Seeing Mi Xiaoqiao come to him early in the morning, Mo Wenxuan didn't seem surprised. He smiled gently and said, "Xiao Qiao, sit down."

"Mr. Mo, yesterday, I'm really sorry..." Mi Xiaoqiao gently sipped his lips and said slowly: "in fact, he wasn't really hurt... But I still..."

"Little Joe, don't say any more." Mo Wenxuan looked at her deeply, with dark eyes and bright: "I understand. I understand what you want to say."

Mi Xiaoqiao was stunned for a while. After a long time, he said in a low voice: "I'm sorry..."

"Don't say that, you haven't done anything wrong." Mo Wenxuan's expression was a little bitter, but his tone was still calm and natural: "I said long ago that no matter what choice you make, the original tacit understanding and trust between us will not change. All our existing relationships will not be affected."

"Mr. Mo, thank you..." at this time, MI Xiaoqiao can only say such words with mixed feelings.

"Hehe, Xiao Qiao, go to work when you're free." Mo Wenxuan didn't seem to want to tangle too much on this topic, and quickly adjusted his mood to a normal state.

"OK." Mi Xiaoqiao nodded and asked again before going out: "Angie, how was last night?"

"She's fine. I just sent her to school." Mo Wenxuan gently raised his lips and said, "children, what's unhappy is forgotten soon."

"That's good. When she comes back at the weekend, I'll see her again." Mi Xiaoqiao breathed a sigh of relief and showed a sweet smile on his cheek.

The next days, become very sweet, warm and romantic, like a dream.

Mi Xiaoqiao and Meng Fanfan are as good as ever, even more loving than before. Because after this painful separation, both of them cherish this hard won love more.

Meng Feifan is naturally more considerate to MI Xiaoqiao, which is very good. He will try his best to make up for everything he owes to his beloved girl in recent years.

Although so good, MI Xiaoqiao didn't listen to Meng Fanfan's advice and moved back to Jingyuan villa. She doesn't want to be tired of being together every day without getting married as before.

Therefore, although Meng Fanfan is looking forward to it, MI Xiaoqiao still insists on living in his own house. Occasionally, I would promise to stay in the Jingyuan villa. I kept a perfect distance from him in love the rest of the time.

Meng Fanfan doesn't want to force her anymore. After so many things. He has thought about it. He must give his beloved girl the most perfect and grand wedding and marry her back in style, so that he can stay with her every day.

However, as long as there are no special circumstances, the two people will meet during their daily rest. Just like every couple in love, seize all possible opportunities to get together and have a sweet date.

After some careful consideration and discussion, GW decided to invest in a large project independently in Lingcheng and gradually transfer some British industries to China. Mo Wenxuan became more and more busy.

It was a weekend. Mo Wenxuan took manager Tang out to inspect the project site. Mi Xiaoqiao stayed in the company. At noon, Meng Fanfan came to ask her out for dinner.

Just came to a restaurant they often go to and sat down, MI Xiaoqiao's phone rang.

She took it out and looked at an unknown mobile phone number. She casually slid open the answer button. There came a young girl's voice, which was nice but strange: "excuse me, are you mo Anqi's parents?"

Mi Xiaoqiao was slightly stunned and said, "yes, who are you?"

"I'm Miss Lin, Mo Anqi's teacher." the voice over there sounded a little nervous, with obvious anxiety and panic: "I'm really sorry. Today, I took them to climb the mountain, and angel accidentally fell off the mountain..."

"Ah?" Mi Xiaoqiao was shocked and asked hurriedly, "how's Angie now? Where is she?"

"In the third people's Hospital, the doctor is treating her, and she is still in a coma..." Teacher Lin said with guilt, as if she was about to cry: "I'm sorry, I didn't take care of the students..."

Mi Xiaoqiao hung up the phone and stood up. His legs couldn't help getting soft.

Since the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, Angie hasn't had a half month holiday, and Mi Xiaoqiao hasn't seen her again. I'm going to take her back this weekend. But I didn't expect to hear such a worrying news.

Angel, who has been with her for four years, is as kind and lovely as her own child in MI Xiaoqiao's mind. If something really happens, she can't imagine

"Little Joe, what's wrong with Angie?" Meng Feifan quickly stood up and took her considerately.

"She fell down from the mountain and was probably badly hurt. We hurried to the hospital." Mi Xiaoqiao turned pale and took Meng Feifan out.

Sitting in the car, MI Xiaoqiao became more and more worried, and his tears couldn't help falling down. He kept complaining: "their teacher is really true. What mountain do they have to take their children to climb? There are so many children, all alive and kicking, how can she look after them alone? Angie is still so small, I don't know what she fell into..."

"Xiao Qiao, don't worry, don't worry, it's okay." Meng Feifan comforted her hand and said gently, "you'd better call Mr. Mo first."

When Mo Anqi stayed here to go to school, it was the Likai school that MI Xiaoqiao helped her contact, and it was also the name that MI Xiaoqiao took her to report. In the parent contact column, Mo Anqi insisted on filling in the phone number of MI Xiaoqiao, and Mi Xiaoqiao didn't say much.

Now, when something happens to the child, the first person the teacher wants to contact is naturally her. Even Mo Anqi's father Mo Wenxuan doesn't know.

After Meng Feifan's reminder, MI Xiaoqiao's confused brain calmed down a little. When he remembered, he really had to say to Mo Wenxuan.

But Mo Wenxuan and manager Tang are still dealing with business outside. Mi Xiaoqiao doesn't want him to worry too much. He just vaguely tells him that angel is ill and asks him to come to the hospital first when he comes back.

When they arrived at the third people's Hospital, they hurried to the emergency department on the second floor. A young girl was waiting anxiously in the corridor outside.

She is beautiful and pure.

The skin color is crystal clear, the eyebrows are picturesque, with a beautiful and sweet melon seed face and a pair of jade like water cutting autumn pupils. The whole body is filled with a lovely breath of youth and beauty. Even Meng Feifan, who is used to seeing beautiful women, couldn't help looking more.

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