beautiful eyebrows, and her eyes burst out with cold hatred: "let her always remember this pain and never dare to hook up with a man."

"I see, Miss Xiao, then I'll have an operation." Gao Yue promised and was ready to go in.

"Wait." Xiao Bingjie shouted again.

"What else can I do for Miss Xiao?" Gao Yue asked.

"Gao Yue, you are a top student in Medical University. You must know how to get it, so that people will never have a chance to get pregnant again?" Xiao Bingjie approached her and lowered her voice.

"Miss Xiao, this... Is against the doctor's professional ethics and the law..." Gao Yue opened her eyes in amazement, and her usual flat face also showed a few threads of panic.

"Cut, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you. At your level, who will know if you move your hands and feet a little during the operation?" Xiao Bing smiled sadly. At the moment, his delicate and charming face gave people a cold and terrible feeling.

"But..." Gao Yue lowered her eyes in embarrassment. She didn't know how to refuse? Although she is not a kind-hearted good person, she never wants to do such a bad thing.

"Gao Yue, I know your parents are laid off in their hometown. They live on a little basic salary and a few money you send back every month. You also have a grandmother who is in her eighties and depends on you. Your brother has no job and has to wait to buy a house and get married. Everything costs money. If you do this well, not only the Meng family will value you more. On this card , there are 500000, all of which are yours. "Xiao Bingjie took out a bank card from her small bag and handed it to her firmly:" 500000 is enough to buy a very good house in your county. "

Gao Yue looked at the golden bank card in her hand, and sweat poured out of her hand.

"Oh, that's it, Gao Yue. I believe in your ability." Xiao Bingjie smiled meaningfully and waved to her gently: "I'll go first. Wait for your good news. The password of the card is three nines and three eights."

After that, she turned smartly and walked into the elevator.

Gao Yue looked at the number of the elevator and drove down slowly. She squeezed the brand-new bank card tightly in her hand and thought for a long time. Finally, she put it in the pocket of her white coat and walked into the operating room.

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