Aunt Liu had been looking carefully outside, worried, but she didn't dare to come casually.

At this time, seeing that MI Xiaoqiao had really packed up her simple luggage and wanted to leave, she couldn't help it. She walked in and asked anxiously, "Miss, what's the matter? Are you really going to leave? How do you let me explain to the young master?"

"Yes, I really want to go. There's nothing to explain. People will always get tired of being in one place for a long time." Mi Xiaoqiao breathed out a low and inaudible breath, and a deep pain slipped through his eyes, but it disappeared in a flash and disappeared in a flash.

Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu are a pair of kind-hearted old people. She doesn't want them to worry about themselves, let alone feel sorry for themselves.

So she won't say anything more. As for the unimaginable harm and torture suffered by yourself, just bury it firmly in the bottom of your heart

"But miss, you still have children. What about the children when you leave?" Aunt Liu seemed to disapprove when she saw Mi Xiaoqiao. She had to remind her with the children in her stomach.

"Child?" the corner of MI Xiaoqiao's mouth twitched painfully, raised his eyes and calmly looked at Aunt Liu: "the child is gone, I'm still young, and there are many things to do. Why should I be tied up with a child so early?"

"Miss..." Aunt Liu looked at Mi Xiaoqiao in amazement, and then looked at her abdomen. She was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.

"Aunt Liu, that's it. I'll go. Take good care of you and uncle Liu." Mi Xiaoqiao felt that he could no longer stay here and continued to talk to Aunt Liu. He picked up his suitcase and took Mo Anqi down the stairs quickly.

"Miss! Miss! You can't just go like this! At least wait until the young master comes back and make it clear to him..." Aunt Liu was stunned, hurriedly chased down and shouted anxiously behind them.

However, she only saw Mi Xiaoqiao holding the beautiful little girl and walking quickly to a black car waiting at the door. Then a handsome man came down from the car and helped her put the suitcase into the trunk of the car.

Then they got on the bus together and closed the door. The car slipped away and disappeared in an instant

In this way, MI Xiaoqiao temporarily stayed at Mo Wenxuan's house. Mo Wenxuan began to go through the formalities for her to go to Britain. The next day, she came to the prison to see her mother.

She declined Mo Wenxuan's kindness. She still came by car. It was nearly noon when she arrived at the third prison.

When he came to the meeting room, he saw his mother, who looked older in prison clothes. Mi Xiaoqiao had a blocked throat and hair, and gently shouted, "Mom."

"Xiao Qiao, how did you become so thin? Extraordinary? Why didn't you come with you?" Ding Qi also sighed, sat down with her daughter's hand and asked with concern.

"He has something to go abroad and wants to expand business there. He will be there for a lot of time in the future." Mi Xiaoqiao has long thought up a set of words and said blandly.

"Oh, it's a good thing for young people to have ideals and careers, Xiao Qiao. Why didn't you go with him?" Ding Qi was stunned and asked again.

"Mom, in fact, I'm ready to go abroad soon, but I'm not with him. I'm going to study in the UK, and I won't come back in recent years. Do you remember? I like the UK best, and you used to let me study in the UK." Mi Xiaoqiao pretended to be relaxed.

"You go to study in the UK? Who will provide you with tuition fees? Well, why don't you stay with extraordinary? Can you be separated for so long?" Ding Qi was surprised and stared at her daughter and asked.

"I have this opportunity now, and he is willing to let me learn more. You know, this tuition fee is no problem for Yaxiang group." Mi Xiaoqiao disapproved all over his face, but his heart was torn for a while.

Ding Qi still disagreed, and earnestly reminded her daughter: "Xiao Qiao, mom wants to tell you that no matter how good feelings can stand twists and turns. After a long time, everything is light. When happiness is around her, it's best to firmly grasp it. You must consider it clearly when you make such a decision."

"Mom, can you stop talking about these things? Feelings are like this. No one can tell clearly. Opening and closing are normal. How can there be so many everlasting in the world? I'm not a child. Of course, I've made decisions carefully. Now that I'm only 21 years old and have such a good opportunity, I don't pay close attention to learning more things to enrich myself Electricity, when will it wait? "Mi Xiaoqiao finally got a little impatient and frowned and interrupted his mother's words.

Who knows the pain in her heart? To whom? Doesn't she want a flawless love to help each other to the old?

But she can't! She wants it and people won't give it to her! She tried her best and could not retain the happiness that disappeared. Instead, she traded herself for a scar that would never heal.

Why does everyone have to ask her so hard? Why don't you give her peace?

"Little Joe, is something wrong? You don't look well." Ding Qi sensitively noticed something wrong, gently stroked her daughter's pale cheek and sighed.

"Mom, there's nothing wrong. It's just sad to think of being separated from you for so long. But you still have to come back. You must take care of yourself." Mi Xiaoqiao remembered that his purpose to come here was to say goodbye to his mother, let his mother rest assured of herself, quickly cheered up and said.

"Alas, you have decided, and your mother can't stop you. Xiao Qiao, you must take good care of yourself outside. If you can't adapt, don't be stubborn and come back early." Ding Qi sighed deeply, speechless about her daughter's heartache and guilt.

"Mom, I will. Don't worry, your daughter has grown up and is no longer the flowers and bones in the greenhouse." Mi Xiaoqiao slightly raised the corners of his mouth and showed a sweet and lovely smile, but there were crystal tears in his eyes

Out of prison, MI Xiaoqiao was going to take a bus at the station. Unexpectedly, he met Xu Jie, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Xu Jie had just finished his work and was ready to return to the urban area. Sitting in the work car of the procuratorate, he suddenly saw a young girl walking along the road. Xian Li's back looked like Mi Xiaoqiao.

On a closer look, it was really her. She quickly asked the driver to stop the car, opened the door and said, "Xiao Qiao, are you going back to the city?"

"Xu Jie..." Mi Xiaoqiao was a little surprised, smiled and nodded: "yes, I just came to see my mother."

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