"Ken came back from the ground this time and brought back more eggs, but he was also injured, and it looked very seriously injured. Oh my god, I really hope he can survive it. I didn't expect that the seemingly docile bugs would... He was so brutal when he attacked."

The owner of this log has very complete records. Although some of the ground is filled with his own thoughts, Chen Jun still knows a lot of information he wants to get.

It seemed that this person should be the doctor's assistant and should know a lot of information, so she continued reading.

"The Doctor seems to be too obsessed with Zerg research recently. I don't know why. Every time I see her, I always feel that her eyes are full of madness that I don't understand. After all, she is Blue Star's top biological scientist. A Doctor can become a Doctor. , it should be this kind of spirit, I feel that it is far from the spirit of a doctor, and lacks the madness of a scientist."

"Perhaps, the doctor's ideas are sometimes too advanced. Although we are studying Zerg, at least we cannot do it in a way that violates ethics. Others in the team are also routinely objecting. It seems that I am not the only one who disagrees with this. thing.”

"Although Barbara is the child of the Doctor, it sounds crazy to use her to verify whether a certain gene of the Zerg is feasible. Although Barbara does not have much time to live due to cancer, it is better than letting her be a Experimenter, I still hope she can spend this time happily."

"Barbara is really well? This seems to prove that the doctor's theory is successful. Alas, but I always feel that using the genes of the Zerg is not a good thing. In my opinion, this kind of creature is too powerful and too abnormal. After all, as long as it has a head , can grow all over the body. Isn’t this something that only the devils of hell can do? Anyway, I started to shrink back and took a period of leave. I no longer wanted to participate in the doctor’s research and took care of the unconscious ones. Ken.”

"I heard from colleagues in other groups that the unique planetary energy can cause destructive impact even for some powerful bugs. This kind of energy that is very clean and can be obtained at random quickly aroused the love of the ground exploration team. This sounds really good, but the bugs on the ground are also innocent. Alas, I cannot stop this trend alone."

"Doctor, she, how could she have such an idea? I was really frightened. Although we have achieved a lot of research results with the in-depth research on Zerg, it is too bold. I really hope that the doctor can do well. Think about it."

"Perhaps the doctor is right. It is not just humans who have the most advantage in the universe. Could it be that the future really belongs to these bugs? They seem to have some kind of specific communication network. When a bug learns one thing, even if it is far away Thousands of miles away, other bugs can learn the same thing, but they have their own understanding.”

"After this experiment, I have really changed my view on bugs. Compared with humans, the advantages of this race are really too powerful. I really don't know what to do."

When I saw this, the diary record stopped abruptly and stayed on July 28.

Chen Jun thought thoughtfully. The doctor had already tried to brainwash them, so Chen Jun had no obstacles when reading these logs.

Based on the summary of these data, one thing that can be summarized is:

This explorer from Blue Star was attracted by the energy of the planet, came to conduct observations and records, and then discovered alien creatures.

Among them, researchers led by doctors have studied this group and even mastered methods to control them.

Combined with the current situation of the space station, the reason for the change here is closely related to the doctor's experiment.

Maybe it was this lunatic who took the initiative to achieve his own goals.

It's a pity that these explorers, the data they worked so hard to explore, only became a doctor.

At this moment, Xiao Qiao also made a new discovery, "Brother General! An experimenter here recorded that the doctors and the others have mastered the method of controlling the Zerg, which is to fabricate a fusion life form of the advanced Zerg. Because of these Bugs move in a hierarchy from top to bottom, so this is the best way to control them."

Chen Jun nodded: "The mad scientist just said that she has created a new god that can fuse humans and insect mothers. If Kuaifu hadn't been prepared in advance, we would have failed the mission."

William: "Don't you already know everything you said? Look at my research on the Zerg ruins. It is said that the Zerg mother is the origin and master of everything. It can also be regarded as their god. The Zerg relies on the spiritual network to If they lose the insect mother, they will lose many opportunities to evolve. If the insect mother is found, the insect race will regain its glory and will not even live on a small planet, or even head towards the universe."

Chen Jun: "The doctor also seemed to have mentioned that the new human being can do this. The reason why she worked so hard to change is because she wants to dominate the universe? But indeed, if it can evolve into a creature that can survive in a vacuum, this is simply super. Human beings exist, no wonder the Doctor can be so crazy about it.”

But even though they have explored so much, there is still no news about the progress of mission two.

Lin Qing's current condition does not look good. If mission two cannot be completed within 36 hours, it means that they will not be able to unlock more props.

This is not the way to go.

Chen Jun thought about what she had missed in what she had just read.

After all, there are quite a few logs stored here, and the content is enough.

Since Lin Qing arranged them to enter here, she must have her ideas.

But even if the three of them read for 36 hours without sleep, they can't finish reading one tenth of the content of these logs.

For the investigators who landed in this abandoned space station, the doctor was so afraid that she even wanted to control these humans. It must be because her experiment also attracted the attention of other humans.

After all, the disappearance of an exploration base will definitely attract other explorers.

Not to mention that this space station has been abandoned for such a long time, even if it has become a ghost ship.

At this time, William suddenly discovered something:

"This researcher said that it is impossible for the genes of humans and Zerg to merge. The genes of Zerg are too powerful. This can only be regarded as engulfment. In the case of irreversible gene engulfment, human genes can only be fused into part of the Zerg genes. This is also the reason why the other faction opposes it."

"Gene reversal potion can only be used before the transformation into Zerg is completed. It seems that the mutant player can still be saved"

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