Lin Qing took the bronze scissors in her hand, which was quite heavy.

This item called paper-cutting knife could actually cut paper figures and then explore the way.

Although it was only a B-level item, it played a significant role.

For survival players, exploring in the dungeon world was full of dangers, and they might lose their lives if they were not careful.

With the paper figures that could be driven, they could explore the way ahead and avoid the dangers.

Lin Qing had a prompt system, but she could only get partial information. Although she had A013 as a helper, she knew in her heart that she would not be completely sure once she faced a more advanced dungeon world.

Now with the paper-cutting knife in her hand, she could feel more secure.

"It's a pity that this item can only be used three times, and I don't know how long the paper man can last. It would be better if it lasted longer."

"And it can only be used in the world where spirits can communicate, which seems to be quite restrictive. But that's true. If it can be used in all worlds, the function of this thing will be amazing."

Lin Qing sighed and put the item into the space backpack.

Just when she was about to continue reading, she suddenly realized a fact.

Most of the items she has obtained so far have a limited number of uses.

Only a few items, such as the Wind Breath Silver Ring and the chameleon scales, which are dropped by animals, have no use restrictions.

This means that even if the item is obtained, the player cannot have a moment of peace, after all, the number of uses of this thing is limited, and it will be gone after it is used up.

There are many items in Lin Qing's hand that have been used, such as the magic cube that she can use to escape, which now only has two usage rights left.

Once it has been used twice, if she cannot find a new similar prop, then if she enters some more dangerous dungeon worlds again, it may be dangerous.

"It seems that I still have to work harder in the future and open more treasure chests to stock up some props."

Lin Qing sighed in his heart, his eyes fell on Quincy's face.

The demon still had no reaction, and it seemed that he was accustomed to Lin Qing's skillful behavior of collecting props.

But who can know what this demon is really thinking?

"By the way, butler, do you know the prop master?"

Lin Qing asked casually, testing his tone.

As expected, after hearing this word, Quincy smiled knowingly and nodded slightly, saying, "Of course, prop masters are a very famous profession and are highly respected in every world."

"But most prop masters are elusive and will not easily reveal their identities. Even if they appear, they are generally unknown. Even master-level prop masters, except for some with eccentric personalities, are unwilling to reveal their identities.

"After all, no matter which world you are in, having a suitable prop is the key to the survival of the survivors. If it is discovered by some people with bad intentions, it may be dangerous."

After hearing his words, Lin Qing nodded and murmured, "Sure enough. ”

Some of the props in the treasure chests she has encountered so far will introduce the identity of the maker, but not many.

The few that are rare will list the contact information of the middleman, that is, the world merchant.

The props opened in the treasure chest are generally used a limited number of times. If you want them again, you can only buy them from a specific prop master through a specific merchant.

So, the props put in these treasure chests can barely be regarded as trial products for advertising.

Especially some consumable props, or damaged props, can only be repurchased with a stable supply.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing's eyes were filled with tears.

A sense of being a cow and horse by fate surged in my heart.

What kind of miserable world is this?

In order to survive, players must explore the world to find treasure chests in order to obtain resources and props.

Once you have props, they will also be consumed, so you can only keep earning world gold coins to buy props to resist the dangers of the copy world.

And the price of this prop is not cheap.

The dead are dead, and the living have become hamsters on a perpetual motion machine. They can only run forward continuously to avoid being chased by the footsteps of death. Follow.

But the good news is that Lin Qing has obtained her own copy world and learned about the coinage rights, so she can finally see the hope of a fixed source of funds.

And she also received an invitation letter from a prop master, so she has the hope of becoming a prop master and making her own props, so she shouldn't have to spend money.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing became a little uncertain.

After all, the official of this game is still quite dog, and this kind of behavior that is considered to be taking advantage can actually be allowed by it.

But think about it, since Quincy just said that prop masters are very rare, even if they appear in the crowd, they will be extremely low-key.

No wonder they are used to this.

If there are a few prop masters, it will become a perpetual motion machine for making money, and there will be a constant supply of props.

If someone with ulterior motives catches her and puts her in a small dark room, the ending is really unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing thinks it is better to protect her invitation letter.

After all, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about it.

If others know about it, it will really be a child carrying gold in a busy city.

She may not be afraid of one player, but she will not be afraid of a group of players.

The emergence of this information point also made Lin Qing realize that perhaps this is one of the reasons why those dungeon bosses would recruit powerful human players.

A powerful player can bring endless resources to his followers by exploring the world.

If he can become a prop master, his future will be even more immeasurable.

At this moment, this mysterious room survival game finally revealed its secret corner to Lin Qing, but it also brought more questions to Lin Qing.

What confused her most was whether there would really be a player who could complete the final clearance?

What would be the result of the clearance?

Everything seemed unknown.

With many doubts, Lin Qing once again forced herself to cheer up, clean up the remaining props, and pick out the ones that were useful to her.

She was holding a silver-white umbrella in her hand.

It looked like it was made of some hard metal, like some kind of mechanical prop in the martial arts movies that Lin Qing had seen.

However, when Lin Qing checked its function, she was surprised to find that it was actually a defensive prop.

[Name: Silver Umbrella]

[Level: B-level]

[Number of uses: three times]

[Function: Turn the umbrella handle to open the umbrella's defense mode. The umbrella will deploy a defense barrier to protect the player from danger.]

[Note: This item was developed by a scientist. The original laser defense barrier has been changed after the world transformation, and aura storage and formation carving have been added to form an aura barrier]

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