no way! It can't go on like this!

When was he so embarrassed? Facing the girl who wants to love and protect her all her life, she is afraid of her hands and feet and retreats to one side? Let her linger in others and try her best to play the role of alternate lover and mother around others

He has always been a strong man in life. In the unpredictable business field, he will take the initiative to attack the things he sees right, meet the difficulties and never give in.

This feeling is related to the happiness of his life and the little girl. Naturally, we can't relax.

yes! He must find a way to turn the situation around

When Fang Rui came over, Meng Feifan had drunk a lot.

"During the festival, you're here alone to drink muggy wine? Where's Little Joe?" Fang Rui shook his head and said.

"Hehe, she went to help others take their children." Meng Feifan bitterly hooked the corners of his lips and looked at Fang Rui jokingly: "have you asked your wife for leave? Has she approved you to come out for a drink?"

"She didn't want me to come out just after she went back to her mother's house for dinner. However, if you call me, can I not come?" Fang Rui waved to the waiter to bring himself a drink and asked puzzledly, "take the children? What do you mean? Does Xiao Qiao need to take the children?"

"It's Mo Wenxuan's daughter. Now it's stuck to Xiao Qiao." Meng Fanfan looked up and drank a big mouthful of wine and smiled with self mockery: "Xiao Qiao is very good to her. During holidays, it's all left to her. I only have to stand aside."

Fang Rui looked at him sympathetically: "you let her get so close to others?"

"What do you say I do? She still resists me in her heart. I can't force her too hard. Otherwise, she will really put me on the blacklist." Meng Fanfan sighed distraught.

"Really convinced you, when will you endure this?" Fang Rui felt incredible, strange and concerned and said, "is this still you? Extraordinary, be careful that Xiao Qiao is really chased away by others."

"It's impossible. Xiao Qiao can only be mine." Meng Feifan said in a low voice, drank the wine in the cup, and his expression returned to the previous resolute wisdom: "Fang Rui, do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" Fang Rui shrugged his shoulders and asked jokingly, "is it related to Xiao Qiao?"

"Of course, otherwise do you think I still have the mind to think about other things?" Meng Feifan raised his eyebrows and stared at him, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Qiao is still confused. I want her to see clearly who she loves in her heart today."

At the moment, Mo's big villa by the Moon Bay Lake is full of laughter and a thick warm atmosphere.

Mi Xiaoqiao and Mo Wenxuan's father and daughter are sitting on the open-air platform on the roof, eating moon cakes, tasting fragrant tea and enjoying the beautiful and quiet moonlight night.

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the evening wind blows gently, the moonlight melts like jade, and the fragrance of osmanthus trees is floating everywhere in the air.

There are lively and lovely children and an excellent man who cares for himself in every way. This situation should be regarded as happiness

"Aunt, there is a teacher Lin in our class. She is kind to us. She smiles every day. We all like her." Mo Anqi is telling Mi Xiaoqiao about the new things in the school.

She lives in school on weekdays. If it's not a holiday, she doesn't go home until half a month. Now, with my favorite father and aunt, of course, there are endless topics.

"Hehe, what does Mr. Lin teach?" asked Mi Xiaoqiao with a smile.

Because Angie is very picky, there are few teachers she can praise actively. Therefore, if you can meet a teacher she likes in Likai school, MI Xiaoqiao thinks it's worth the transfer.

When children have teachers they like, their enthusiasm for learning will naturally be higher.

"As a teacher of Chinese, her reading voice is very good, just like the announcer on TV. Also, she looks very good." Mo Anqi drew a small distance with two fingers and said solemnly, "aunt, maybe it's just a little worse than you."

Mo Wenxuan and Mi Xiaoqiao couldn't help laughing. Mi Xiaoqiao said, "angel, you know what? I almost became a teacher in your school before. If I really became a teacher, I would also teach Chinese."

"Ah? Aunt, why didn't you become a teacher?" Mo Anqi blinked her big black grape eyes and looked rather regretful: "if you really became our teacher, I'm sure our classmates will like you as much as Miss Lin."

"Angie, have you ever thought about it? If aunt really became a teacher, she might not know us." Mo Wenxuan smiled gently.

"Well, that's right. So auntie, don't be a teacher. It's best to work in her father's company." Mo Anqi tilted her little head, nodded and said, "Dad, auntie, I'll go there to see the moon. You two have a good chat."

With that, she happily ran to other parts of the terrace, leaving only Mo Wenxuan and Mi Xiaoqiao sitting in place.

Beautiful scenery on a beautiful day and full moon. A pair of talented and beautiful single men and women sit side by side. The atmosphere suddenly looks strange.

In fact, MI Xiaoqiao is not used to getting along with Mo Wenxuan alone outside of work. What she can adapt to is that it seems to be the state of Mo Anqi when they are together.

"I'll accompany Angie," she said, standing up.

However, Mo Wenxuan held her hand in a gentle and deep tone: "Xiao Qiao, don't always want to escape."

Mi Xiaoqiao sat down again and was embarrassed: "Mr. Mo, I'm not trying to escape you... It's just that I seem, I seem..."

"I didn't say you were running away from me, but you were running away from a lot of things." Mo Wenxuan looked at her quietly and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Qiao, it's been so long. Has your mind become clearer?"

"Mr. Mo, i... I don't know..." Mi Xiaoqiao hesitated and lowered his eyes. He felt more nervous than when he couldn't answer the teacher's questions at school.

Why are you nervous? Mingming has been together for so many years. Why do you feel flustered for no reason when looking at his expectant eyes?

Moreover, I really have an impulse to escape

At this time, as if to help Mi Xiaoqiao out of the siege, her mobile phone rang in time.

Mo Wenxuan smiled slightly and released Mi Xiaoqiao's hand: "you answer the phone first."

Mi Xiaoqiao took out his mobile phone and saw that the incoming call was an unfamiliar phone number. She was a little strange. Who would look for her on this holiday night?

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