Lin Qing understood what Quincy meant.

Although opening boxes is exciting, there are obviously dangers involved.

Although she has a prompt system at hand, this is also a dangerous job.

What's more, Quincy seemed to be showing his loyalty to her, and Lin Qing was happy to give him this opportunity.

She said simply: "Then help me open it. Open the silver box first."

"Good master."

Just as Quincy walked over, Lin Qing's eyelids suddenly twitched, with a vague premonition, and then he heard the sound of the system popping up:

[Ding, congratulations to the player who became rich overnight and successfully obtained the precious silver treasure chest! 】

[After the zone is merged, the player becomes rich overnight and is the first player to obtain the silver treasure chest, and the world notification will be opened. 】

[World Channel Announcement: Player ID (get rich overnight), got the world's first trigger silver treasure chest reward in the instance of Vampire Manor. Congratulations to the player - got rich overnight, and achieved the world's first trigger achievement! 】

[Reward for triggering the silver treasure chest for the first time: 40 world gold coins. The prizes have been distributed to backpacks, players please pay attention to check them! 】

Hearing the announcement from the World Channel, Lin Qing was shocked again.

Although she had successfully developed a thick skin, this dog system still shocked her.

It's still a proper capitalist style to find something for her to attract hatred.

She knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Obviously, as soon as this news came out, it caused an uproar in the world channel, and there was an explosion of news in an instant:

"Damn it! I've never heard of a silver treasure chest. Is this a new type of treasure chest?"

"The first notification was actually achieved. Who is this big shot? I'm really envious."

"Silver treasure chest? I remember that before the zone was merged, the highest-level chests that players could obtain were basically only copper treasure chests. Could it be that this is a level higher than the copper treasure chest?"

"I didn't expect to become rich overnight. She was the number one in our area before. I feel that after the merger of the areas, the boss will be stable~"

"Haha, you got rich overnight? Isn't it ranked tenth now? What's the glory before? Now that you become the number one after merging districts, that's strength. The number one now is the Crazy Soldier. If you have the ability, and the Crazy Soldier Let’s compare, guys!”

"Upstairs, what we are discussing is the silver treasure chest. Why are you bringing up the ranking? Is it because you feel sad or because you have a grudge against someone who got rich overnight? Are you stepping on each other like this?"

"Let me prove that this person named Blue Thunder had a small feud with a regional channel who became rich overnight. However, this person has no hard power. He specializes in talking and confusing right and wrong. Otherwise, he would not be in trouble. Now you can’t even get into the top 100.”

"Hahahaha, it turns out that's the case, doesn't it make sense? There's no way you can start taunting people out of nowhere. This is simply out of nowhere, like a mad dog."

"@ Get rich overnight, boss, can you reveal a little bit of information? How to get the silver treasure chest, I haven't even seen a shadow."

"Yeah, @ Get Rich Overnight, boss, can you tell me what's in the silver treasure chest? I'm really curious."

At this time, Xu Qian, who was browsing the channel and chatting, was obviously shocked when she saw the news.

Got rich overnight and got a silver treasure chest? !

Unexpectedly, she was just ejected from the dungeon world for a while, and this person took advantage of her loophole, explored such a precious box in the castle, and was notified by the game system.

She felt more and more regretful, feeling jealous and resentful.

If a little star hadn't taken it upon herself to make a series of things happen, then she would have been the player who got the silver treasure chest.

At this time, a message happened to be sent, "Xu Qian, didn't I remember you telling me that the dungeon you went to was a vampire manor? How come you were robbed of a treasure chest with your strength? What is the origin of that overnight wealth? ?”

Seeing these questions, Xu Qian became increasingly irritable, "So what? I just made a slight mistake and someone took advantage of me. It's just a silver treasure chest, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

The man replied to her message: "Hmph, as expected, the one who got rich overnight is still below your ranking. If she really completed the task by herself, it would be the most surprising to discover the silver treasure chest. I understand, this hatred I’ll remember it for you and report it to you if I have the chance.”

Seeing this, Xu Qian's face lit up, "Okay, Brother Zhao Lei, I'll leave it to you!"

"Okay, I'll take care of it. I'm a little busy here. Let's talk when we have time."

After saying that, the man had already hurriedly logged off.

Xu Qian looked at the chat message and snorted coldly.

Although she knew deep down in her heart that if she hadn't gotten rich overnight and caused those things, she might have fallen into that copy even with the Mirror Demon around.

But I couldn't swallow this breath.

She was obviously ranked the highest in this dungeon, but she was actually pushed down by the people below. That was extremely unpleasant.

Now of course it would be a pleasure if someone helped me.

At this moment, she noticed that an unexpected message was inserted into the chat about the silver treasure chest and getting rich overnight.

"I'm going, I finally escaped from that damn dungeon, and I can breathe a sigh of relief. I'm kindhearted and would like to remind you that when you encounter the world of infinite stairs, it's best not to stop for a moment and run to the stairs above. . Only physical players can survive in this world, and the rest will be lucky.”

"What is the world of stairs? Can the poster above explain it more clearly?"

"Damn, I just came back from that world, it almost killed me, it's really hard to collapse, I advise everyone to pay more attention to speed training and improvement. Otherwise it's really hard to hold on."

"Me too, I feel like I'm going to die, I thought I was going to die there, if I hadn't run forward with my eyes covered, I would really kneel down."

"I vomited from climbing stairs, I never want to climb stairs again."

Suddenly, so many players came in to discuss, and the word infinite stairs was used for a while, and even the news about the silver treasure chest was temporarily wiped out.

At this time, a message from Lin Ning popped up on Lin Qing's bracelet:

"Ahhh sister, I'm back, that damn infinite stairs, I finally left there."

"Wow, I'm so touched, I can eat delicious barbecue when I come back, I feel alive instantly."

Lin Qing was shocked, and when he clicked in, he also glanced at the world channel, and found that many people were using this word.

Her expression tensed, "What's going on?"

Lin Ning was eating barbecue to replenish his energy, and tearfully told Lin Qing what had happened.

"I don't know what happened either. When I opened the door, there was a long, long, inclined spiral staircase, and then I heard a sound coming from behind. Guess what? There was a dense crowd of players behind them, followed by a group of monsters."

"At the back, I could see a very large boulder, as tall as a building with more than ten floors, and then it rolled forward. I had no choice but to run forward as hard as I could."

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