As for the reason why Lin Qing didn't want to cooperate with Golden Sun, in addition to the fact that the two of them were similar in strength, Lin Qing was a little afraid of him.

Another thing was that Lin Qing suspected that the players in the front row might cooperate with some dungeon bosses.

After all, Lin Qing had experienced this situation.

If it was some bosses with special abilities, even Lin Qing was not sure that they would not fall into the trap.

At this time, when forming a team, competition and danger coexist.

She didn't want to take too much risk for the time being, so she chose to refuse.

At this time, Zhang Lan went around again, and I didn't know where he came from, and said in a somewhat anxious tone: "It's not good, Qing, this foothold of Eden doesn't exist. I can't contact the organization now, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Lin Qing was a little surprised.

Zhang Lan's face was hidden behind the mask, and his eyes were extremely panicked, and he didn't look like he was lying.

Lin Qing stared at her for a while and said, "You can't find the original place to stay? Then you don't have an emergency transfer plan, or under what circumstances will the transfer happen?"

Zhang Lan's panicked expression stabilized a little, and she forced herself to think about it, muttering, "What's the situation? What's the situation? There is no information left. Oh, I remember that unless Eden is attacked, all the teams outside will be recalled."

Her eyes widened instantly, and she trembled uncontrollably and said, "It's Eden that's in trouble!"

Zhang Lan held Mianmian in her arms and took two steps back, "What should we do? Mianmian will lose control of the medicine and something will happen!"

Hearing this, Lin Qing realized that Mianmian was more concerned than Eden's accident.

However, it was obvious that Zhang Lan had concealed something from her, so she asked:

"Is this why you are in a hurry to get back to the base?"

He was willing to leave all the anti-radiation drugs to Lin Qing and hire her to get back to the base.

This was obviously beyond Zhang Lan's expectations.

She looked a little absent-minded, "Yes, that's right. Mianmian not only has leukemia and needs to take medicine, but also has supernatural powers in her body. This time we left for too long, and Mianmian didn't take the medicine in time, which caused her to lose control of her abilities."

"If she doesn't take the medicine, Mianmian will have no time. The running supernatural powers will cause her to explode and die."

Lin Qing was also very surprised.

She thought that it was the group of people who blocked the road that caused the little girl to lose control of her emotions, but she didn't expect that there was such a thing.

Medicine that suppresses supernatural powers, it seems that this Eden has more than she imagined.

Faced with Mianmian's problem, Lin Qing was powerless.

However, in this case, would her mission be considered a failure?

Lin Qing was unwilling to give up the random allocation of 50 points.

She thought for a while and asked: "Zhang Lan, don't worry. This kind of medicine is only available in Eden, right?"

"Yes." Zhang Lan nodded. She still looked a little panicked, but she understood what Lin Qing meant.

"Eden is a little too far from here. Even if we drive away, Mianmian's illness won't delay for so long. And now it's getting dark, those mutant beasts will come out, and it will be more dangerous outside."

Lin Qing: "Do you know the way back to Eden? I can take you back."

The bases of such organizations are generally kept secret, and I don't know if Zhang Lan is willing to take her back.

Zhang Lan nodded, "I know. But."

Lin Qing interrupted her in time, "No buts. Let's go now, I promise to arrive faster than you expect."

Lin Qing still decided to use his chariot weapons.

Only in this way can we race against time and complete the escort mission while letting her complete Mission 2.

As she said, she planned to go out along the original route, and Zhang Lan followed her.

There is no way now, only to try the method of this lone traveler.

Although Zhang Lan didn't know what method this person would use, it always made her heart rise with a glimmer of hope.

She didn't want Mianmian to leave her.

Mianmian couldn't die.

It was this belief that supported her.

At this moment, a noisy sound suddenly came from the street not far away. It seemed that someone broke in here. The gang in charge of this town fought with the intruder. This small-scale battle was still very fierce.

Zhang Lan looked accustomed to it. "This is the territory of the ghost dough. The Qinglong Gang has repeatedly broken the rules here. The two sides are very unfavorable. However, the Qinglong Gang is expanding too fast. They even dare to move people from Eden. Could it be that they have mastered new survivors with superpowers and are so unscrupulous?"

Zhang Lan guessed and said to Lin Qing: "Let's go. There is more than one entrance to the town. Let's take another road."

As she said, she went into a remote street again.

Lin Qing followed.

After all, Zhang Lan is more familiar with the terrain here.

Soon, Lin Qing, led by Zhang Lan, walked out from a slope exit in the dim light.

After the sun set, the sand dunes here seemed to be covered with a layer of cold shadow, and the howling of mutant beasts from farther away could be heard faintly.

After coming out, Zhang Lan, who was a little drunk, sobered up for a moment when she was blown by the cold wind.

After all, she had never seen any vehicle or tools of this lone traveler, and now the vehicle was also abandoned at the entrance far away, and she didn't know if it was still there.

"Miss Qing, how do we get there?"

Lin Qing flicked his wireless headset and said directly to Barbara at another exit: "I'm here, come here."

"Okay, I received your request, driver. I'm about to arrive."

Barbara's voice came from the headset, and Lin Qing's heart stabilized for a moment.

At present, only with the help of the speed of the omnipotent chariot can it arrive before the scheduled time.

But this caused a problem, Lin Qing had to let Zhang Lan and Mianmian enter the car.

During the time they spent together, Lin Qing and Zhang Lan got along quite well. Except for a strange feeling on her, there was no threat from these two people.

This was also the reason why Lin Qing planned to let them in.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary problems, Lin Qing specially found a blindfold and asked Zhang Lan to wear it, then took her hand and said: "Now you tell me the direction, I will determine the location of Eden. But in this process, you can't open your eyes, and Mianmian can't come out to see. Zhang Lan, do you agree?"

"Okay, I agree." Zhang Lan hesitated for a while, but still nodded.

She has now tried her best.

Mianmian's condition is urgent, and she has no other choice but to choose this lone traveler temporarily.

For some reason, Zhang Lan always feels that this person has the same powerful aura as the leader, which makes people believe it.

She hopes Mianmian can survive!

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