"Then wait slowly. Maybe there will never be such a time," said Mi Xiaoqiao youyou.

"Then I'll wait forever. Joel, I have confidence. I really have confidence in our future." Meng Fanfan hugged the girl's slender and weak body hard, as if she was afraid that she would be far away from herself once she let go.

Mi Xiaoqiao quietly snuggled up to his warm and generous chest and didn't speak again

When the flight arrived at the mausoleum, Mo Wenxuan personally drove over to pick up his baby and Mi Xiaoqiao.

There is also a car to pick up Meng Fanfan. Meng Fanfan wanted Mi Xiaoqiao to go with him. But Mo Anqi held Mi Xiaoqiao's hand tightly, and Mi Xiaoqiao didn't have the heart to let her down.

Finally, Meng Feifan can only watch Mi Xiaoqiao and Mo Anqi sit in Mo Wenxuan's car and disappear out of his sight.

After returning home this time, MI Xiaoqiao has never been to Mo Wenxuan's house. Now that Mo Anqi is back, of course it's different.

Accompanied little angel back to Mo's villa on the Bank of Yueliangwan lake. Mi Xiaoqiao helped Angel clean up her room comfortably, took out her clothes and hung them neatly in the cabinet.

Grandma sun, who used to take care of Mo Anqi's life, stayed here and prepared a rich dinner for them.

After dinner, Mo Anqi asked Mi Xiaoqiao to take her out to play. When she was about to go out, she pulled her father up again.

Mo Wenxuan and Mi Xiaoqiao hold Mo Anqi's hand and walk by the beautiful Yueliangwan lake. Along the way, I met many passers-by who admired them and thought they were a happy family of three.

Indeed, the three of them walk together like this. Both men and women are so elegant, and the child is like a beautiful and lovely little angel. It's really eye-catching.

After playing back, MI Xiaoqiao helped Mo Anqi take a bath, blew her hair half dry without dripping, and then watched cartoons with her. While watching, he patiently explained to her and answered her strange questions.

When doing these things, MI Xiaoqiao didn't feel tired or impatient at all. It was like taking good care of one of his children. He felt very kind, natural and willing.

After the cartoon, MI Xiaoqiao sent Mo Anqi to her room to sleep and was ready to leave.

Mo Anqi hugged her neck and said, "aunt, you sleep with me."

"Angie, sleep by yourself. Aunt will see you again tomorrow." Mi Xiaoqiao kissed her cheek gently.

"No, I want my aunt to sleep with me. My aunt hasn't slept with me for a long time." Mo Anqi took her pitifully and refused to let go: "aunt, I'll miss you when you go."

Mi Xiaoqiao never had the heart to refuse the child, and Mo Anqi knew that she couldn't do it.

Sure enough, after a little hesitation, MI Xiaoqiao nodded: "well, aunt, stay with you."

"Yeah! Aunt, you're so nice!" Mo Anqi was immediately happy, kissed her hard, quietly lay down in her ear and said, "you're like my mommy, better than Mommy."

"Ha ha, aunt is aunt and Mommy is Mommy." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled warmly and told her, "angel, remember that no matter where she is, Mommy is the person who loves herself most in the world. Don't say such words in the future, otherwise Mommy will be unhappy in heaven."

"Well, I know, that is, aunts are as good as mummies. They are the people who love me most in the world." Mo Anqi agreed skillfully.

"Angie is so good. Go to sleep quickly. Aunt will accompany you after washing." Mi Xiaoqiao kissed her tender and lovely face again.

"Aunt, come quickly, I'll wait for you, and I'll listen to your story." Mo Anqi said as she obediently lay in her quilt.

In the past, when she came home from school in England, Angie often pestered Mi Xiaoqiao to sleep with her.

Therefore, Mo Wenxuan seemed to have expected that MI Xiaoqiao would stay here tonight. He had already prepared her pajamas and slippers well.

Although it's not the first time to sleep at Mo Anqi's house, MI Xiaoqiao's cheek reddened slightly when he saw Mo Wenxuan's pajamas neatly placed in the bathroom for her.

She suddenly remembered the various and beautiful pajamas Meng Fanfan bought for her in the Jingyuan villa

After simply washing, he returned to Mo Anqi's room. The little guy was waiting for her with wide open eyes.

Mi Xiaoqiao told her another little story, coaxing her into a daze. When she was about to go to sleep, the phone suddenly rang, which was particularly loud and harsh in this quiet night.

Afraid of noisy Mo Anqi, MI Xiaoqiao quickly got up and picked up his mobile phone. It was Meng Feifan.

She slid open the answer button, went to the outside room and whispered, "what's up?"

"Joel, why don't you come back?" the crisp and pleasant male voice was clearly passed into his ears through the phone. He could hear it with some anxiety and some fatigue.

"I'm at Angie's house. She wants me to sleep with her and won't come back tonight." Mi Xiaoqiao answered softly and felt strange: "how do you know I didn't come back?"

"I've been waiting for you downstairs. Don't you know?" Meng Feifan's voice became more depressed and seemed to bring a trace of grievance that is difficult to eliminate: "you're not coming back? But I've been waiting for you for so long..."

"I didn't want to do this at first, but Angie just came back. A child asked me to accompany her. I can't refuse it." Mi Xiaoqiao said kindly.

"Then she wants you to accompany her every day in the future. Do you really accompany her every day?" Meng Feifan asked dully.

"How could it be? It's just because she just came back and wanted to act like a spoiled child. In fact, she is usually obedient and not a naughty child." Mi Xiaoqiao patiently explained to him.

"I can't see how obedient she is." Meng Feifan said in a tone like a resentful vinegar jar.

"What are you doing with a child?" Mi Xiaoqiao shook his head silently and said, "let's stop arguing about Angie. I'll hang up first. Go back and have a rest early. We'll talk about something tomorrow."

"I can't sleep without seeing you." Meng Feifan said stubbornly.

"Hey, you......" Mi Xiaoqiao sighed and had to coax him like a child: "isn't it the same to meet tomorrow? You can have a good sleep and see him tomorrow."

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