Room Survival: I knew the clues behind the door in advance

Chapter 261 World 10: Abandoned Space Station

Before she even left the room, Lin Qing's heart felt cold.

But soon, she calmed down quickly.

Since she is randomly selected according to probability, there are still many useful props in her space backpack, as well as some conventional weapons she has accumulated, so there is still great hope.

Lin Qing first took out the complete space suit from the space backpack and put on the life support system according to the instructions.

This is to prevent the external environment from being unstable and to prevent it from being placed in a damaged location of an abandoned space station. After all, according to the trend of this game becoming more and more bad, this is not impossible to happen.

According to the extremely cold radiation environment in outer space, if the body is really exposed, it will only die.

Before leaving, Lin Qing waved to the little bear like a chubby bear, "Let's go, little bear! Take care of the family!"

"Okay Master! Come on!"

Little Bear also noticed that this world update was unusual and cheered Lin Qing up.

Lin Qing had already sensed that there was an invisible force repelling her.

The survival system is indeed right.

This time I had to go out and explore anyway.

Lin Qing took a deep breath first, and instantly fresh oxygen was sucked into her lungs. Her heart beat like a drum and pumped blood rapidly, transporting the nutrients in the blood to all parts of her body.

She felt her mind clearing up a lot, and then she grasped the metal door handle of the room.

"Huh, I hope this exploration goes well too!"


The lightless metal cabin was covered with a thick layer of space dust.

Outside the glass porthole made of composite materials, there is a huge yellow planet.

On the surface of the planet, there is a huge typhoon eye formed, like a black abyss-like eye, staring directly at this lonely space station floating in a rotating orbit.

The first thing Lin Qing saw after stepping out of the room was this scene.

She subconsciously took a step back.

This was a fear that came from deep within her genes, making her feel the oppression of the huge planet.

The gaze from the giant, the weakness of human beings, and the vast black and lonely background of the universe.

Although Lin Qing had already seen this scene in the room once when he was in the deep space world, he had to deny that there was an inherent sense of oppression in this cosmic background.

"Huh, forget it, it's better not to read it. Otherwise, you will have a fear of giant objects in a while."

Lin Qing reacted and moved her eyes away from the porthole to avoid being controlled by the emotions from deep inside her body again.

If she were traveling to heaven, she could calmly adjust her mentality and enjoy the grand scene and beautiful scenery. But this is a survival world, and she has not forgotten that one of her tasks is to explore, so she needs to start quickly.

Before triggering the main mission, she had to try her best to find the weapons arsenal of this space station and replenish weapons.

Thinking of this, she felt a little calmer.

Then I opened the space backpack and checked what props could be used this time, so I had a good idea.

But when Lin Qing saw which three items they were, she was instantly dumbfounded.

In the item column of the space backpack, almost all the item frames were darkened, with only three A-level items shining brightly——

These are the Insect Mother Core, the Breath of Wind Silver Ring, and the Time-Reversing Hourglass.

"Holy crap! What's going on? Don't I still have a few repetitive props? Even the puppet strings can help me control my own people. There is no protective prop. Is there really no shady behind the random selection of this system? ?”

Lin Qing couldn't bear it anymore.

First of all, she was extremely repulsive to the first prop, the Insect Mother Core.

After all, this thing is basically unsolvable. The imitating adult queen doesn't even recognize the identity of a human being, and she doesn't know how to undo it.

She definitely can't use it.

Three props are considered useless.

The second prop was okay. It retained the silver wind breath ring she used to save her life. At least it could buy her some time to escape.

Then there is the hourglass against time. Although this item is very unnatural, it will also seriously damage the player's body. It is best to need the cooperation of healing items.

If healing props cannot be found on the space station and are used in an extremely dangerous environment, even if the situation is reversed for a period of time, it will not be good news for players exploring alone.

Come on, this is basically missing two pieces.

"Tiancan starts the game, who else could it be if it wasn't me?"

Faced with the pressure of survival, Lin Qing teased herself and then looked around.

This cabin looks like a resting area for experimenters. Apart from some broken daily necessities, there is basically nothing usable.

She had to leave here quickly and go somewhere else.

But first, gotta get out of this damn place.

Lin Qing studied the cabin door. It seemed that it was a door controlled by an intelligent system and required a card swipe to open the door.

But where are employees stuck?

Lin Qing: That’s a really good question!

This space suit is a bit too bulky, and I can barely turn around in the cabin. It seems to be a bit difficult to find things here.

"If I take off this spacesuit, will something happen? After all, this is an abandoned building, and maybe even the oxygen supply system is broken." Lin Qing hesitated.

But before he finished speaking, a headset on the spacesuit helmet suddenly made a sound, "Welcome to the γ space station, lander! Barbara, the independent intelligent system of the space station, is here to provide you with services. I will explain your problem to you next." "

"Due to unexpected circumstances, the explosion occurred in the east wing of the space station, which is the experimental area, but the life support system is in the west wing and is still in good condition. The lander is in the employee area. The environment here is normal and they can be removed. Helmet for breathing.”

When she heard the sound, Lin Qing was still shocked for a moment.

However, Barbara, who claimed to be the intelligent system of the space station, really sounded like she was solving her doubts, so Lin Qing continued to listen.

She thought to herself: "I don't know how long this place has been abandoned, but it still maintains a good environment, and even the intelligent system can run normally. It looks like it should be a fairly high-tech civilization."

This place is at least much more advanced than Blue Star.

However, Lin Qing did not retain complete trust in the system that intelligently connected to the headset.

After all, in this strange situation, a strange artificial intelligence tells you that the environment is okay.

If you really believe it, just take off your helmet and your brain will show off.

Lin Qing took out the instruction manual and quietly followed the steps to operate the space suit's detector. He was relieved when he saw the normal oxygen content and normal adaptation data displayed on the screen.

"It seems that this artificial intelligence didn't lie to me. It's actually quite friendly."

Lin Qing said in her heart.

But she suddenly had a question, why did the artificial intelligence identify her as a logged-in person?

After all, the prompt system said that she was exploring with the identity of a survivor.

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