Soon, before the drug took effect, the third brother had already stopped breathing.

After getting rid of the third brother, Lin Qing collected all the supplies on him.

However, she did not plan to meet up with Black Mamba according to his plan.

Instead, she went directly in the direction of the system prompt.

She was in a hurry to get out of the room before, so she did not bring A013 with her. She was still a little uncomfortable to help him do some extra things.

The bracelet of the short man before was now in Lin Qing's hand.

Perhaps because of the role of the prop, his ID still indicated the state of survival, which made Lin Qing feel very surprised.

"This time, the person died, but the ID of the regional chat was still maintained. Is this because I am wearing this bracelet?"

If so, the bracelet will only detect the life signs of the player wearing it. What if someone picks up the bracelet and is worn by others?

Lin Qing frowned slightly, "It seems that this is not a good phenomenon."

As the third brother's ID went out, the messages from other people on the bracelet Lin Qing got kept ringing.

It looks like it was sent by Black Mamba and Lao Er.

Lin Qing sneered, pretending not to see it, and turned off the screen directly.

"Humph, you want to use my name, you are really talented."

They are talking about cooperation with other players under the banner of getting rich overnight.

In fact, they just want to snatch other people's treasure chests and supplies and put this hat on her head.

They have used this devilish trick more than once, and they want to use it again.

However, this method originally had no effect on her.

But now that she has discovered it, she is still very unhappy.

At this time, Lin Qing also saw the message sent to her by Lu Yan.

"Big rich man, I have found the task of the Lei Ze maze here. It is to obtain an item in a maze. I think it will be found soon."

"How is the situation on your side? Is it going well?"

Lin Qing's eyes lit up. Sure enough, this kid is lucky.

She thought for a moment and replied to him, "I have a problem here. I met a group of people called Black Mamba. I just solved it and am planning to explore."

"Black Mamba? He is in the same maze with you?" Lu Yan was obviously surprised, "You are not injured?"

Lin Qing responded to him while hurrying on his way, "It's okay, but this group of people are using my name to cause trouble. Please help me do something."

As she said, she sent the edited plan to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan quickly scanned it and nodded, "Okay, I understand. Just leave it to me."

Lin Qing nodded with satisfaction.

How could she let this group of people succeed so easily?

Soon, in the regional channel, Lu Yan posted a message:

"Family members, you have to be careful. It seems that someone is using the name of a rich man to cooperate with other players in the maze. But they are actually another group of people who want to seize the players' props. Especially players who have obtained maze points props, be careful and don't be fooled by their words."

Soon, his words caused an uproar in the channel chat.

Although there are not many surviving players now, they are still paying attention to the news in the channel, fearing that they will miss any important information.

"What? What's going on? Is it what I understand?"

"Oh my god, although the countdown is going on, you can't take advantage of the players' psychology to do this, right? If you have that time, can't you explore the maze more to increase your chances of survival?"

"Wait, the buddy who reminded us, have you encountered this? Have you ever asked for confirmation from the overnight rich man?"

"Answer online, I am the only player who has been certified by the overnight rich man, hehe, the others are all pretending."

"The person above is bragging, the overnight rich man has always been alone, will he let you hold his thigh?"

"Hehe, believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway, I received the news, so I specifically reminded you. If you encounter such a person, Running away is the right thing to do. "

"Fuck! Now that you mention it, I did meet a player in the maze just now, who said he wanted to cooperate with me, but I was timid, so I didn't agree to him and left quickly. It seems that I escaped. "

"I also met a group of people here, who said they wanted to share the supplies in our treasure chest. Fortunately, Sister Ghost was alert, and the other side was in a hurry and guilty, so we took the opportunity to escape. I was thinking about what the No. 1 boss in the region looked like, maybe we could work together, it seems that there is really no such thing as a pie in the sky. "

"Is the ghost mentioned above the third ghost boss in the region? I didn't expect this group of people to set their sights on this kind of boss, it seems really rampant! "

Although the countdown time continued, there were still many people who took a break from their busy schedule, and they all brushed the regional channel messages, condemning this despicable behavior.

When Lin Qing saw this message, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, one of the brother and sister players I met just now was actually a ghost.

As expected, appearances are not the best way to judge a person. I never expected that the ghost would be a girl with long silver-gray hair.

However, it does fit the image of a ghost.

Lin Qing only thought about it for a moment and quickly put this episode behind her.

After all, she is now using the prop of an actor's mask, but it can't last too long.

This will only reduce her exposure and avoid being entangled by Black Mamba's men. The current priority is to find the prop to pass the level.

At the same time, on the other side of the sand trap maze, seeing the news of the death of the third brother, Black Mamba had an ominous premonition.

Obviously, the two went out together, but now one is dead and the other is injured, and there is no news.

What is going on?

At this time, when the second brother saw the channel chat, his face was obviously ugly, and he pointed to Black Mamba, "Brother, our plan was exposed?"

Black Mamba glanced at the chat, which was basically a curse and venting sound, with a sneer in his eyes, "Which idiot is it that even the plan was exposed."

However, he currently has more than a dozen people under his command. It is not easy to find the person who betrayed the information in a short time.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to suppress the anger.

Since the overnight wealth disappeared, he could not find the news of this person in the divination horoscope, which made him have an ominous premonition.

After all, the overnight wealth disappeared too quickly. He knew he was going to kill her, but he didn't even have any means of fighting back, which was very surprising.

According to Black Mamba's understanding of this kind of person, she would definitely not give up easily.

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