Meng Feifan's arms around the girl's slender waist trembled slightly, but he still firmly imprisoned her in his arms and kissed her greedily and ferociously.

After four years, he finally held her again and kissed the woman who haunted him and hurt to the bone again. He clearly felt the crazy surging desire and impending impulse in his body.

There are so many women around him. He is a famous prodigal, but who knows? Except Mi Xiaoqiao, he never kissed any woman's lips, nor let any woman touch his lips or even his face.

Those women, all charming and charming, all use their whole body tricks to please him and please him. But he is always so cold, indifferent, even indifferent.

When he was with them, he had no such uncontrollable passion, no such impulse to possess regardless of the consequences. Like completing the most direct transaction, simple and calm.

For a while in private, there were even unconfirmed rumors in the market. Meng Zong, who is surrounded by radiant beauties of Yaxiang group, may have a man's difficult words in some way.

Yes, he won't let any woman conceive his child. And the only woman he wanted to have children for herself abandoned him ruthlessly

Meng Fanfan once thought that maybe with other women, he would completely forget Mi Xiaoqiao and the painful memory and pain.

He indulged himself crazily, indulged in drunkenness and dreams, and used one woman after another to prove that no one can't be replaced.

He wanted to tell himself that he could still live more freely and happily without a mi Xiaoqiao. However, after each indulgence, what remained in his heart was deeper emptiness and loneliness

Now, when he hugged Mi Xiaoqiao and kissed her recklessly. He immediately understood that only she, a heartless, heartless and heartless woman, was the treasure he wanted and didn't want to let go!

Mi Xiaoqiao soon regained his mind after a brief confusion and loss.

Anger was rising in her heart. Why? Can this man still treat her so arrogantly and domineering? Who does he think he is? What do you think of her?

"You let me go! Rogue!" she struggled frantically, tried her best to resist his burning kiss, raised her arm and hit him again.

But her fierce little hand was firmly caught by Meng Feifan's big hand and was trapped on her side. Then his other hand pressed a switch beside the seat, and the back of the chair leaning behind Mi Xiaoqiao flattened down. She lay in the car without suspense.

The next second, Meng Feifan covered her body, with dark eyes and hoarse voice: "little wild cat, let me teach you how to be a good woman..."

"Go away! Coyote!" Mi Xiaoqiao scolded in disgust and said fiercely, "if you dare to mess around, I dare to sue you for rape!"

"Oh, whatever you want. Anyway, I want you now." Meng Feifan casually raised his lips and smiled coldly: "you can't escape."

After that, he hooked his head and kissed her again, and his hand began to explore into her dress restlessly

Mi Xiaoqiao has never felt so humiliated and angry. What evil did she do in her life? To meet such a shameless, rogue and ruthless man?

Why did it take so long? She still can't escape his entanglement and insult?

About too excited, Meng Feifan was busy for a long time and didn't untie Mi Xiaoqiao's clothes. He muttered discontentedly: "what's the matter? Wearing such complex underwear..."

This hooligan! That's too much! Are you satisfied that all women don't wear underwear and let them vent easily anytime, anywhere?

Mi Xiaoqiao gritted his teeth and took a breath of air conditioning. He quietly put his hand to his feet, took off his high heels at least eight centimeters high, and smashed Meng Feifan's head when he was unprepared.

The sharp and hard thin high heels, so cruel and heavy, hit Meng extraordinary's forehead impolitely.

Meng Fanfan didn't expect that MI Xiaoqiao would hit him with the heel of his shoe. His head was caught off guard and was badly hurt. The red blood immediately flowed down his handsome forehead.

He covered the wound with a muffled groan and released her for a moment.

Taking advantage of this neutral position, MI Xiaoqiao vigorously pushed him away, opened the door, and jumped out of the car flexibly. Then quickly put on his shoes, rushed to the middle of the road and waved to stop the car.

Fortunately, although this place is a little quiet and remote, there are still many taxis passing by.

In the twinkling of an eye, she stopped a car and got into the car at a rocket like speed. Only then did she breathe out, say the name of the hotel to the driver, and explain: "please drive faster."

The taxi drove away quickly. Mi Xiaoqiao sat in the car in shock and thought secretly: his head is bleeding. I don't know if he will hit anything?

This night, she really did too many things she had never done before. She cursed like a bitch for the first time and broke someone's head for the first time

But who made him so bad and rampant? Think all the women in the world are he can want and dump if he wants?

Maybe he's used to playing with women at will. It's common for him to play car shock games.

But I'm sorry! She is no longer Mi Xiaoqiao who can be slaughtered and bullied at will. It's not so easy to bully her! You'd better weigh your weight first?

Mi Xiaoqiao slightly pursed her purplish red lips, and a sarcastic sneer floated on her beautiful face. Soon I came to the conclusion in my heart: such people deserve to smoke by themselves! He forced her to become like this! So, there's nothing to think about

Meng Fanfan pressed his bleeding forehead and watched Mi Xiaoqiao escape quickly in a taxi.

He bit his teeth hard, and his dark eyes slipped through the angry cold awn: very good! This woman! This more and more powerful, more and more cruel woman! Unless you don't appear in front of me, since you come back, if I let you go again, I really don't have a surname Meng!

Take out the paper towel on the car and wipe the blood on his head. Meng Feifan takes out the phone and calls Cheng bin.

"Mr. Meng, what's new?" seeing that his immediate boss called him so late, Cheng bin thought that the company had urgent business to deal with.

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