"OK, I'll help you pay attention and give you news as soon as possible." Xu Jie didn't ask her how she suddenly had so much money to buy a house, and said bluntly.

"Xu Jie, you are really a good man." Mi Xiaoqiao said sincerely.

"Hehe, if I'm not good, how can you be willing to treat me as a good friend?" Xu Jie jokingly smiled and said, "have dinner and have a good trip in advance."

"Thank you, and I wish you every success in your work." a sweet dimple appeared on MI Xiaoqiao's cheek.

The two of them began to eat easily. They talked very casually and happily.

Xu Jie was really reliable and did things really. If he promised, he firmly took it to heart. Within two days, he helped her look after a three bedroom house in the city center according to MI Xiaoqiao's requirements.

After calling Mi Xiaoqiao to come and see it, MI Xiaoqiao was very satisfied and soon paid in full to buy the house. She also settled a big worry.

As these things were handled one by one, the end of June also came. Mi Xiaoqiao has gone through all the formalities for going to Britain. She is going to go to a strange country with Mo Wenxuan's father and daughter.

When I stepped into the airport, somehow? Mi Xiaoqiao suddenly remembered a sad old poem by Li Bai: green mountains run across the north and white water runs around the east city. As soon as I'm here, I'll leave you alone. Floating clouds and wandering children mean that the sunset is human. Wave from here, Xiao Ban Ma Ming

Mi Xiaoqiao smiled quietly, laughing at himself in his heart. Now it seems that he has become a sentimental literary and artistic young woman. Then she gently shook her head, took her mobile phone card out of the phone and firmly threw it into the dustbin at the airport.

In this way, you can throw away the past? She doesn't want to think of all the people and things, and there's no need to think of them. I don't want to have any more contact, including Ye Feifei.

Because mentioning Feifei is bound to mention Fang Rui. The mention of Fang Rui is bound to associate with... Meng Feifan. These are things she doesn't allow herself to think about. Since she wants to break it, let's break it completely

The only person she left to contact is Xu Jie.

Let all the troubles, both bitter and happy, be sealed in the deep bottom of memory and never mention it again.

When the plane finally flew up to the clouds, MI Xiaoqiao felt a sudden peace and relaxation.

She raised her hand and rubbed her wet eyes. She whispered at the bottom of her heart: goodbye! Mausoleum! bye! Feifei! bye! Mom

It took more than ten hours to fly from the mausoleum to London. They were in first class. Mo angqi played excitedly on the plane for a while and fell asleep tired.

Mo Wenxuan asked the stewardess for a small thin blanket, gently put it on the sleeping little angel, and then said to MI Xiaoqiao sitting next to him, "there are still several hours. If you are sleepy, you can sleep first."

"I don't want to sleep." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled faintly.

At this moment, thousands of layers and thousands of volumes of fierce waves are surging in her heart. Past scenes of love and hate flash through her mind. It can be said that there are a variety of feelings. How can you sleep?

Mo Wenxuan didn't say anything. He took out a magazine he had with him and read it.

Looking at the white clouds floating like cotton outside the cabin, MI Xiaoqiao thought quietly.

I don't know when? Soft music played on the plane, and an unfamiliar song came into her ears:

Do you remember your childhood dream? Like a flower that never withers. Accompany me through the wind and rain, see the impermanence of the world and the vicissitudes of life. The price paid for love will never be forgotten... Let's go, let's go, people always have to learn to grow up by themselves; Let's go, let's go, life will inevitably experience pain and struggle; Let's go, let's go, find a home for our heart... We have shed tears and broken our hearts. This is the price of love

The sad and soothing melody and the real and emotional lyrics seemed to beat on her heart. Mi Xiaoqiao listened and unknowingly burst into tears and covered his face

She was trapped in endless sadness and couldn't extricate herself. She didn't realize how impolite she was. A clean paper towel was just handed to her: "wipe it. It's not good to cry more."

Mi Xiaoqiao was surprised to return to his mind. She saw Mo Wenxuan's deep and sharp eyes that seemed to know everything. She hurriedly took the paper towel, wiped away her tears, and said awkwardly: "sorry, Mr. Mo, I have affected you..."

"In fact, sometimes, giving up is another kind of persistence. For one thing, even if it is beautiful, once there is no result, it's best not to tangle. If you miss the gorgeous spring flowers, you will enter the beautiful autumn leaves. No matter when it's hard, we should learn to get out of it. This is the wisest thing." Mo Wenxuan didn't look at her, His eyes floated far out of the window and said something deeply philosophical.

It was as if he were talking to her and to himself.

Mi Xiaoqiao stared at his firm outline and deep face, and was stunned

A year later, a group of people with good manners came out of Lingcheng International Airport.

One of them is a tall and handsome young man.

He has the beauty of a star, the nobility of a king and the cold and hard temperament of a killer. The whole person is like a shining diamond polished, which has attracted many amorous girls in the airport to turn their affectionate eyes on him frequently.

He is Meng Feifan, President of Yaxiang group, who disappeared in Lingcheng for more than a year.

After more than a year's precipitation, he seemed to become more perfect and soul grabbing, and almost attracted the attention of everyone present.

Although it has been quite low-key, it has blocked many media channels. But some well-informed reporters appeared at the airport and surrounded them.

For a time, the magnesium light flickered, and all kinds of questions were one after another.

"President Meng, I heard that you are expanding new business in the United States this year. Can you tell us what new business Yaxiang group has invested in the United States?"

"Mr. Meng, some people said you were on vacation in the United States. Did you really go on vacation in the year you didn't show up? Or did you have other secrets?"

"Mr. Meng, from last year to this year, the work of Yaxiang group in China was managed by your father, Mr. Meng Wei. Are you satisfied with the performance of Yaxiang in the year managed by your father?"


Meng Feifan didn't answer any of his questions. He tightly pursed his thin lips with beautiful lines, and his black eyes glittered with a cold light like sapphire. He couldn't see to the end.

The angular face seemed more cold and sharp.

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