The peddler's eyes lit up when he saw the three-headed mutant black fish.

He traced the fish sealed in the giant glass, and put his palm on the glass surface, looking very excited.

"Not bad, not bad, specimens of this special world are very rare, and the guest really gave me a big surprise. This trip is really worth it!"

"Special world?"

Lin Qing caught this word from his words, "Is it because the origin here has changed?"

The peddler smiled and said, "Almost. But places that can be so chaotic are not common. If the guest was not here, we would not want to come to such a place."

The peddler spoke ambiguously and did not intend to continue to reveal.

Lin Qing was used to this kind of riddle man, and he was thoughtful.

It seems that the peddler, a special existence, knows a lot of information, but unfortunately, he said too little.

At this time, the voice of the peddler came from the glass wall, "After evaluation, this big fish is born in a special copy, so it is more scarce, but because it is less dangerous, I can only give you 120 gold coins."

"120 gold coins?"

This price is still much lower than Lin Qing's psychological price.

The peddler nodded, "Since you just completed a transaction, I will increase your quota by 30 gold coins, a total of 150 world gold coins, how about it?"

"150 gold coins, it's quite appropriate."

Lin Qing nodded slightly. After all, the black fluid last time was quite special, and she still spent a lot of effort to catch it. That guy was more dangerous, so the peddler gave a higher valuation.

Although this big fish cost Lin Qing an A-level item, she also got a treasure chest, so it was not a loss.

"Okay, since the guest agreed, I will pay and put this monster away."

As he said, he took out a purse from the backpack and counted out 150 world gold coins.

Lin Qing put it away after confirming that it was correct.

At this time, she saw the peddler put the backpack in front of the sealed storage space, and then knocked on the glass.

At this moment, the big fish lying in the space was wrapped by a black force, penetrated the glass cover, and flew into the backpack.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qing was still a little surprised.

A big fish more than three meters long just shrunk into the basket with a diameter of half a meter, as if it was sucked into a black hole and disappeared.

Lin Qing estimated that his bamboo backpack should also be a space artifact to be able to hold so many things.

"Okay, the transaction is completed, and we have a happy cooperation!"

After putting the big fish away, the peddler directly carried it on his back and said goodbye to Lin Qing.

As soon as the door opened, he hurried away from here as if he had something to do.

Lin Qing:.

She was still thinking about asking him what props he had on him.


Lin Qing weighed the purse in his hand. Except for the cost of buying holy water, it was still a small profit.

People, sometimes, can't be too greedy.

She still understands this truth.

After sending the merchant away, Lin Qing was about to go back when he turned around and found Ergou not far away.

But he looked a little strange, staring at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was alert, but seeing that he didn't move, he asked tentatively, "Ergou?"

In the hazy rain, Ergou's figure looked a little cold.

He walked over slowly, as if he had noticed something, and there was a hint of stubbornness in his eyes.

"You are not Xiaoqi!"

His words were not questions but statements, and it seemed that he had confirmed this fact.

Lin Qing didn't know where he noticed it from, and didn't admit it immediately, waiting for him to continue.

"Xiaoqi is not that powerful, Xiaoqi, believe me, Xiaoqi won't leave me alone, Xiaoqi she..."

Ergou muttered in his mouth, his expression was a little crazy for a while, as if he was in a closed state.

Lin Qing's last impression of him was still in the cafeteria.

Now that he has done this, it seems that he has learned part of the facts and the truth has been exposed.

However, Lin Qing continued to ask his question, "How do you know I'm not?"

Ergou started crying, "I didn't lose my memory. It was you who saved so many people underwater. I saw it with my own eyes. It wasn't the eldest brother. Xiaoqi and I grew up together. She is not as awesome as you. No matter who you are, you are in Xiaoqi's body, come out quickly!"

He looked a little sad, and even lifted up a winding scar on his belly and said, "This is the proof. I was saved by you at that time!"

Lin Qing: This eldest brother's magic to reverse the facts is not very strong. He can't even deceive a child.

However, it doesn't make sense for her to admit it now.

Besides, this world is not over yet. Lin Qing doesn't know what the consequences of denying her identity will be, so she doesn't plan to respond.

She scratched her head, "You must have remembered it wrongly. If you don't believe me, go ask the eldest brother?"

"No, I won't go. There is something wrong with this sect. When my intestines came out, I found that there was a worm growing in my body. Woohoo, am I a worm or Ergou now?"

Ergou looked extremely helpless. He squatted at the door of the thatched house with his legs hugged and dared not enter the house. The drizzling rain wet his face.

Lin Qing was also very surprised. She didn't expect that this person could still react.

She thought this was an ordinary NPC, but she didn't expect it to be awakened.

Thinking of what happened last night, Lin Qing frowned, "Were you here last night? Do you know what's here?"

Ergou cried loudly, "Who knows? There's just a broken stone standing at the door. Who knows what it is?"

Lin Qing's heart moved.

From what he said, Ergou seemed to be immune to these things?

She looked at his belly. Was it because of the influence of the fairy insect, or did this guy have this ability?

Thinking of this, Lin Qing sighed and comforted him:

"Whether I am Xiao Qi or not, we still have to live our lives in the future. Now that you have seen clearly, think about how to move forward."

Er Gou did not seem to be comforted at all, "Where can this go? Woo woo woo, I didn't expect that the so-called immortal sect has become a black shop. It's better to stay in the crowd and wait for death."

Lin Qing: "At least you have the ability now. It's not bad to go down the mountain to make some food. Listen to me, don't stay in the mountain any more."

Er Gou nodded as if he understood, sniffed his nose and said: "That's true, at least I can pretend to be a great immortal to fool people. After all, being cut and being able to recover quickly is an ability that ordinary people can't have."

Lin Qing felt that he had gone off track.

However, this is at least a motivation to support people to live, so he did not reject him.

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