On the way into the chapel, Xu Qian explained to Lin Qing:

"There is an old woman named Susan in the north of the village. Her family is poor, and her only daughter, Anna, has also gone to work in Earl Cain's manor. However, Susan said that Anna has not written to home for a year. . She wrote to the manor to inquire, but got no news, so she came to see the priest. "

"The priest of the church said that like Anna, there are many poor girls in nearby villages who disappear after entering the manor. At least in the past three years, five people have disappeared without explanation."

"You meet the priest and the old woman first, they are the key to triggering the main mission."

"Okay! Thank you!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Qing was a little surprised that the world could trigger a copy so easily this time.

Soon, she met the two key figures Xu Qian mentioned in the chapel.

The old woman was wrapped in a turban, with gray hair, a high bridge of nose and deeply sunken eye sockets.

At this time, she was sitting on a bench in the church, holding a cloth-covered basket in her hand, closing her eyes and lowering her head to pray.

As for the priest, he is a middle-aged man, wearing a shabby robe and a haggard face. He is making the sign of the cross on his chest and praying towards the statue of God.

After waiting, Lin Qing took the initiative to talk to two important NPCs, and the information he got was indeed similar to what Xu Qian said.

After the conversation, a system task also popped up on her bracelet:

[Ding, the player triggers the main storyline of the Vampire Manor dungeon! 】

[Dungeon Mission 1: Find and rescue the missing girl (not completed)]

[Dungeon Mission 2: Kill the Vampire Count Cain (not completed)]

[Dungeon Mission 1 Reward: Get a chance to upgrade your room (can be used to deduct material consumption for free)]

[Dungeon Mission 2 Reward: You can get a random material gift pack (including room upgrades, prop upgrades, and pet upgrade materials)]

Before Lin Qing could think about it, Xu Qian slapped Lin Qing on the shoulder again and said:

"How is it? Your system task has also been triggered."

Lin Qing nodded, "Yeah."

"That's good. The mission this time is very clear. The so-called Earl Cain is our dungeon boss that needs to be eliminated."

"We were worried about what name we would use to sneak into the count's manor, but you came unexpectedly. It's quite a coincidence."

Lin Qing said: "That is indeed a coincidence. My servant has just sent a villager to report the news. If the earl is willing, the person sent may arrive before two or three o'clock."

"And my identity is said to have happened to be robbed by bandits. You guys can just sneak into the team."

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Xu Qian's face instantly brightened, "Great. I'll tell the others first, and you should be prepared. If the count comes too, then we can kill him in the village."

After saying that, she had already left first.

Lin Qing glanced at the priest who was worrying about this matter, followed Xu Qian out, and met Lu Yan walking towards him.

Until Xu Qian led the group away, Lu Yan looked frightened.

"I'm scared to death, rich man. Fortunately, you didn't conflict with that woman. She is the ninth-ranked slasher on the World Channel, and her strength is very powerful. I saw her kill a robber with one punch. . Someone in the team was dissatisfied, and she gave him a lesson, so he became honest. "

From the very beginning, Lin Qing noticed something strange among the players and realized that this woman was not easy to deal with.

Unexpectedly, she was actually the ninth player, which really surprised her.

However, this did not harm her interests, so Lin Qing did not plan to conflict with her for the time being.

She asked Lu Yan next to her, "Why are you hanging out with them?"

Lu Yan waved his hand and said, "Forget it. When I went out, I walked into a windmill, and then I was robbed by bandits, so we joined forces to fight monsters. Then we explored the church and accidentally triggered the main mission."

"So that's it." Lin Qing nodded, noticing that her identity was indeed the most unique among them.

She told Lu Yan about her dungeon identity, and asked if there were any treasure chests nearby.

Lu Yan scratched his head and said, "That's not the case. It's strange, we only got the materials dropped from the robbers. Could it be that this world is special?"

"Maybe." Lin Qing nodded.

At this time, Lu Yan glanced at a few people discussing under a big tree not far away, and said quietly: "But boss, it seems that the villagers in this village are also capable of robbing. The eldest sister just now took the lead in robbing a lot of villagers' food. ”

Hearing this, Lin Qing was somewhat interested and looked at the villagers who were sneaking around not far away, "Oh, villagers can also rob?"

"Of course." Lu Yan frowned, "My eldest sister led people to break into the homes of many farmers. It seems that they have a lot of food reserves. However, I feel that although this is a mission world, you can't do anything that violates your conscience. That’s why I didn’t do it with her.”

After listening to Lu Yan's words, Lin Qing chuckled, "You are already trying to survive in this world. Maybe you will be the next one to die. You really have a lot of backbone."

As she said that, she also looked under the tree, and one of the male players happened to look over with a sinister look in his eyes, as if he had evil intentions.

Lin Qing's face remained as usual, and she smiled normally at the man, who also turned his head.

"Do you know who the other players are?"

Lu Yan glanced over there, "Well, I've almost figured it out. They shouldn't be ranked. One of the women is a little singer, but I don't remember them."

At this time, the old servant beside him also came over, "Miss, it's probably going to be a while before the earl comes, you should eat first."

He just went to the villagers' house to borrow firewood, and now he brought back a lot of firewood, planning to make lunch.


Lin Qing just took out the seized robbers' supplies and asked Lu Yan to fetch a bucket of water from the small river next to him, planning to cook a pot of oatmeal and wild vegetable porridge.

The old servant just set up a wooden rack, took out a piece of horse meat he had just obtained, cut it into small pieces, and put it on a wooden stick to roast.

Soon, the delicious horse meat was roasted and smelled, and it drifted to the other people with the wind, causing them to look over from time to time.

Lu Yan was also surprised, "Wow, boss, what kind of meat is this? It smells so good!"

"Horse meat."

"Horse meat?" Lu Yan was surprised, "This is a rare thing."

As the meat was roasted and sprinkled with cumin and seasonings, the taste became even more tempting.

At this time, several people under the big tree not far away finally couldn't sit still.

In addition to Xu Qian, several other players nearby couldn't help but come over, led by a young-looking woman, "Your barbecue smells so good, can we use our own food to exchange some barbecue from you?"

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